Beautiful Man

Chapter 366 - Internal Purge!

S.H.I.E.L.D., Triple Curve Wing Building.

Alexander stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the three sky carriers, blown to pieces by Stark's guardian battle armor.

The roar of the artillery shattered his original self-confidence a little, and the expression on his face gradually collapsed.

"Hey ......" Alexander sighed bitterly and said, "What a waste!"

In order to build these three sky carriers, S.H.I.E.L.D. poured all its human and material resources.

Thousands of industry experts were recruited, and it took eight years and hundreds of billions of dollars to build them.

Tony Stark ......

This loser is really a waste!

Alexander stood in place and hesitated to move, a side of the special operations team members could not stand to see, came forward to urge: "Sir, it's time to withdraw!"

He sighed once again, then turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Are the planes ready?"

"Ready! The troops responsible for the pickup have also departed!"


After such an event, the United States could not stay any longer.

Alexander was ready to run to Hydra's overseas base to take refuge.

It is said that Nick Fury's safe house is as much as a cow, but in this point, Alexander is not at all false to him.



Suddenly, an iron battle armor crashed through the outer glass and flew into the top floor office.

Alexander and others hurriedly turned back.

The red and gold color scheme of the nano battle armor was even more dazzling under the reflection of sunlight.

Alexander asked, "Stark?"

Tony raised his arms and nodded, "Sorry Mr. Councilor, you're under arrest!"

Seeing him, Alexander was furious and ordered with a cold face, "Block him!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the special combat team members held their grenade launchers and aimed at him.

Bang, bang, bang!

After the muffled sound, several grenades quickly flew towards him.

Seeing their means of attack, Tony's face showed an expression of sneering disdain.

What era is it now?

Still using this kind of dirt to the dregs of the weapon.


Several rounds of grenades exploded the office into a mess.

Tony stood his ground without retreating a step, his nano-armor unbroken except for a layer of gray and black stained by gunpowder.

The sound of the violent explosion made the special ops team members subconsciously incline their heads, a perfect opportunity for a counter-kill.

Tony did not give them any reaction time, he raised his arms, palm cannon like an automatic rifle shot out in rapid succession.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The golden EMP wave knocked the special ops team members out, hitting the wall and falling to the ground.

Tony had a good hand, these people just broke a few bones and passed out.

Because leave them a small life, but also to dig out the members of Hydra lurking in other departments it.

A dozen or so special ops members were only blocked for a few seconds, and Tony soon caught up with Alexander, who had just walked out the door.

"Councilor, your men are finished, give up your hands!" Tony aimed his palm cannon at his chest.

Alexander stopped in his tracks and looked at the nano battle armor in front of him with an envious expression in his eyes.

"If your father had known better back then, today would have been a different ending."

This statement is the same as a tacit admission that Stark's parents, did not die in a car accident, but died in the assassination of Hydra.

Thinking about the film material his father once left behind, Tony expression of anger, said.

"I advise you to stop dreaming! My father kind of great man, will not be with you."

"Maybe ......" Alexander showed a smile, unusually calmly said.

"But don't be too complacent. Cut off a head, and will grow two new heads!"

Tony's eyebrows tightened, his heart suddenly had a bad feeling:.

"What do you mean by that? What other conspiracies does Hydra have?"

Alexander looked at him, hey sneered twice, then his face changed and fell to the ground.

Tony was startled, and quickly squatted down to turn Alexander's body over, the tips of his fingers touching the blood that spilled out of his lips.

"Jarvis, blood test!"

"Yes, sir."

Half a minute later, Jarvis said, "Sir, he's poisoned.


Alexander is going to kill himself!

Tony was unusually perplexed and quickly asked, "What kind of poison? Is there any help?"

Jarvis said: "Comparison database, no results. It should be an unknown poison."

No results in the database, which means that the antidote can not be configured, this person can not be saved!

Just after the death notice was given here, Alexander opened his eyes as if he was coming back to life.

His eyes protruded and he shouted in a hoarse voice: "Long live Hydra!"

After saying that, he slowly closed his eyes, with a treacherous smile on his face from the beginning to the end.

Don't think you're really victorious, I've left a big gift!



A bomb-proof police car whistled and drove through the streets at speed.

Law enforcement agencies across the United States were shocked by the terrorist attack on S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Just when they were at a loss for words, they suddenly received an order from their superiors to rush to the Triquad Wing building in full armor and surround the building, not allowing anyone to enter or leave.

Police cars whistled to the vicinity of the building, thousands of special police officers armed with weapons, using the police cars as a cover, surrounded the exit.

A number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents tried to sneak out, but were forced back by police gunfire.

Steve stood by the river, watching the situation on the other side of the river was very puzzling.

The war was over and there were many agents injured inside the building.

The police were not busy rescuing people, so why did they have to barricade the building and not allow anyone to enter or leave?

Steve sensed that the situation was different, and immediately contacted Tony.

I did not expect Tony but calmly explained: the building in addition to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, there are many latent Hydra members.

Once they mixed in the crowd to escape, and then want to catch can be difficult.

Get this explanation, Steve is still not quite satisfied.

In his opinion, after the war, the first time should rescue the wounded, those people are also the heroes of the resistance riots.

As for the capture of those lurking Hydra, can be completely synchronized with the rescue of people, the two do not conflict.

However, the police or politicians never considered this and still made the most prudent and coldest decision.

Steve's ardent blood, suddenly cooled down.

This emotion didn't last long before he saw a guardian battle armor flying into the Triquad Wing building.

What was in Steve's mind, Tony could not know it.

So he immediately transferred a group of guardian battle armor over, so that they help rescue the wounded.

Guardian battle armor is not only equipped with a large number of weapons and equipment, but also integrated a variety of therapeutic instruments.

The battle armor system is connected to Stark Industry's server, which has hundreds of first aid measures recorded.

Even with the advanced detection system, the picture can be transmitted back to the base, by those top doctors for remote treatment.

Half an hour later.

The remnants of Hydra were eliminated by the guardian battle armor, and the situation in the Triple Curve Wing building was finally under control.

And Steve also convinced the president to let the wounded agents to the hospital for treatment.

After nine deaths, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stepped out of the building.

But before they could get a few breaths of fresh air, they were escorted to the FBI car.

The Hydra dove into the nest shocked the American political world.

Mr. President ordered to dig out all the Hydra hiding inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D., as the largest intelligence agency, has a reserve member training school - S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy.

Even civilian personnel who only know how to play the keyboard have received formal spy training in the Academy.

So the only ones who can be qualified to vet them are the FBI and the CIA, which are also top intelligence organizations.

So, Mr. President signed a document, led by the Department of Justice, with the FBI and CIA as the main force, in conjunction with other law enforcement agencies, to form a large staff of investigative teams, on all employees in S.H.I.E.L.D. and government departments, to launch a rigorous investigation.

Those who usually clean up after themselves is no big trouble.

Those who are closer to Hydra can be miserable.

As long as there is the slightest suspicion, they will face endless interrogations and investigations.

Even if no tangible evidence can be found, their political careers will end here.

Although doing so would be a serious blow to the country's intelligence forces, but overkill must be overdone, and the grass must be rooted out, otherwise the trouble will be even bigger in the future.

In order to prevent the investigation team was infiltrated by the enemy or favoritism, the president invited two special monitoring advisers.

Tony Stark.

Steve Rogers.

These two had just experienced a big battle and had not had time to rest before they were invited to the FBI headquarters.

They sat in chairs in an independent surveillance room, with ten LCD screens in front of them, corresponding to ten interrogation rooms.

Those who could be personally monitored and interrogated by them were all suspicious elements who had crossed paths with Hydra.


In the dimly lit surveillance room, the blue light of the display flashed in people's eyes.

The two men sat for more than three hours, but in the end, there was nothing.

Although those suspicious people and Hydra have crossed paths, but most of them are normal interpersonal interaction, there is nothing suspicious.

Knowing people, who do not have a few such 'friends' these days.

The persuasion of alcohol, digging, borrowing money without repayment, encouraging you to break the law and discipline ............

Those friends are not 'exposed' before, they think they are meeting a confidant.

Once 'exposed', the malice hidden beneath the smiling face will let you know how dirty and unpleasant the adult world is.


Tony tilted his head and let out a long yawn.

He put his legs down, rubbed his sore eyes, and prepared to find an excuse to bolt.

Those black-hearted politicians were too good at making people.

They had just gone through a big battle and were pulled over before they could catch their breath.

It was almost dark, and the two of them hadn't even eaten lunch yet!

Tony was ready to pull Steve to skip work together, but instead he saw Steve staring at the screen with a tense and serious face.

He was staring at interrogation room 8, the suspect is a forty-year-old male, looking at the body should not be a combat sequence.

Tony did not make a sound, pick up the listening headset to put on, the signal will be adjusted to the eight interrogation room.

Listened to less than two minutes, Tony also showed Steve's same expression bag.

The man belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D. Logistics Department, level six agents, former director Nick Fury's cronies.

He shouldered the important task given to him by Nick Fury, disguised as a close friend, in-depth surveillance of S.H.I.E.L.D. Logistics Department in charge of the agent - Stan Phil.

Because Nick Fury suspected that Stan Phil is the Joker organization ambush in S.H.I.E.L.D. traitor.

Get this news, Steve and Tony a face of shock, almost did not fall off the chair.

They were supposed to catch Hydra, did not expect to catch a Joker!

Involved in the Joker organization, two people's spirits are highly nervous, Stark is not ready to skip work.

Ten minutes later, they listened carefully to the agents over the years have gained all the intelligence, as well as Nick Fury's suspicions of Stanfield.

The two men did not hesitate to put down the headset and leave the surveillance room.

This Stanfield must have a problem, he must be caught!

Learning that he was now imprisoned at home, they put on their battle armor and immediately rushed there.


The apartment near the Sanquan Wing building.

Stanfield was wearing comfortable home clothes, sitting crookedly on the sofa watching TV, with a signal locator strapped to his ankle.

Once he left his home half a step, or tried to violently destroy the locator, S.H.I.E.L.D. side will immediately be informed, and then sent agents to force arrest.

Of course, this is before, now well ......

Stanfill is watching a news program.

On the screen, the program guide is showing the images taken by tourists with their cell phones.

Three sky carriers that looked like alien technology were surrounded by a group of steel battle armor, and the massive hull was blown to pieces by dense missiles that fell like rain in the building's outer walls and river.

The video finished playing and cut back to the live screen.

The TV reporter was standing outside the Triple Curve Wing building, broadcasting the scene with a serious face.

But this big white girl said and said, can only introduce the building's casualties and losses.

As for what happened to S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Why did the FBI arrest them?

What's the deal with the three sky carriers?

And why did Iron Man attack them?

These core questions are unknown to the media, because the official information has been completely embargoed.

No one in the know can reveal anything until the embargo is lifted.

But the TV show host contacted the White House by phone and learned that Mr. President will hold a press conference in three days, or the kind that is broadcast live nationwide.

All the questions of the public will be answered at the conference.


After watching the boring news, Stanfill stood up and went back to his bedroom.

He took off his casual clothes and took a shower, then ripped off the signal device on his ankle with one hand.

Drip, drip, drip!

The beacon turned red and emitted an ear-splitting alarm.

Unaffected, Stanfield unhurriedly changed into the pearl-white striped suit, then stood in front of the mirror to fix his clothes and hair.

Two minutes later, the armored door was violently broken open with a boom and four S.H.I.E.L.D. agents rushed into the house.


"Where are you?"

Stanfield put down his comb and walked out of the bedroom, waving, "I'm here!"

The agent immediately aimed his gun at him.

Fixing his eyes, he noticed that the locator on his ankle was missing.

The agent asked, "Where's the locator?"

Stanfield calmly replied, "It's a little pinchy, I threw it away!"

At that, the agent's internal alarm bells went off and subconsciously prepared to pull the trigger.

"Humph!" Stanfield sneered, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his superpowers were instantly activated.

The four agents seemed to have been cast by the body-stopping spell, dumbfounded, standing still, the trigger of the pistol ultimately did not pull down.

Stanfield whistled and walked past them, slowly and leisurely leaving the apartment!

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