Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 157 Curves (2)

Zu Wenyuan said: "Will there be an elliptic curve?"

Disec said: "Speaking of things like elliptic curves, its use has far exceeded imagination. In mathematics, it has the ability to unify the entire mathematics."

Zu Wenyuan said: "Elliptic function as an encryption algorithm has a function that is difficult to reverse. I don't know whether the Greixing people can use such a technology. I think this possibility is very large. The Greixing people are so advanced in science and technology. , Can be determined to have certain attainments in mathematics."

Disec said: "The elliptic function is obtained by integrating the arc length on an elliptic curve. Maybe it can also be helpful in finding the arc length equation of the cubic or quartic equation."

Abel said: "Also don't neglect the study of spirals. After all, many insects also move in spirals, and spirals are very beautiful and have many good mathematical properties."

Disec said: "It's true! When fighting the Griffin fighters on the ocean in the Pacific Ocean, we also vaguely discovered that there are indeed some spiral-like structures when the Griffin fighters are clustered together. And, Their kind of scene in which flocks and similar flocks of birds are flying together and a flock of fish swimming together in the ocean. In this case, the Greixing light fighters formed a terrible fire cover for my launch."

Wu Jun said: "It seems that we not only need to study the flight trajectory of the Griffins, but also our own flight trajectory."

Disec said with emotion: "Of course!"

Wu Jun said: "As for what Lockheed Martin said, I think the research on curved combat effectiveness may be of greater significance. Not only a single combat aircraft, but also many coordinated operations also need the help of these curves."

Abel said: "At least a cleaning robot needs a Hilbert curve, so that it can clean completely without dead ends."

Zu Wenyuan said: "The concept of the ellipse equation is the distance from two points and the equal trajectory. In fact, it can also be extended to a trajectory with the product of the distance from two stores equal, and this has the double twisted line."

Abel said: "And the ellipse equation is two focal points, we can also have more complex curves with three focal points, and there are frantic triangle points and three-point lines, even multifocal circles, the simple ones are oval lines. , Complicated, I dare not think about it anymore."

Disec said: "I hope someone can think further that Lockheed Martin can pay such people a high salary. And it can't completely ignore the super ellipse."

Zu Wenyuan said: "In addition to this, we also cut in from other concepts, the petal line and the mosaic line"

Wu Jun said: “Speaking of petals and flower leaves, you can use fractal structures to make them. The research on fractal lines is difficult to cut off. The equations of fractals are not that difficult, but there are many incredible shapes. You need to change the parameters of the equation set, and then just do a simple zoom in and zoom out to find a variety of different shapes. We can't finish studying these shapes."

Disec said: "Yes, and this kind of research needs a different perspective from the past, and it requires more patience."

Abel said: "If what is expected is good, the study of the curve will definitely help the projectile trajectory."

Disec said: "Yes, the shells we fired have a complicated trajectory and cannot be intercepted by the Griffins."

Zu Wenyuan said: "The polar coordinate equation curve must be indispensable, such as the curve represented by the heart line and its length."

Disec said: "Polar coordinates can have more other wonderful curves."

Wu Jun said: "Of course there are Legendre curves and Bezier curves. These are the solutions of differential equations, and they also have a certain degree of complexity, so this kind of curve must be the same."

Dysec nodded.

Wu Jun said: "The demand curve in economics, the stress-strain curve in mechanics, the fluid curve in fluid mechanics, the Gaussian curve in statistics, the Fourier analysis curve, and the reflection caustics curve of the optical envelope. Are these also the same? Can you add it?"

Diesek frowned and said, "Although you said these are curves, you always feel awkward. There is something wrong with the curve in economics. Another kind of complexity is difficult to describe. Are you sure these are helpful for studying the orbit of the aircraft? ?"

Wu Jun said: "If you let go of your own mind, you can't draw the ground as a prison. Maybe you are defeated on this trajectory. In addition to the economics curve, who can generally think of the mechanical stress curve, it is often easier to avoid the opponent's line with abnormal lines. Aim and intercept."

Disec still shook his head, saying that he could not accept these weird theories.

Wu Jun picked up a pen and scribbled a bunch of lines on a piece of paper and said to Wu Jun: "Such lines may be useful."

Dysec said with disdain: "It seems that you have gone back. This is like pulling a joystick indiscriminately. It is not much different from the randomness of the human body that I just mentioned, and it will ruin it if it is not possible. Aircraft."

Zu Wenyuan said: "It can also be the witch of Anesi" curve, Hermitian curve, wheel line, involute, and involute."

Disec said: "These sound similar, at least the curve has a definition, we change the definition of the curve is also a good idea. Define the basic curve of algebraic cluster, we can combine."

Abel said: "We also need to understand the geodesic in differential geometry. At least we are also in a gravitational field, and maybe an electromagnetic field will be encountered when fighting."

Disec said: "In a way, force is mathematics, and mechanics is geometry."

Zu Wenyuan said: "Some continuous and discontinuous curves, as well as Koch continuous lines of infinite length, which are not differentiable everywhere. Of course, this kind of weird curve is of reference to the trajectory of the Griffins."

Wu Jun said: "I know you may not like to listen. Although some characteristic signal curves are not standard definitions, they are also numbers that can be controlled accordingly. The statistical curves may directly allow the spacecraft to do some weird flights."

Disec nodded and said: "The extreme line in the elliptic curve, the precision-recall rate PR curve, etc.. That's it for today, and in the future we will create a new algebraic cluster power, research and collect the curve we know. , And then load it on our computer, so that the fighter jets can complete coordinated targeting operations and evade enemy fire based on the information of these various curves."

Disec said: "This time we have gained a lot, and the establishment of such a research institute will also be classified as highly classified. When the military uses our curve calculations, we must be strict."

Wu Jun said: "If the name is called the Curve Research Institute, with the wisdom of the Greixing people, you can definitely figure it out, so you need to change the name."

Zu Wenyuan said: "I like the study of elliptic curves, so let's call it the Elliptic Curve Research Institute. It is not easy for people to guess what we are doing."

Disec, Abel, and Wu Jun all agreed.

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