Beautiful Man

Chapter 363 - Tony offers a plan! The dog jumped to the wall!

Hearing these words, Mr. President and Steve have looked up at him.

Tony said, "Hydra has been hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D. for so many years, it must be hiding very deep."

"There are tens of thousands of agents in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Washington headquarters alone, we have no idea who are the good guys and who are the bad guys, even if we capture Alexander, it won't help."

"So I think the best way is to get Hydra to come forward and then destroy them in one fell swoop."

The president asked, "Tell me more about your plan."

"My plan is to have the FBI agents go to the Triple Curve Wing building to arrest the people!"

Upon hearing this, the president sighed in disappointment, "Although the United States has the greatest say in S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. is, after all, an international organization. The current evidence is not enough to apprehend the Chairman of the Board of Governors of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Tony explained: "I'm not talking about arresting and returning to the case, or suspending the investigation!"

The president hesitated for a moment and said, "Even if it's a suspension and investigation, you need a reason."

Tony laughed: "The reason is very simple, the FBI received a real name report, Alexander suspected of premeditated assassination of the President, need to be suspended from duty to accept the investigation, Steve and I are the whistleblower."

The president thought about it, did not question it, and asked, "And then what?"

Tony said, "Alexander encountered allegations and will certainly call to explain to you."

Saying that, he pointed to Sitwell who was sitting paralyzed on the floor and said, "During your call, this person will suddenly shout so that Alexander will know that his cronies are under control."

At that, Sitwell looked up in bewilderment, thinking there was actually a scene for me.

The president shook his head and said, "This kind of fishing enforcement is not in line with the procedure, and someone else will catch a hold of it afterwards."

By others, he meant legislators and politicians from opposing parties.

Tony continued, "Sitwell doesn't have to say anything, just yell a few times. Alexander has a ghost in his heart, once he senses that something has happened to his cronies, he will definitely not go with the FBI, and will even jump to the wall. Mr. President, this matter concerns the safety and security of millions of people, it is worth taking a risk."

The president frowned and whipped Stark's proposal from start to finish.

If the facts are fifty percent similar to Steve's description, the risk is worth taking once.

And by agreeing to it at this point, Stark would owe himself a favor and wouldn't have to worry about campaign funding for next year's election.

After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Mr. President nodded his head and said, "Well, that's not a bad plan."

Steve and Tony looked at each other with joyful expressions on their faces.

"But ......" the president suddenly said, "What if Alexander is willing to be investigated?"

The smiles on Steve and Tony's faces gradually tightened.

Sure enough, ah, politicians are always most concerned about whether their position is secure.

If Alexander is not in trouble, the president's move is bound to annoy him.

A global largest intelligence organization's chairman of the board of directors, the hands of energy can not be underestimated.

Not to mention the other, is their mastery of all kinds of scandals, just throw a few out, you can make the political arena a ten magnitude earthquake.

After a moment of silence between the two, Steve stepped forward and said, "If he accepts the investigation and the investigation does not go wrong, I am willing to take all the responsibility."

"Hahahaha ......" the president laughed loudly and cheerfully, "I'm not qualified to, dispose of you, a national hero."

"Tell you what, if Alexander is willing to be investigated, I hope you will give up your resistance and come forward to S.H.I.E.L.D. to be investigated. There has to be an account of those murdered agents."

This is said in other words, once the plan fails you go to Alexander yourself to apologize.

At that, Steve did not have any hesitation, nodded and said, "A deal!"


The government officials and Secret Service agents accompanying him walked into the room.

Mr. President gave an order: let the Washington FBI immediately send someone to the Triple Curve Wing Building to bring back Alexander Pierce, the chairman of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s board of directors, to be investigated.

The reason: received a real name report that Alexander premeditated assassination of the President.

Hearing this news, officials and agents were all taken aback that

Alexander Pierce!

He is the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. ah.

Why would such a powerful man want to murder the president?

If it was true, why didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. get any news?

Even other government departments have never received similar information, even just a word.

Seeing the room 'Captain America' Steve Rogers, and 'Iron Man' Tony Stark ...... these people gradually understood in their hearts.

It should be these two gods through some special channels to learn the information, no wonder it is the real name report.

After the president's order, the Washington FBI immediately launched the arrangement.

And others must stay in the room, without orders not allowed to leave half a step.

At this time, Steve walked up to the president and whispered, "Mr. President, I want to go to Washington first."

Mr. President gave a meaningful smile: "Why?"

Steve replied, "If the plan succeeds, Alexander will definitely jump to the wall and forcibly start the 'Insight Program'. By then, S.H.I.E.L.D. is in chaos, and the people of Washington will be in danger."

"If I ambush in Washington in advance, I can protect the people and stop the 'Insight Plan', and at the same time delay the mobilization of troops for you."

At these words, Mr. President was silent.

Steve added, "I will stand by one kilometer away from the Triquad Wing building, while turning on the communicator to accept listening at any time. Never take a step closer until ordered to do so."

When he said these words, his face was serious, his expression sincere, without a trace of faking.

The president knows a lot of people and is a veteran in the political arena.

He could see at a glance that Steve did not mean what he said.

When discussing the plan just now, he had been considering whether the implementation of the plan would affect his approval rating, but ignored whether the plan would cause casualties among innocent agents and people.

But Steve did not ignore this point.

Mr. President finally understood why he would become the first superhero in history and why he would be the only candidate for the Super Soldier program.

After a slight hesitation, Mr. President nodded: "Okay, I promise you! But the communicator must be on at all times, and no action is strictly forbidden without orders!"

"As ordered, thank you!"

Seeing Mr. President nod his head, Tony immediately called, "Jarvis!"

"Yes, sir!"

The small door of the room opened and an intelligent robot walked in carrying a silver-white case.

Mr. President, the government officials, and those Secret Service agents stared at the case without blinking their eyes.

The Iron Warrior Armor is Tony Stark's gold standard.

But the people here have never even witnessed it, let alone experienced it firsthand.

Today, this wish can finally be realized.

Steve walked over and used his fingerprints to unlock the box.

The case immediately popped open, revealing a set of blue and white color matching shoulder bags.

"This is ......"

Everyone showed a puzzled expression, Steve looked to Tony and asked, "Second generation?"

Tony made the OK gesture: "The third generation."

Steve took out his backpack and put it on his back and found a red button in front of him.

He glanced at Tony and after getting a definite look, reached out and pressed the red button.


The duffel bag immediately flowed out a large amount of soft blue-white substance, wrapping Steve's body slowly.

Five seconds later, a new set of Team America battle armor appeared in the eyes of the crowd.

Steve excitedly asked: "What is this?"

Tony turned to face the crowd and said loudly: "The latest achievement of Stark Industries - nano battle armor."

The crowd of onlookers was wide-eyed and applauded enthusiastically.

Mr. President said excitedly: "This is the most satisfying weapon display I've ever seen!"

Tony, on the other hand, said modestly, "At present, the nanotechnology is still immature, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. My ultimate goal is to make the whole set of battle armor the size of a watch or a necklace."

After adapting for some time, Steve seriously saluted Mr. President and flew out of the Stark Building.


Washington, D.C., Triple Curve Wing Building.

Alexander was sitting at his desk, smoking a cigarette in annoyance.

Steve's whereabouts were unknown!

The Winter Soldier had not returned all night!

Now even Sitwell has lost contact!

What the hell is going on here?

Since the morning, he had been feeling anxious and had a feeling that something big was about to happen.


The phone at his desk rang and Alexander pressed the call button.


The voice of Rumlow, the leader of the special operations team, came out of the phone.

Since the death of Nick Fury, all departments of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been replaced by Alexander with his own people, especially the security department.

"What is it?"

"The FBI is here and says they have something important for you."

Puzzled, Alexander asked, "What do they want from me?"

Rumlow replied, "I didn't say, but there are a lot of people coming, and they are carrying guns, so I'm afraid they are not good."

Bad people?

In the territory of S.H.I.E.L.D., what right does the FBI have to be arrogant?

Alexander said: "Transfer a special forces team, 'escort' them to my office."

Rumlow smiled and said, "Understood!"

Soon, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents saw a magical scene.

Eight FBI agents, looking nervous, walked towards the elevator entrance like a young bride getting married.

They were surrounded by two teams of special forces with loaded guns and a tight escort.

The agents whispered, "What's going on here?

The two major intelligence organizations actually looked like they were at war.

They took four elevators and arrived at the top floor of the Triple Curve Wing building and walked into the office.

Alexander sat behind his desk with a serious expression: "What does the FBI ...... want from me?"

The agent in charge stepped forward and said, "Received a real name report that Alexander Pierce, Chairman of the Board of Governors of S.H.I.E.L.D., is suspected of premeditated assassination of the President. Please, Mr. Chairman of the Board of Governors, come back with us to accept the investigation."

At that, Alexander expression surprised, disdainful laugh: "I premeditated assassination of the President! Are you feds fed up? You believe in such a bullshit report, and you even report it by name, who reported me?"

The agent in charge said with a cold face, "The name of the informant, we cannot disclose. In addition, S.H.I.E.L.D. is indeed the most powerful intelligence organization, but we at the FBI are not idle eaters either. Without ironclad evidence, how dare we come to the dragon's den that is S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

He said, he pointedly glanced at the surrounding special operations team.

Alexander snorted coldly and said, "Let your director call me, your rank is not even qualified to talk to me."

The agent in charge immediately took out an investigation order from his pocket and said, "Of course my rank is not enough, but if there is an investigation order signed by both the director and the president themselves, I think it should be enough."

At these words, the atmosphere in the room suddenly froze.

Langmro stepped forward, took the investigation order, hastily swept a glance, and then handed it to Alexander.

"I'm going to call Mr. President myself."

Alexander thought that this was just a farce, but he did not expect that this investigation order was actually true.

He was puzzled, who reported him to conspire to assassinate the president, he had no such idea or plan at all.

As for the insight list, it was completely calculated by Sora's algorithm and had nothing to do with him at all.

The agent in charge said, "Of course."

Alexander picked up the phone and dialed the White House.

It turned out that the person on the other end of the line said that Mr. President was out for inspection and was not at the White House.

Alexander dialed Mr. President's private number again, and this time ...... the call went through!


Stark Industries Building.

Mr. President held up the phone and talked to Alexander with a conciliatory expression.

Tony squatted down, put his arm around Sitwell's shoulder, and whispered, "Whether you can get your sentence reduced and live to see your family depends on your performance."

Sitwell nodded resignedly, then jerked to his feet and shouted, "Hail Hydra!"

The excited voice reached Alexander's ears through the phone.

His entire body was struck by lightning, and the expression on his face instantly froze.

What the hell was going on here?

The president was actually surrounded by Hydra people!

No, that voice seemed to be Sitwell.

Does it mean that this idiot has been captured and confessed!

Alexander just wanted to ask for details, but found that the phone had already hung up.

"Sir, what's wrong?"

Seeing his superior's ugly face, Rumlow asked worriedly.

Alexander leaned against the backrest, his face pale, and did not say a word.

The throbbing pain reappeared, and he frowned and covered his head hard.

The agent in charge waited for a moment and said impatiently, "Mr. Councilor, you've called the president, it's time to come with us."

Rumlow lifted his head, his fierce eyes glaring angrily.

Okay, you're tough, then take another five minutes ...... ten minutes off!

Alexander cocked his head and thought hard.

What must have happened after Steve and the winter warrior disappeared.

The worst case scenario is that Bucky recovered his memory, explained the truth to Steve, and then the two teamed up to kidnap Sitwell.

No, if it was the two of them, Sitwell would have sent out a distress signal and the New York branch would have gotten the relevant information.

There must be others.

Sitwell was in New York at the time ...... Right, Tony Stark!

If he is also involved, he can indeed kidnap people silently.

Sitwell this person's mouth is not strict, nine out of ten have already explained everything.

And Tony Stark and the political circles to make friends, he can directly contact the President, will all and everything.

Then ...... they want to capture the thief first, first to control me.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

Alexander will start and end cause reasoning a seven or eight, finally let go of the hand covering the head.

He stood up, hands on the case, expressionlessly stared at the agents.

"Mr. Councilor, have you thought it over?"

Alexander nodded and said indifferently, "Kill them all!"

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