In the end, the Angel King Lemuel agreed with the somewhat risky approach of the Angel King Shaliye.

And so the battle really began.

One side adopted a desperate offensive method, gradually closing the distance between the two prey, Angel City.

The other side is to try to intercept the attacking enemy fleet, and in this process, consume the enemy~man's attack momentum as much as possible.

And not far from this battlefield, hundreds of small interstellar stealth reconnaissance drones are quietly hiding there - monitoring all this.

And on the other side of these reconnaissance drones - one end.

It was the Angel King of Uriel who did not join the great battle.

The Angel King of Uriel sat on his throne and looked at the battlefield images transmitted back in front of him.

Although she was personally unwilling to join this kind of battle, as a soldier who yearns for interstellar warfare, this does not prevent her from appreciating this battle.

It was also a battlefield presided over by the Angel King Lucifer, whom he had originally regarded as his target.

From the previous Battle of the Thunder Angel Universe Stargate, to the later annihilation battle to intercept 30,000 Angel Star Battleships, to the battle against 60,000 Star Battleships in the first half.

and the battle plague with the two new entrants of the quasi-T7 Angel City and the 50,000 Angel starships.

This consists of a number of small and medium-sized local battles, and in this universe, the momentum of a large war has been formed.

"The combat performance of the interstellar battleship of the Green Kite system is indeed very strong.

Surpass our angelic starships. "

The Angel King of Uriel paid attention to those blue kite system interstellar battleships, and she said in admiration: "I thought that except for the Seven Emperor Civilizations, the interstellar warships of our angel system were second to none among the ships of the same level.

But now compared to this blue kite system interstellar battleship, the gap is too big.

Moreover, this command system, the combat system, and the coordination combat system.

They are all quite good, presumably the captains and commanders of these starships have very rich combat experience and excellent combat talents.

I heard that among the Green Kite Civilization, there are very good military academies, and these Blue Kite Legions, and even the captains and commanders of the Blue Kite Angel Legion fleet under Lucifer's hands, can go to these Green Kite Military Academies for further study?"

Ask for flowers


In the Qingqi civilization, there is a very excellent military training system.

Far surpasses our angelic civilization.

If we say, the star marines of our angelic civilization rely on talent and a long lifespan.

Then the green kite civilization relies on the cultivation of the day after tomorrow, and for those interstellar soldiers who are also talented, they will focus on training.

These talented students will be promoted quickly after graduation.

Often, in a matter of months, he can serve as the fleet commander of a small fleet.

If you have excellent performance in some medium and large battles.

In less than half a year, he can be promoted to the rank of a legion, and in a year, he can even directly become the commander of a legion.

In the cultivation and promotion of newcomers, the green kite civilization is very bold.

And they never limit their races, even the interstellar races that fought against their Blue Kite civilization before.

According to the information we have received.

At present, among the Green Kite Legion, there are non-commissioned officers of the Angel Clan, serving as the commander of the legion. A Decameron adjutant on the side said widely.

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