Beautiful Man

Chapter 393 Jesssen shot, kill Luo Nan!

One of the rocket raccoon did not play any effect.

In the end, he is still unwilling to follow the people into the main hall, and taking the battle with Luo Nan, and the soft persimmons of the nebula will be given to the Card.

Everyone rushed into the main hall, the defense power in it was empty, only two dead warriors were guarded outside the door.

Drax and Warji hand down, and unscisstinated will solve them.

"Luo Nan is in front, be careful." Brain reminded them again.

"Small raccoon, are you ready?" Warki looks to the rocket.

"Quantum rockets are ready, but I suddenly feel somewhat soft, I can't make strength." Rocket raccoon hugged.

"It's really afraid!" Warkeli disdainted.

"Yes, I am gallbling. The quantum rocket is handed over to you." The rocket raccoon handed the guy in his hand.

Walky can be a female Wushen, she didn't hesitate to take a rocket, greeted everyone: "Let's go!"


Luo South is standing on the window of the spaceship, looking at the increasingly close mountain, the fantasy in my mind is on my foot, let the Shan Dalla are squatting at his feet.

Suddenly, he felt that it was moved behind.

Suddenly turned, I saw that the group of inferior people were holding a weapon, and the tiger stared at him.

The woman named Warji stood in front, holding a strange weapon in his hand.

"Go to death, Luo Nan!"

Walgi is aiming at the heart of Luo South, and the trigger is buckled.


A missile is shot out, and the dramatic explosion is ringing.

Luo Nan has not reacted, it is fully packaged by the raging flame.

Rocket raccoon is really a weapon genius.

Only by the garbage parts on the spacecraft, you can assemble a stagnant rocket, and the whole hall is shaking it.


Seeing Luo South, there is no sound, Dracus look excited.

For the dead wife and women, it is his greatest wish in this life.

I am afraid that she will hurt the hand of others, he must also look at Luo Nan's death without burning.

"Beware, things are not so simple." Ban Weitude blows whistle to call the sub-arrow and cautious.

Luo Nan has strength gems, but it is not so easy to be done, otherwise he is eligible to invade the mountain Darfar.

Warki puts down the quantum rocket, and the eyes are denweered front.

The thick smoke gradually dissipates, and Luo Nan climbs up from the ground.

The attack just now suddenly, he is very big, there is no flash.

But even if you have a quantum rocket, he just fell.

The strength of the gemstone is holding in your hand, and you want to attack if he is not so easy.

"Jumping beam!"

I saw Warji and the sweater standing together, and Roanon understood.

This woman is not going to invest in himself, and the . . . .. .....

If Warji is rescued, take the spacecraft to escape from the Dark Star, and Luo Nan still has no way to take her.

I didn't expect this group of idiots, I would like to have a rocker to kill yourself, that is, it will be sent to the door to find it.

The heavy hammer in the hands of Luo Nan lightly rotates, and it is impacted to break up to them.


Everyone was immediately hit to the air, and then the seventeen eight fell to the ground.

Luo Nan did not use the strength of the strength, because he wanted to hear this group of stupid guys.

It's so letting them know that even if there is no strength to gems, they are also the famous 'allegor' in the universe, is not a group of inferior people.

Strong Dracoth first stood up, digging the double knife between the waist, rushing toward him.

"Luo Nan, you killed my wife, killing my daughter, I want you to let your blood break!"

See the rush of Dracus single-gun horse, Luo Nan is brugging, holding the right hand of the heavy hammer is behind him.

one hand!

Dracus suffered from humiliation and suddenly heard.

He rushed to Luo Nan, and he waved his neck toward his neck.

Luo Nan is slightly sideways and easy to avoid this knife.

Drax is oblique, and immediately change the change.

Luo Nan quickly shot and slammed his wrist.

Drax raised another arm, but the rapid farewell of Romans hit him out.


Drax nose distorted, fell to the ground mourning.

"I don't remember to kill your family." Luo Nan's step toward him, and the cold: "Don't remember to kill you."

After finishing, he hit weight, ready to kill Dracus.


At this time, the surprised whistle sounded in the main hall.

Luo Nan suddenly felt the crisis, immediately cleaned the weight.

The strength of the gemstone blooms a violet light, and it is covered by Luo Nan.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The Ya Ca Arrow rapidly hits, but it is not possible to break through the purple barrier.

The waist and rapid movement in the Warji bow, waving the dragon teeth swords and won the .


A fire flashes, the dragon tooth sword has not been able to clear the barrier.

"Rocket, Grut, hurry up, everyone together!" Xiangjue climbed up and raised a double shot and continued to shoot.

"Damn, I know!" The rocket squinted with a dizziness, pulled out the laser gun from the bag.

The group of swears did not dare to hide, and they took out their own skills.

Among the groups, some people are responsible for the near-war attack. Some people are responsible for the distance from sniper, and some people do try to limit his actions.

A group of people work together and the perfectness of cooperation.

If there is no strength to be a gem nation, Luo Nan has been largely unloaded eight.

In real, if there is no.

Luo Nan was so hierarchy, and there was no master style.

He was originally wanted to catch this banner, especially Walgi, who knows unlimited gem information.

But now, if you don't use the strength of the gemstone, then he will have been by the group.

Once you have used the strength of the gem, this help is a life, you will see your luck.

Because Luo Nan can't control the strength of the strength, even if he has a hammer as a medium.

"Annoying bug! Go to death!"

Luo Nan angered, the strength of the gemstone once again bloomed, then shot a purple laser.

"Be careful!"

Warji reminded loudly and then quickly flashed one.

Although the speed of the laser is very fast, but as long as the reaction is fast enough, the eyes can pre- and dodge before Luo Nan laser.

Everyone in Block is elite in the pavilion in a hundred war. Most people pounce on the side in advance and barely escaped deadly.

However, several sweeping responded slightly and was hit on the front of the laser.


A shocking loud noise!

The few swears were instantaneous ash, and the bones were not deprecated.

The dark asterisk is also a big hole, and the severe cold wind is scraped.


Everything happened here, through the hidden camera on Parke, back to the command office.

See Luo Nan regards the strength of the strength as a shell, Jason can't help but laugh, stand up from the throne.

The following content is not seen!

This Luonan is a waste, he did not control the strength of the gem, but it became the power of the strength of the gemstone.

I am so cautious, let Xiushu go to try his bottom.

It seems that this is a waste of time.

The door of the commander number opened, Jason's energy poured out to form a protective cover, and then made a dazzling meteor to the Dark Star.


The battle of the sisters of the Karmus and the nebula finally came to an end.

Inspiration, the Card La will defeat the nebula again and won the victory.

"My sister, don't help the madman to help you abuse, let us join hands together."

The nebula is lying on the ground, and the Ca de la is squatted to persuaded her.

"Hey, in my opinion, your group of talents is a madman."

Xingyun can't help but smile: "You don't understand all, now there is a lot of Rhinan. He can eliminate the Fleet of Nova Empire, and it is a dead road."

Ca de launched: "We have many helpers, if we add you, if you add you, you will definitely get rid of Luo Nan."

The voice just fell, and the temple was born.

Ka Mouli immediately stood up and looked tense.

"Ha ha ha ..." Xingyun laughed: "It seems that your helper is not okay. I advise you to surrender, you will never defeat Luo Nan."

Card magic pulls out the sword, the eyes are firmly said: "Even so, I am willing to fight side by side."

After finishing, she is ready to rush into the main hall.

A bunny wind suddenly hit, the Card Magic stopped, and quickly raised his hand and grabbed his eyes.

Waiting for the wind, the two sisters are surprised to find that there is a man standing in front of him.

"The daughter of the tyrant?" Jesson glanced.

"Who are you?" Cae launched a long sword, guarding in the nearshorn.

Jason does not pay attention to them, walk towards the main hall.

"Who he is?" Xingyun asked.

Ca de launched: "Don't know, but I guess it should be Jason Walter!"

"The owner of Warji!" The necklace exclaimed.

"I have to go see." Tell, the card is laminated.

"Oh, I will go!" The nebula was smashed, and she had to struggle to climb the front.


In the big temple, the sweeping people were suffering, and there were almost left.

Warji and others have also fallen on the ground, seriously injured, weak resistance.

Looking at it, only Luo Nan is standing safely.

He highly raised the hammer, and it was proud: "Humble , this is to resist my end ..."

"Put the strength of the gem as a shell, can make this kind of words."

I heard the words, Luo Nan surprised the head and looked at the random guest of the eyes.

"Jason ... haha ​​... You are finally here ..."

The Warji's mouth is flowing with blood, but I can't help but throw the dragon tooth swords in my hand, I am lie on the ground.

Jason came, everything is over.

This man will always give people a sense of security, it seems that there is no reason, just believe that he is right.

"Jason ... Jason Walter?" Luo Nan kept name: "It turns out that you are her master, the person who wants to trade the universe."

"Yes, it is me." Jason said dilute.

Luo Nan curiously asked: "The woman said she is about the intelligence of the soul gem. If she doesn't lie, then the information is from you here."

"Well, it's not wrong!"

I heard the words, Luo Nan's heart was hot, asked: "What is the information? As long as you say, I can don't die around you!"

"Okay." Jason's mouth hooked slightly, picking out a golden gemstone from the pocket.

"That intelligence is that the soul gem is actually in my hand."

Luo Nan has been round, and the eyes are not staring at the lightweight gemstone.

Not only him, even the rockets, Dracus, Karala, and the nebula of climbing into the main hall, but also all in the spot.

Unlimited gem!

Another infinite gem.

Ca de launched by the Ca de launched, and there was no woolenli once released the words, and Jason had the ability to destroy the planet.

They still have a little curious.

I don't know if it is an illusion, I always feel the golden rays of the heart of the gemstone, and it is bleak some of the purple rays of the strength.


Luo Nan looked at the palm of the palm of the palm and shocked.

Unlimited gem is the legendary artifact.

How I suddenly became a bit bad street, not only two, but also the owner of the soul, but also a unknown generation.

After a moment, Luo Nan finally slowed the god, frowning: "Why can you hold the soul gem? What is the mystery?"

Luo Nan clearly remembers the feeling of holding strength gems.

The body is torn, and it is painful, it seems that the rubber man is rushing too much gas, and it is necessary to explode.

Jejusen held the heart of the soul, but it looked easily and did not have a slightest discomfort.

"Because my strength is stronger than you, it is so simple."

After finishing, Jason took the soul gem back and reached out: "Okay, the question is finished, you can give me strength to me."

"what did you say?"

Luo Nan grabs the hammer, purple rays shrouded the whole body.

He hit: "Let me hand in gem, why?"

Jesson has said: "If you rely on your waste, you will not have it."

The voice just fell, and Luo Nan angry, step a few steps, then reached out of the hammer and launched a purple laser.

Seeing, Jason is bruised, and there is a golden light.


The purple laser is not biased to hit Jason, fry the surrounding ground into a huge pit.

The smile has not bloomed on the face of Luo Nan. He saw a fog from the fog from the fog.

In the next second, Jason turns forward to Luo Nan, and he did not respond.

Jason quickly reached out, passed through the purple barrier, holding the throat of Luo South, and then squatting him in the air.

"Hey ..."

Luo Nan blindly blingently, shocked, quickly waving the heating hammer, smashed in Jason.

One hammer, two hammer, three hammer ...

Jason is too lazy to dodge because his attack has no slight effect.

"Before you die, I will tell you about one thing."

Jason's Way.

"The effect between gemstones and gems can be offset each other."

"That is to say, if two unlimited gem owners fight, hard strength is more powerful."

"And for me, you are really too weak!"

After that, Jason's palm suddenly took force and pinched Luo Nan's neck.


A crisp, 'allegident' Roan's heads.

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