Beautiful Man

Chapter 364 - The Plan Starts! Suppress the rebellion!

"Ah ......"

The FBI agent was horrified.

Alexander was out of his mind, right?

Dare to shoot the national law enforcement agency personnel in the S.H.I.E.L.D. office!

This ...... is tantamount to treason!

The agents' jaws dropped and their minds went blank.

They considered that Alexander might refuse to go with him, but never thought that he would dare to execute the Bureau agents on the spot.

The agent in charge reacted quickly and immediately touched his hand to the pistol at his waist.

But before he could pull out his pistol, the specially prepared team had already raised their rifles and aimed at them.


The deafening sound of gunshots rang through the office.

The black muzzle of the gun spewed out golden flames, and the brass bullets easily pierced through the bulletproof vests, knocking the eight FBI agents into a sieve.

The room was filled with smoke as the eight agents planted themselves on the floor, their sticky blood staining the clean white tiles.

The special ops team walked up and confirmed the agents' deaths one by one.

Seeing the blood, seeing the bodies, a grim smile appeared on Rumlow's face.

With an excited look on his face, he asked, "Sir, have we been exposed?"

Steve and Bucky had both disappeared after the engagement, and Sitwell, who was supposed to come to the Three-Curve Wing building to report, had also lost contact.

Even if Rumlow was just a brave and tactless warrior, he sensed that something big must have happened.

Alexander nodded with a cold face, "Sitwell has been captured by the president."

Rumlow's face showed an expression of contempt and said, "This guy is a soft bone, a little bit of hard, all must be accounted for!"

Alexander said, "But he still has a backbone, just now he was the one who warned me on the phone. Otherwise, I really have to go with this bunch of losers foolishly. Once I was under control, the 'Insight Plan' would have been completely bankrupt"

Rumlow was a little surprised, not expecting that the always weak Sitwell also had a manly side.

He hurriedly asked, "Sir, then what should we do now?"

Alexander said helplessly, "Since we have already been exposed, we have to withdraw. Notify it down and immediately start the 'Insight Plan'. Conduct a sweep of the area near Washington, and retreat immediately after the mission is completed. These three sky carriers are the property of Hydra, make sure to take them away."

"Understood!" Rumlow nodded his head.

Leaving a special combat team to protect Alexander, then went forward alone to give the order.


Alexander was in an annoyed mood and lit a cigarette.

But what he didn't know was that the FBI agent in charge had a small communicator hidden in his jacket pocket.

Because there is no closed office, the communicator has transmitted everything that happened here, to the New York Stark Building.

Hearing the sound of the gunshot, hearing the conversation between Alexander and Rumlow, Mr. President's face became more and more gloomy.

"Hydra ...... These people are really heartless!"

Mr. President's heart was palpitating, and his body was shaking with anger.

If Steve had not discovered Hydra's plot, once they are allowed to restart the 'Insight Program', then by then more than a few million people will die, the whole world will fall into the clutches of Hydra.

Tony Stark put on his battle armor and came over and said, "Mr. President, the target of 'Project Insight' is several states near Washington, we must act quickly."

Mr. President said with a cold face, "Don't worry, I won't let them get away with it! Order the Marines stationed near Washington to immediately surround the Tri-Bend Wing building. Once S.H.I.E.L.D.'s sky carriers take to the air, shoot them down!"

"As ordered!" A general in military uniform immediately left the room to set up.

Mr. President looked at Tony again and said, "You two, you can start moving now!"

Tony smiled faintly and said, "Jarvis! Activate all guardian battle armor!"

"Yes, sir!"


Steve floated in mid-air and activated the stealth mode of the battle armor to monitor the triple-curved wing building not far away.

After receiving the combat order authorized by the president, he immediately flew over towards the building.

The Triquad Wing building is the lair of Hydra, and the members under its command are conservatively estimated to be three to four thousand.

Now that Tony and the military support had not yet arrived, Steve was worried that he was outnumbered, so he was ready to mobilize the power of the masses, so that those agents in the building who remained loyal to the country would stand up against Hydra.

This is a ploy he thought of early on, so Steve went straight to the broadcasting room of the Triple Curve Wing building.

Under the building's ground floor, the 'Insight Project' command hall was busy with thousands of agents.

Just a moment ago, Councilor Alexander gave the order to activate the 'Insight Program'.

The agents were curious, this plan had obviously been suspended, why did Mr. Councilor suddenly want to activate it?

Although they did not understand it, they still did as they were told and activated the three air and space carriers.

Just then, the announcement inside the building rang out.

"Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, this is Steve Rogers."

At the sound, those agents stopped what they were doing and looked up with a bewildered face.

Captain America, Steve Rogers!

This legendary figure printed in history textbooks, and is the idol of many agents.

But just a few days ago, a notice came from above that Steve Rogers was suspected of murdering former Director Nick Fury.

Although there is no official wanted notice, but S.H.I.E.L.D. internal investigation procedures have been launched against him.

From satellites in the sky, to traffic cameras on the ground, all surveillance equipment is capturing him.

Most S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are half-hearted about this allegation.

Steve Rogers is a legendary hero, how could he murder Nick Fury?

Many die-hard fans firmly believe that it must be the Special Forces gang of idiots investigating the wrong thing.

Take a step back, even if Steve really killed Nick Fury, the problem must also be in Nick Fury.

Don't ask why, powder for decades of love beans, how can others slander.

"These days, you have heard a lot of things about me ......"

"Some people say I killed Nick Fury ......"

"There are also people who received orders to arrest me ......"

"But now, it's time for you to know the truth!"

The truth?

The agents shot to their feet!

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has changed, and he's been taken over by Hydra."

"Hydra was a World War II-era ****- science force that was once wiped out by me and the Allies."

"But they used Operation Paperclip to lurk in S.H.I.E.L.D. and slowly grew!"

"Alexander Pierce is the head of Hydra, and the Special Ops and Insight Project teams are his minions."

"I don't know who else is ...... but they're in this building, probably standing right next to you."

"Nick Fury discovered their plot and ended up being assassinated by Hydra's men that night."

"Before he died, Nick handed me the same thing, and through these two days of investigation finally learned the truth."

"In fact, the insight plan was not to protect us at all, but to slaughter anyone who could potentially threaten Hydra."

"When the three sky carriers fly to the designated altitude, those who are marked will die under the carriers' artillery, several million people at a time."

"If you launch those sky carriers today, Hydra will be able to kill anyone who gets in their way and gain absolute control." "Unless we stop them!"

"I know it will be hard, and there will be many sacrifices, but that's how high the price of freedom is, and always has been."

"I'm willing to pay that price!"

"It's okay if I'm the only one, but I'm sure I won't be the only one."


At the end of the speech, all the tens of thousands of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were silent.

In a calm and gentle tone, Steve revealed to them a shocking truth.

S.H.I.E.L.D., the world's most powerful intelligence organization, was now actually in the hands of the ***-remnant party.

The news was tantamount to a bolt from the blue, blasting the agents' worldview to the ground.

Top floor office.

Alexander held his champagne, listened to the radio, and sneered, "Freedom, that's the biggest lie in this world."

"Rumlow, take the suppression potion and go to the broadcast room and kill him."

"Today, a new page will be turned in the history of mankind, so let's celebrate with the head of Captain America."


command hall, the work of starting the sky carrier had stopped.

The agents were mingling, their faces were panic-stricken, and they were noisy like a vegetable market.

Just then, the S.H.I.E.L.D. broadcast room was invaded from outside.

"Captain, of course you won't be the only one!"

The agents quieted down, and someone heard the cynical voice.

"Hey, good afternoon, everyone. I'm Tony Stark, also known as 'Iron Man'."

"I'm sorry to tell you that what the captain just said is true."

"If you guys had pushed that damn button and let the sky carrier lift off without a hitch, millions of people would have been killed today, among them your families, your colleagues, and yourself."

"But you need not despair, after my efforts and those of the captain, the honorable Mr. President has learned of Alexander's plot."

"The President of the Council has been removed from his position, and the Marines stationed in Washington, D.C., are about to surround the Tri-Bend Wing building and wipe the bastards out completely."

"In addition to that, I will personally lead 1,000 steel battle armors to fight alongside you. Five minutes, as long as you guys can hold out for five minutes, the victory of this war will be ours."

"By the way, it's easy to identify who is Hydra, all those who want to launch sky carriers are Hydra, pick up your weapons and fight bravely ...... Bang!"

There was an explosion on the radio and Tony's voice came to an abrupt end.

"Steve escaped, go after him and kill him!"

Rumlow's voice came out of the radio.

The command hall was silent.

With the personal endorsement of Captain America and Iron Man, the Hydra matter has basically been nailed down.

Can not launch, must not launch the sky carrier.

All the agents thought so in their hearts.



At this time, a special forces team rudely kicked open the door and walked into the hall with rifles in hand.

They all had cold faces and fierce expressions.

The agents in the hall were mostly civilians, and many of them didn't even have the courage to look at them.

A special agent came over and said to the man sitting at the console, "Go into launch sequence and send the ship into the sky."

The man licked his lips and looked nervously to his left and right, his body trembling slightly.

The special operations officer asked, "Is there a problem?"

"No......" the man shook his head at a loss for words.

"No problem? Then hurry up and fire!"

"I'm sorry sir!" The man lowered his head and gasped sharply, "I can't launch the ship, it's an order from Captain America!"

Upon hearing this, the special ops team member pulled out a pistol and pointed it at his head: "Get out of your position!"

At this moment, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the head of the special ops team member: "No launching the ship, this is an order from Iron Man!"

"Don't move!"

"Put the gun down!"

Command hall, Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, have pulled out their guns and pointed at each other.

Tony Stark said that the way to distinguish Hydra is very simple, whoever wants to launch the ship is Hydra.

Both sides loaded swords, just waiting for a fuse, will erupt into a fierce conflict.

The agent put his finger on the trigger and yelled, "Drop the gun!"

The special agent sneered and slowly raised his hands, dropping his pistol.


The pistol fell to the ground with a crisp clatter.

But when a person violently hears a louder sound, there is a momentary pause in thought.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the special operations officer immediately turned around.

With a beautiful takedown, the gun in the agent's hand was taken into his own hands.


The gunshot rang out, and the agent fell to the ground with a bullet in his eyebrow.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This gunshot became the fuse of the conflict, the hall immediately rang out intensive gunfire, bullets flying across the sky

The special ops team member hurriedly crouched down, kicked the man out of the way, and laid his hands on the table to quickly tap the keyboard and rewrite the previous command.

Firing program, start!


Outside the Sanquan Wing building, the originally calm lake suddenly began to boil.

The water level kept dropping, gradually revealing the huge hangar door.

"Shut down the hangar doors! Close the hangar doors!"

Several agents ran wildly into the hangar and shouted to the staff in the control room.

When the staff heard them, they knew something was wrong and hurriedly prepared to close the hangar.

BANG! Bang! Bang!

Several bullets pierced through the glass and knocked them into a sieve.

The special operations team rushed to the hangar to ensure the smooth takeoff of the sky carrier, and all those agents loyal to the country were killed.

Hydra has been entrenched for years and holds most of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s armed forces.

It was almost as easy for them to 'uprising' with force.

No one interfered and the hangar door opened completely.

Sunlight shone into the dim hangar, and the three sky carriers finally revealed their true appearance.

There were four anti-gravity engines built on the carriers, and the engines spewed out a beam of blue flame, allowing the carriers to slowly rise from the hangars.

Alexander stood by the window, watching the plan he had been working on for years come to fruition.

Although it was more rushed than expected, the feeling of accomplishment in his heart still surged powerfully.

"Alexander, call it off!"

The five councilors of the laser projection exhorted one after another.

They had been working with Alexander for more than ten years, and their relationship had always been quite good, but they didn't expect him to be Hydra, which was really ironic.

Alexander took a sip of wine and smiled, "Sora's algorithm will mark all criminals and those who are likely to commit crimes. By sacrificing 20 million people, I can recreate a new order for the world, a harmonious society without crime, so why do you guys have to linger on the old world."

The councilman said sarcastically, "A harmonious society? It is the society that submits to the feet of Hydra and grovels, right?"

Alexander shook his head and had no intention to argue: "Let you think what you want, the sky carrier has already lifted off, no one can stop me!"

Just as the words came, the Hydra on the carrier contacted Alexander urgently: "Sir, a large number of steel battle armors were spotted flying towards the Triple Curve Wing building."

Alexander put down his glass and said, "Order all carrier planes to take off to intercept, until the big sweep is over, we can't let Stark get close!"

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