Beautiful Man

Chapter 365: The moment of the duel!

The sky was azure and cloudless.

Washington residents on a nearby excursion saw the three sky carriers slowly rise into the sky, all of them pulled out their cell phones in amazement to take pictures and then sent the videos to the internet.

Just after sending the video, they saw a scene of a lifetime.

On the sky carriers, the Hydra pilots ran wildly toward the carrier planes on the deck.

Soon, hundreds of Quinjet fighters lifted off vertically and accelerated towards the distance.

Such a dense takeoff and landing of fighter planes made the onlookers and netizens jaw-dropped in surprise.

They were instantly talking and exclaiming.

What the hell is going on here, there is going to be a war!


The Hydra pilot activated the detection radar, and dozens of light dots appeared on the screen at once.

These targets are the 'Mark Series' Iron Battle Armor led by Tony Stark.

Their purpose was to stop the steel battle armor from getting close enough to allow the 'Insight Project' to be implemented successfully.

The pilot locked onto the target, opened the belly magazine, and pressed the launch button.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

An air-to-air missile hung out with a long tail flame and spurted out, cutting a thin white mark in the sky.

Drip, drip, drip!

Incoming missiles!

The moment the radar locked on, the battle armor system had detected it.

"Pull up!"

Tony did not panic and calmly gave the order.

Dozens of battle armor immediately changed direction and flew towards the sky at a wide angle, while the hundreds of missiles trailed closely behind.

Tony said, "Incendiary bombs!"


Mark battle armor's arsenal opened, and dense red incendiary bombs fell down like a heavenly maiden.

The sudden appearance of a large number of high-heat targets caused most of the missiles to immediately lose their aim and change direction to chase the incendiary bombs, with less than a hundred missiles still locked on them.

Tony said, "Shoot the missiles down!"

The helmet display immediately aimed at the missiles to calculate the route.

The battle armors raised their arms one after another, firing a wave of electromagnetic pulses to destroy the missiles halfway down their path.

The first wave of attacks sent by the three shipboard squadrons were barely defended.

Tony breathed a slight sigh of relief and couldn't help but spit in his heart.

I told them to hold on for five minutes, and it turned out that the sky carrier took off before two minutes were up.

It seems that Hydra has become deeply entrenched and is in full control of S.H.I.E.L.D.

They want to start a rebellion, only with those remnants of the force can not be stopped.

Fortunately, this plan to lure the snake out of the hole, these latent in S.H.I.E.L.D. in the assholes all dug out, otherwise there will be big trouble.

Tony contacted Steve and said: "Captain, the carrier of the sky carrier has been lured out by me. Here is your time to perform. I'll hold them back and keep them from bothering you."

On the roof of the Triquad Wing building, Steve looked at the carrier overhead and replied, "Thanks! Be safe!"

After saying that, the EMP under his feet spurted out, sending him to the deck of a sky carrier.

Most of the Hydra members on the carrier had already left in the carrier's aircraft, leaving only a small number of armed forces.

Seeing the blue-and-white steel battle armor, they were alarmed and hastily called out.

"Steve spotted! Steve's been spotted! He's on the deck of the carrier right now!"

Rumlow was searching for Steve's whereabouts inside the building.

When he got the news, he led a small team in a helicopter and chased after him.

Now the guard force on the aircraft carrier is very empty, once Steve turned into Hulk fury, I am afraid that before the carrier flew to the designated altitude, it has been destroyed.



The Hydra on the deck, aiming at Steve fired wildly.

Unfortunately, the bullets hit the nano battle armor, will not even leave a little bullet mark.

Stark's technology is advanced again, the previous battle armor was hit by large caliber bullets, at least a piece of paint can be knocked off. Steve secretly lamented.

Wearing new equipment, we have to use a new way to fight, Steve did not do as in the past, foolishly rushed up.

He used his helmet's scanning system to sweep over from left to right, marking all the Hydra members.


The weapon modules at both shoulders opened.

Bang, bang, bang!

A dozen rounds of armor-piercing ammunition were shot out, hitting the Hydra members with precision and killing them in one shot.

After only a few seconds, the sound of gunfire on the deck came to an abrupt end.

If it had been in the past, it would have taken at least a minute or more.

Steve put away the weapon module and couldn't help but feel: times have really changed.

After solving the miscellaneous fish on the deck, Steve stared and frowned.

By thinking back to past tragedies, such as the face of Sharon Carter before she died, anger slowly surged in his heart.

When the anger value reached a critical point, Steve's body swelled up rapidly, eventually turning into a two-meter-tall beast.

What's even more amazing is that as the body slowly expands, the nano battle armor is also growing.

What was finally revealed was a Hulk wearing blue and white matching nano battle armor.

This form is perfect!

Steve can not only play the Hulk's strength and speed, but also to use the technology and firepower of the armor, and even make up for the Hulk can not fly shortcomings.

Stark took this into account before upgrading the third generation of battle armor for him.

Just then, an armed helicopter flew above the deck of the sky carrier.

The hatch opened and Rumlow held a large sniper rifle aimed at Steve.

Looking at Steve wearing nano battle armor, he was slightly surprised, but quickly said disdainfully.

"In front of the vibranium, the strength of the nano battle armor is like paper mache."


A gunshot rang out, and the suppression potion made of vibranium shot out, the sharp needle glittering.

Steve, as if he suddenly sensed something, turned around violently and reached out to hold the inhibiting potion.


The sneer on Rumlow's face instantly stiffened, then turned into disbelieving surprise.

The special sniper rifle was discharged at a speed of up to 2,000 meters per second.

How could Steve have reacted and still be able to grab the suppression potion without a hitch!

Rumlow was puzzled.

If it is a normal state of Steve, of course, there is no such sharp reflexes.

But he ignored that Steve is still wearing nano battle armor.

The armor is equipped with an advanced detection system, when Rumlow raised his gun to aim, the armor has given warning tips, and accurately deduce the bullet sniper trajectory.

The Hulk state is far beyond human keen reflexes, to do this is not particularly difficult.

Steve casually threw away the inhibiting agent and raised his arm to open the weapon compartment.


A miniature missile spurted out.

Rumlow sweated, dropped his sniper rifle, and immediately jumped down from the helicopter.

The next second, the missile hit the helicopter and instantly exploded into a fireball.

Rumlow dropped to the deck and rolled to remove the force of the fall.

But before he could stand up, he heard the 'knock knock knock', dull and loud footsteps.

Looking up, he saw Steve running wildly towards him at an alarming speed.

Rumlow pulled out the pistol at his waist, dropped to one knee and raised his hand to fire.

Bang Bang Bang!

The bullets hit the nano battle armor and were bounced off without incident.

Steve ran wildly over, like a hawk catching a chicken, and lifted up Rumlow with one hand.

In front of Steve in Hulk state, the 1.8m tall strong man Rumlow, as if it were a newborn baby, had no power to fight back.

Rumlow sinewy, struggling hard.

Steve said indifferently: "Don't worry, I won't kill you. You are a close friend of Alexander and the captain of the special operations team. Keeping you alive will be of great use to us."

After saying that, the nano battle armor separated a rope, tied Rumlow's legs tightly, and Steve casually threw him off the carrier.

Below the aircraft carrier is a river, with the current height simply dead.

Rumlow's legs were bound by the rope, and the only result was to be captured alive.

Steve turned around and opened his visor, scanning out the structural diagram of the sky carrier.

This ploy to transfer the tiger from the mountain was thought up by Tony.

In order to let Steve in the absence of interference to play their own power, completely destroy the sky carrier.

For this reason, he also thoughtfully marked the key parts of the carrier, marked in red.

Determine the target, Steve roared, like a high-speed Tiger tank, directly into the control room of the aircraft carrier.

High-strength glass, snapped into slag.

The Hydra members who were operating the carrier were like birds of prey, scared to death and fleeing in all directions.

Faced with such a humanoid beast, they had no way to resist.

The battle armor's arsenal opened, and a micro missile shot out, indiscriminately bombarding the key areas marked in red.

In less than half a minute, the control system of one sky carrier was all destroyed.

Then, Steve flew to another carrier.

When the battle armor's missiles ran out, he took action himself.

Those advanced instruments containing the highest human technology were smashed to pieces with his fist and foot.

Steve felt very good, he suddenly can understand why Hulk likes to smash things so much.

This without any scruples, as if incompetent rage smashing, really very decompressed and addictive.

Steve smashed wildly for more than two minutes, the three carriers of the red marked area all destroyed.

However, within two minutes the altitude of the carriers increased to 3,000 meters, already reached the designated height for firing the guns, and there was no tendency to fall.

Steve snapped to attention that these sky carriers were remotely controllable and the engine parts were specially reinforced so that even Stark's missiles could not be easily destroyed.

During this period, the ground troops also launched thousands of missiles to destroy the sky carriers.

However, the carrier carried hundreds of 50 mm rapid-fire guns, as well as the most advanced anti-missile system, perfectly intercepted all the missiles.

Steve was so anxious that he urgently contacted Tony and shouted: "Tony, the carrier can be controlled remotely, even if the control room is destroyed, it is useless, and the missiles of the battle armor have been exhausted. And the carrier has already reached the designated altitude, we only have less than 30 seconds left."

Tony was being watched by more than a dozen carrier planes, and missiles and artillery were attacking him intensely like money.

He dodged the missiles while firing electromagnetic pulse waves to destroy the carrier aircraft, high tension, there is no time to reply.

At this time, the Hydra members, who were remotely controlling the carrier, had already started to lock on the target.

"Arriving at designated altitude, now linked to satellite!"

"Use algorithm! Use whitelist!"

"Algorithm enabled, whitelist enabled, starting to lock on target!"

The satellite positioning system and the carrier's electronic detectors formed a powerful insight that could clearly observe everything within a few hundred kilometers.

After Sora's algorithm was enabled, hundreds of thousands of people were tagged every second.

Among them are Mr. President who is in Stark Tower, Tony Stark who is tired of dealing with missiles, Bruce Banner who is working in the back of a restaurant ......

And Stan Phil, who was imprisoned in his home, sitting on the couch watching TV, escaped death because of the whitelist.

After only 10 seconds, a whole million people were tagged by the sky carrier.

"All targets selected, target saturation value reached!"

"Prepare to fire!"

"No ......"

With 30 seconds running out, Steve slammed furiously at the engines and roared with heartfelt anger.


Tony's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, "Look out the window!"

Steve came back to his senses, immediately stopped and turned his head to look outside.

A steel battle armor from the distance flying, dense as if locusts transit.

"This is ......" Steve was overjoyed, he recognized the special paint job of the battle armor.

"This is my entire family, the whole 1000 guardian battle armor. I said it would take 5 minutes, just waiting for them, and finally caught up. Captain, you can jump ship now!"

1000 guardian battle armor surrounded a circle, the three sky mother ships tightly surrounded.

Tony finally breathed a sigh of relief and said flatly, "Fire!"

Instantly, the guardian battle armor's huge arsenal opened, and the missiles of various models hidden inside fired together.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tens of thousands of miniature missiles covered the sky and flew towards the sky carrier.

The carrier's rapid-fire cannons hurriedly turned their guns to fire, trying to shoot down all these missiles.


A large number of missiles were hit by the rapid-fire guns, and a hot fireball burst out of the sky.

However, the number of missiles was so large that even if the guns were fired at full speed, they were still far from being able to reach them.


The missiles hit the sky carriers and erupted with a deafening explosion, and a sizzling fireball engulfed all areas of the carriers.

Stark's weapons were incredibly powerful, a round of tens of thousands of miniature missiles fired in unison, knocking the three sky carriers into a thousand holes and rolling smoke.

But even so, the main body of the carrier actually did not break, only the loss of a few engines, the altitude began to drop.

Tony Stark also seemed to want to take out his frustration of being chased by hundreds of carrier planes.

He immediately ordered a second and a third wave of bombardment.

The dense explosions were continuous, as if firecrackers were set off on New Year's Eve, lasting for a full ten minutes.

Until the three sky carriers were completely blown into pieces and crashed into the river like a heavenly woman.


Steve quit Hulk state, standing on the shore to appreciate the artistic sense of the explosion from a close distance.

In his hand, he still carried the struggling Rumlow.

This guy is also a ruthless person, legs are bound, relying only on two hands actually swim from the river to shore.

Not only that, he also climbed hundreds of meters after landing, his hands were cut by the rocks bloody.

After the guardian battle armor destroyed the carrier, immediately flew over to help Tony will be destroyed all those carrier aircraft.

And the sky also appeared the figure of the Marine Corps F22 and F35 fighters.

So far, Hydra's 'insight plan' is completely bankrupt.

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