Beautiful Man

Chapter 394 captures the strength of the strength, and attacks the mountains-Daltime!

In the cold hall, the body of Luo Nan fell to Jason's foot, and the square head rolled into the side, the dark blue eyes were rounded.

He didn't understand that he didn't understand, he as a general of the Krie Empire, why did he die in a unknown merchant?

One of the temples is silent, everyone is stupid to look at Luo Nan's corpse.

I thought that Jason and Luan will have a championship.

I didn't expect the battle, I have come to an end.

Looking forward to falling, leaving only a full of embarrassment.

Maybe they are too rare.

Warji has said that Luo Nan and Jason are not a level of opponents.

If the two meet, Luo Nan only has a spike.

"Luo Nan ..."

Dracus dragged the body that was full of blood, sticking up from the ground.

Before he went to Luo Nan, he slammed his foot.

"Killing mad, devil, babard, scorpion ..."

Dracus stepped on countless feet until the head of Luo Nan was stepping on, stepped on blood, pulp and crushed meat together, never resolved.

Finally, he fell to the ground, screaming and crying.


Just when the de lax whip corpus, Jason reached out and picked up the hammer on the ground.

When he touched the hammer handle, the strength of the gemstone is playing, it seems to feel the existence of partners.

"Take the gemstone in the customs, just as if you break the tiger's teeth, give it a stove chain. The wild and weapons are locked, can it be a beast, can play a few power? Hey, It's ignorant! "

Jason citious, the pupil honestly turned into a golden.

He reached out his fingers and put his gemstone from the hammer, and then in his hand.


Jason is roaring, and the arms are shining on the arm.

Just instantly in the gemstone contact with the body, he felt a thrilling energy into the body.

The infinite gem is born in the universe bombings, which is better than any creature in the universe.

Such artifact can naturally can't touch, so this horrentious energy can actually see the test of infinite gems.

With the test, you have the qualifications of the gemstone.

The test failed, you will be broken by this energy fried.

Of course there is a third road, that is, like Luo Nan, which is speculative, using powerful foreign objects to withstand this force.

For Jason, don't need this at all.

Although this energy is powerful, it has not broken through the limit he can withstand.

After a moment, Jason took this energy to absorb this energy, and the strength of the gemstone was quiet, and the well is waiting for the palm.

Jason picks up the gem and is carefully detailed in front of you.

Hard to almost unavailable power gems, exudes noble and charming purple rays.

"It's beautiful!"

"Congratulations to the owner to win the strength of the gem, only four in the six unlimited gems." Walgi went to him.

"Well!" Jason took the gem and turned to look at her: "Although some are awkward, I still congratulate you to complete the task."

"This is my honor, I will do better next time." Warji kneel.

"Hey! What if you have something to say, the dark asterisk is going to fall." Rocket raccoon leaned against the window, watching the big shouting of the ground at hand.

I heard the words, Jason turned his head stared at the rocket, and the expression was surprised: "To tell the truth, if you don't open, I thought you were plush toys."

Rocket raccoon is a player, shaking his head: "It doesn't matter, you will try it out."

"Master, this is the pet that I have brought to you. This small raccoon will vomit, the poisonous tongue, or a jailbreak master, once successfully crossed 23 prisons. Right, it will even manufacture weapons, power is very amazing."

Warji is posted on Jason Er, whispering.

"These I have listened to Parquay, but I witnessed it, I still feel some incredible. I am very satisfied with this gift." Jason is interested in staring at the Rocket.

When the small raccoon suddenly felt a bad cold, the big voice: "Don't talk whispers, we are going to die."

"Reassure! I am, you can't die." Jason suddenly walked over, and the body poured an energy to wrap everyone.

"This is ..." Carton Looking at the light blue energy ball, the expression was surprised.

"This is one of the energy protection covers, the master's ability. There is it, even if the bullets are hurt, you can't hurt you." Walky explained.

"Not only that, the energy protection cover can also fly with you." Jason pulled the strength gem from the pocket.

Seeing, everyone is curious to stare at him.

Luo Nan has been transacted, and what else should be used to use strength gems.

"This spaceship is ugly, the light is dim, the space is suppressed, and there is no residence value. I don't intend to clean it in the ground, and the sure is destroyed now."

After finishing, Jason clever strength, skilled.

There are many similarities between gemstones and gems, they all have the universe in the universe.

Jason has absorbed the definition of the spirit of the soul, and the proficiency of the law of the law has reached the point of fire.

Even if you first start your strength, it is also your heart.

The gem of the hand suddenly shines from purple rays.

A dark star is eroded by a road of purple ripples, and quickly falls.

"Be careful!"

"Oh my god……"

The hall fiercely shakes, and the boulder on the top of the head continues.

Everyone at the foot is unstable, and the east is in the east.

Jason's idea moves, the energy ball immediately put them from the air.

"It's been a big eyes, the next picture is the most exciting."

The purple texture is getting dense, all over the corners of the spacecraft.

Finally, this large-scale spacecraft with five or six thousand people, broke out, a shocking loud sound, accompanied by a shock wave, thoroughly made the dust of the universe.


The height of the Sandal Star is less than one kilometer.

Jason and others were suspended in half of the air, and they watched the dark star to decompose by purple rays and finally turned into ashes.

Everyone is silent, and all the power of the strength of the gemstone is shocked.

In front of this level of power, what is Luo Nan, what dark clock, everything is so pale, unbearable.

The Ca de la Ron and the nebula are relatively heartbeat, in addition to this, they also found that although the first use of strength gems, Jason's palm of the gem is far from Luo Nan.

Those purple light happened to destroy the dark asterisk, and nearby high-rise buildings did not destroy.

This exquisite control is too much, if you just shot, it is not him, but Luo Nan.

I am afraid a few people at the foot of the foot, it is already a waste of smoke rolling.


"This is Shandal Star!" Jason led them slowly landed.

When he got up, he overlooked this planet, his face suddenly exposed a surprise expression.

Warji flew to the side of the way: "Yes. Shan Dal Star is the capital of Nova Empire, is also known for the universe, the scenery is beautiful, the people are simple ..."

"Hey! There are people here to be stupid. Where is the folk customs? Don't forget that the Nova Army also grasped you into prisons." Rockets were disdainful.

"Whether the people of the people are simple, I don't know, I don't care, but ... I really fall in love with it." Jesson said.

"What?" The rocket stunned.

Even if you get your eyes, you can't see where this planet is special.

"The blue sky ... clear rivers ... Green woods ... magnificent architecture ... This planet and the earth are very similar, and the city in front of them is like a few hundred years later."

Jessen's thinking of thinking abroad, can't help but feel it.

"Earth? New York? Kuil, is it your hometown?" Ca de laughed curiously.

Warji has said that Jason and Parke are special blue.

"No, I am not a planet. I am born in Missouri ..." Xijue is a serious way.

"Stupid goods, Missouri is not on the earth." Jesson couldn't help but satirize.

"Haha ..." Wen Yan, laughing with the Kagawa.

Everyone is a state of laughter, except for the nebula and Drac.

Nebula is still prisoner.

How will Jason will dispose of her?

Is it a handle? Still imprisonment?

When I think of these, the nebula can't laugh at all.

Kaemei saw Dracus frown, and quickly comforted: "Your wife and daughter can finally rest in peace, you have reported his hatred for them."

Dracus looked at the Card, Shen Sheng: "Yes, Luo Nan is just a squat, I really want to knew the behind-the-scenes black hand - !"

Wen said, the card is ladied in place, and I don't know what it is.


Slowly landing into the city street.

I can look at it, and there is no one around you.

"The people here should be avoided, and the Nova Empire is much better than other empires." See the widespread card.

"It doesn't matter, people have more affected my emotions." Jason leaned against the railing, quietly appreciate the modern city.

Not long, several floating empty cars flew from the distance and landed in front of them.

A temperamental blonde woman coming towards them under the personal guards of the soldiers.

The woman walked to Jason, smiled and reached out.

"I am the ruler of the Nova Emperor, I can call me Nova Supreme. On behalf of the Nova Army, I would like to pay lofty and sincere thanks, thank you for saving the Shandal Star."

"Really? You really want to thank us."

"Of course, if you have a few need, we will try our best." Nova to respect sincere way.

"Very good, I just have a request." Jason's evil laughed.

"Please speak!"

"Your Planet Shan Dal Star is so beautiful, it is the same as the future planet in the fantasy. Clean air, the clear lake water, majestic and spectacular buildings ..."

"Thank you for your praise!" Nova suited to laugh.

"But ... Such a beautiful planet is destroyed in the hands of the people in Luo South because of your incompetence. This shows that you are not worthy of rule."

Wen said, everyone in the scene was shocked.

Kaemei is waiting for each other, Nova to respect and the soldiers behind her are also a face.

"You ... you have no fantasy ... what do you want to do ..."

"Nothing! I look at this planet, you can roll!"

"Let's go, I dare to give supreme!" The soldiers roared lifted guns.


Nova is busy to stop the soldier, turn around to Jesseson: "If you really like the mountaindar star, I can reward you to give you ..."


Jason came to interrupt her: "This word is only used in the power of the weak. And your hands have a messy butterfly, what qualifications give me a reward."


Wen said, Nova to respect the face rose red, but he wanted any words to oppose, because the truth was as he said.

"I have already said, from now on, Shan Dal Star will be ruled by me, if you don't want to die, just gave me out!"

Looking at the expression of Nova Supreme Face, the Ca demon took to Warji, anxiously: "Hey, what is going on?"

Warji faintly said: "If you see, Jason If you look at something, you have to get your hand. But you can rest assured, he is not interested in the weak of the killing, as long as the people know the time, there will be no life danger of."

"..." Carton is simply angry.

Just because I like it, I will force the hometown of others and I will go out.

This behavior is the difference between the killing of my hometown.

Kagon launched the brain of Jason, couldn't help but reach the laser gun in the waist.

"Come hurry, you have no time to consider, I ..."


The gunshot suddenly sounded.

Several bullets were shot from the muzzle and hit Jason's head.

However, when the bullet contacts the body, they lose all kinetic energy, and they fall to the ground.

Jason's face is dark, slowly turned, and his eyes glared in the card.

In the next second, the shocked Walkyli woke up.

She quickly pulled out the dragon sword, shot the gun in the hand of the card, and then horing the sword on her neck: "Ca demon, what! You are crazy!"

"Hey!" Ca demon scored a cold, not ready to do anything.

"I have heard of your deeds. These years, you have a lot of people who have slaughtered in the world. It is full of blood in your hand, there is any qualification to put a side of the sacred person. Don't tell me, you are sudden Conscience found. "Jason satirical way.

Ka Mouli still wants how to answer questions, the group of stupid Nova military officials thought it was a good opportunity, and even busy shot to the back shot of Abbesen.

The intensive bullets are shot in Jason, but there is no slight effect.

Jason helplessly sigh, then the palm of the palm, a blue energy ball shot out.


After the end of the road, the Shan Dalhang people were all fried as a residue.

Since it gives the opportunity, don't cherish it, don't blame the enemy.

"Forget it, I don't have a little interest in your speech. I just had a step, now I'm giving you, just give you up!"

Jason looked at everyone, and the pupil became a golden.

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