Hearing this, the Angel King of Uriel said in admiration: "I have to say that there is a reason why this green kite civilization can rise in such a short period of time.

It can accept other interstellar races without discrimination, and even grant them a good rank and rank.

This is basically difficult for other interstellar civilizations to do.

For example, the Angel Legion established by our Angel Race, its composition system is a single interstellar race.

This "380" cannot be like the green kite civilization.

You say, could it be that it is for this reason that the development of our angelic civilization has reached this bottleneck?

I can't improve it for tens of thousands of years. "

Hearing this question from the Angel King, the Adjutant of the Ten Winged Angels couldn't give an answer at the first time.

The Angel King of Uriel didn't care about this answer either, and she continued to watch the changes on the battlefield now.

The various T6-level starships of the Blue Kite Legion fleet have shown very terrifying combat capabilities at this time.

The T6 Queen-class super-giant aircraft carrier starship has dropped a large number of starfighters and interstellar drone swarms.

At the moment when these interstellar fighters and interstellar drone swarms appeared, the interstellar air supremacy of the star field of Basic Mountain was declared to have been controlled by the Blue Kite Legion.

Because the starfighters and interstellar drone swarms dropped by the aircraft carrier starships equipped by the Angel Legion are not at all the opponents of the two T6 Queen-class super giant aircraft carrier starships and Thor-class aircraft carrier starships of the Blue Kite Legion.

"It is worthy of the three-plate axe of the green kite civilization on the battlefield.

Relying on this kind of aircraft carrier starship, which far surpasses other interstellar civilizations, it directly obtains interstellar air supremacy, so that it can gain advantages in a variety of battlefield forms. "

The Angel King Uriel said appreciatively.

She dragged her chin with one hand and called up the data parameters about the two carrier starships.

"This T5 Thor-class aircraft carrier starship is second to none among the known aircraft carrier starships, including the T5-class aircraft carrier starships developed by the Seven Emperor Civilizations.

This T6 Queen-class super giant aircraft carrier starship, it is estimated that only the aircraft carrier starship developed by the interstellar civilization can compete with it for the title of the strongest aircraft carrier starship in the T6 level.

Because of his passion for war, the Angel King of Uriel has a detailed understanding of all the well-known starships on the market.

And will also specially order people to collect the starship parameters of these starships...

After such a long battle with the Green Kite civilization, it is very common to get some data parameters of the Green Kite interstellar battleship.

At this time, the eyes of the Angel King of Uriel were also attracted by another scenery.

T6 Thunderbeast-class heavy stargunboat.

Looking at the heavy cannons, maintaining a certain frequency, constantly firing, one by one the interstellar cannonballs fell on those angelic interstellar battleships.

Basically, as long as it is not a starship above the T6 level, it will not be able to withstand several rounds of attacks from this T6 Thunderbeast-class heavy stargunboat.

The only drawback, perhaps, is that the trajectory of this shell is very predictable, so the probability of interception is several times higher than that of interstellar missiles.

However, its advantages are also obvious, the interval between launches is shorter, and the cost of consuming 5.6 is dozens of times lower than that of interstellar missiles!

"In the past, the Green Kite civilization relied on interstellar missile ships to make a name for itself on those interstellar battlefields.

However, there are still some gaps in the firepower.

The appearance of this T6 Thunderbeast-class heavy interstellar gunboat has made up for this piece of the puzzle for the Green Kite civilization. The Angel King of Uriel muttered to himself.

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