Beautiful Man

Chapter 367 - Forced entry into the house!

A few minutes later, Tony and Steve descended from the sky in their battle armor.

"There it is!"

Steve identified the location and reached out to point to the apartment window.

At that, Tony activated the battle armor's detector, and the apartment immediately surfaced on the helmet display.

After a careful scan, Tony felt strange and said, "There are four living people in the apartment, but they are standing still."

"What?" Hearing this, Steve also felt confused.

The only person in the Joker organization who could hold the living people in place was Harley Quinn, who had spatial superpowers.

Although John Wicker can also freeze people in place, but the extreme cold temperature, those four people will certainly not survive.

Steve guessed that it would be the Joker organization learned that the traitor was exposed, and specially let Harley Quinn will save people in advance.

But what he really worried about was whether the apartment would be a trap planted by the Joker organization.

Tony suggested: "We break through the window to sneak in?"

No matter what the situation, Stark will always have only plan A.

Steve shook his head, will be his heart's guess said.

Unexpectedly, Tony listened to the end, but shook his head: "You worry too much, the Joker organization's strength is not as strong as before, the past three years have been cowering in Africa. Even if they re-emerge today, they will definitely not look for our trouble. Have you forgotten, Nick Fury can leave you a good thing."

Tony refers to the contact communicator.

Indeed, if the mysterious man who defeated Jason's help, the Joker organization is indeed not enough to worry about.

But remembering Nick Fury's instructions, in order not to give the mystery man trouble, Steve still shook his head and said, "Things are not absolute, or be cautious."

"......" Tony was exasperated speechless.

Instruments have been detected, people have run out of shadows, and still cautious what ah.

It seems that Steve was defeated by the Joker organization several times, the guts is getting smaller and smaller.

Just like me once!

Tony did not ask Steve's opinion, the foot EMP spurt, directly smashed the glass into the apartment.

The moment he landed, the battle armor's detection system power pulled full, the arsenal of weapons all open to prevent any possible enemies.

After scanning a circle to make sure there was no anomaly, Steve was forced to follow suit.

Tony relaxed his guard and laughed, "See, I said no problem."

Steve wanted to say something, but in the end some words did not come out.

The two men walked from the bedroom to the living room and saw the four agents with their pistols raised and looking seriously ahead.

"What's wrong with them?" Steve asked curiously.

"Not sure." Tony shook his head and reached out and waved his hand in front of several people's eyes.

He had just used the battle armor's life detection system to scan the four men and found that their vital signs were all normal.

No external injuries, no internal injuries, no enemies, but just like a fool can not communicate, this situation is also too bizarre.

Tony tried again, and finally a stall, discouraged: "Since Stanfield has run away, and the four of them are this way, or turn the search to S.H.I.E.L.D. ...... No, now it should be handed over to the FBI."

Steve sighed: "That's the only way, I hope they are still saved."

Just then, one of the four agents, shaking slightly, dull eyes back to normal.

He rolled his eyes and looked at the two steel battle armors in front of him, a weird smile on his face.

"Welcome, two!"

The voice suddenly sounded behind them, Tony and Steve instantly sweat, a cold feeling ran along the spine to the top of their heads.


They immediately turned around, and the palm cannon began to gather energy.


Suddenly, a big explosion occurred in the apartment.

Flames accompanied by a shockwave devastated everything in the apartment and blew them both out of the way.

After the explosion ended with a loud bang, Tony and Steve rose from the ground.

They were protected by battle armor, but the apartment had been turned into a sea of fire.

Tony hurriedly flew over to put out the fire, Steve contacted the top to report the situation.

Staring at the fire out, the two entered the apartment again, the four agents had been blown to pieces.

Looking around the tragic situation, they raggedly gasped, their expressions incomparable gloom.

Sacrifice four S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, the apartment valuable things have been completely blown up, the operation can only end in a fiasco.

Tony was in a depressed mood and walked to the balcony outside the apartment.

Steve walked up to him, and after a moment of silence, asked, "What do you think of the agent's actions just now?"

Tony said, with his arms pressed against the railing, "What opinion? One can only suspect that he was being controlled, and not by his flesh, but by his brain."

Steve said: "and I guessed the same, this Stanfield is likely to be superpowered, can control these agents like Hydra control Bucky, from the effect, to several levels of power."

"Such a powerful character, must be a cadre of the Joker organization. Jason actually gave up to stuff him in S.H.I.E.L.D. retirement." Tony laughed bitterly.

"Think about the times we have fought with the Joker organization, each time they can get key information, must be Stumpfel in the air, his superpower as a spy could not be more appropriate." Steve analyzed.

"Another top cadre ah ...... later have a headache." Tony suddenly felt tired of the heart.

Joker organization's top cadres, none of them are good to mess with.


Stanfield drove the car all the way to the city.

Thinking of the two turned around when the surprised expression, can not help but laugh out loud.

The remote control explosives were pre-buried by him, and everything that happened today was in his anticipation.

When Stanfield learned that he was suspended, he realized that S.H.I.E.L.D. is soon to change the sky.

Although Hydra is ambitious and talented, but the lack of core combat power, even if you can make a mess of S.H.I.E.L.D., but also absolutely can not fight the several superheroes.

Once the fall of Hydra, his identity as a traitor must be exposed, Nick Fury arranged to monitor his eyes can be more than two or three people.

Stanfield is fond of the big city and does not want to run away to Africa for refuge, even if their new base is like a science fiction movie.

In order to stay in Washington, he has been thinking about what to do next.

Just now while watching TV, it suddenly came to him.


Ten minutes later, Stanfield's car was parked in an isolated corner.

He was in an upscale neighborhood where the entire street was filled with large Houses covering more than 1,000 square meters.

This place is very close to the city center, in this place where every inch of land is gold, can live up such a luxurious villa, the identity of the head of the household has been clearly revealed.

Strolling on this spacious and clean street, I felt the air was much sweeter than outside.

At this time, a suspicious-looking strong man and Stan Phil brushed past.

Stan walked normally, but the strong man frowned and turned to stare at him with a deadly stare.

He was a Secret Service agent, and most of the people walking down this street were agents.

Because those who live in this community are all big names in American politics.

Stanfield is visiting one of them tonight.

As he walked, he kept an eye on the villa's mailbox, a move that aroused the agents' suspicions even more.

When he found the door number, he was ready to walk up and knock on the door.

The agent shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Stanfield turned around, only to see the agent with several colleagues quickly gathered around.

After looking them up and down, they asked, "Who are you? Why are you approaching this house?"

Since none of them, the agents, knew each other, it meant that this guy was not an occupant or guest here at all.

Without answering, Stanfield smiled and activated his superpowers.

The eighth level of telepathy can sense humans in a dozen kilometers around.

It can also drill into their brains, peer into memories, and briefly manipulate consciousness.

These agents had received rigorous training, but in front of their superpowers, their willpower was like paper mache that broke at the first poke.

In an instant, their minds were breached by Stanfield, and their entire being shook with it.

A moment later, the agents dropped their guard and said with respectful expressions, "Sir!"

Stanfield nodded and said, "Follow me, there is an urgent mission to be carried out."

At that, several agents pulled out their pistols and surrounded him in a defensive formation.

Stanfield walked up to the villa door, straightened his suit bow tie, and rang the doorbell.


"Who is it?"

The sound of footsteps came from the door.


The person who opened the door was a black woman of about 40 years old, who looked like the maid of the house by the way she was dressed.

The maid looked at Stanfield, and the fierce agent behind him, and asked with a puzzled expression, "You are ......"

Without waiting for her to finish, Stanfield took a step to the right to make room.

One agent immediately rushed forward and tackled the maid to the ground and took control to keep her from making a sound, while the rest of the agents quickly pounced in as well.


"What are you doing!"


Panicked cries came from the luxurious villa.

With a smile on his face, Stanfield walked slowly into the villa and came to the dining room after a short turn.

An oval dining table was placed in the middle of the dining room, which could accommodate a dozen people.

Eight sets of tableware were placed on the table, as well as eight covered dinners.

Must have calculated the homeowner home time, prepared in advance.

Stanfield sat at the main seat of the table, picked up a knife and fork slowly enjoy the food on the plate.

The screams in the villa gradually stopped.

The agents escorted a group of men, women and children to the dining room, many of them with signs of beatings on their faces.

The only thing that caught Stanfield's attention was a poor little girl whose calf had been amputated and who was sitting in a wheelchair.

"Who the hell are you?" An older white woman stared angrily.

Looking at her dress and temperament, she should be the mistress of this room.

Stanfield continued to enjoy the food on her plate and turned a deaf ear to her questioning.

Seeing this, the woman became even more angry, a white face turned red.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, the agent grabbed her chin and balled up the tablecloth and shoved it into her mouth.

Without all this noise, the food on the plate became delicious.

But eating alone felt too boring again.

Stanfield turned his head and asked, "Is there music?"

The elderly butler said in a rush, "There is a phonograph set in the living room."

Satisfied, Stanfill said, "Very well, then, let's have some music, I like Beethoven."

The butler stood up and, under the watchful eye of the agent, selected the record to start the gramophone.

As the pleasant music came, Stanfield finally revealed a satisfied smile.

The experience of enjoying music while eating was simply wonderful.

He brought the food into his mouth, and while chewing, he held up his knife and fork and excitedly imitated the orchestra conductor.

The large villa became a one-man show for him, with everyone else standing around watching, wincing in fear.

An hour later, Stanfield's dinner time was finally over.

And his target for the evening finally appeared in telepathic range.


It was pitch dark.

A Cadillac slowly pulled into the street and stopped smoothly at the curb.

Mr. Vice President, who was tall and thin, stepped out of the car and came to the door accompanied by two agents.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard high-pitched music coming from inside the house.

Although Mr. Vice President was not well versed in music, he knew that it was Beethoven's Symphony of Destiny.

They were actually having a party tonight because they were an hour late for work?

At this point, Mr. Vice President realized that the door of the villa was not closed and left a crack.

Puzzled, he pushed the door open and the music sounded even louder.

Mr. Vice President walked into the house and found a suspicious man standing by the gramophone dancing with his hands.

And there was no one in sight on the entire first floor except for him.

"Who are you?" The vice president was startled and angry.

Stanfield turned around, extended his finger to him in a gesture of silence, and then continued to indulge in the world of music.

This man, he's not a psychopath, is he?

The vice president frowned and said, "Arrest him!"

The two agents dropped their briefcases and immediately pulled out their pistols and walked forward.

"Put your hands up, turn your back and get on the ground."

"Turn off your damn music!"

Stanfill stopped playing and turned around with a disgruntled frown.

"Go to sleep!"

Superpowers activated!

The two high-security agents rolled their eyes blankly and fell straight to the ground, snoring.

"What are you ...... you are?"

Mr. Vice President took a few steps back in horror and almost fell over.

Stanfill ignored him and turned around to continue to immerse himself in the world of music.

He was an avid music lover and especially liked exciting music.

The climax was approaching, and the emotions were mobilized, so how could they be released at this time.

In this way, a bizarre scene appeared in the villa.

A man in a white suit stood on the living room floor, closed his eyes, and waved his hands in full concentration.

Not far away, the man in the black suit was frozen in place with a horrified expression.

Mr. Vice President also thought about breaking the door, but feared that he would fall to the floor unconscious like the two agents.

In this eerie atmosphere, the crescendo of the music ended and entered a low rhythm.

"Hey ......"

Once the tempo slowed down, Stanfill was not in that mood.

He walked up and turned off the phonograph, then wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead with his sleeve.

When his emotions gradually calmed down, he sat down on the sofa and said, "Good evening, Mr. Vice President."

"Hello, Mr. Stanfill!"

Looking at his face, the vice president finally remembered.

This somewhat nervous man was the former head of the New York Drug Enforcement Administration and the first non-active duty soldier in history to receive the Medal of Valor.

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