Diseke, Abel, Wu Jun and Zu Wenyuan collected almost all the curve equations, processed the equations systematically, and processed the equations with predictive algorithms, planning to make a sight.

Disec believes that the primary task of the sight is to be able to capture the target, and then follow the basis of Wiener's cybernetics to predict the trajectory of the target.

The module of the sight is composed of a camera, a frame image comparison calculation chip, a PTZ rotator, a curve calculation chip device, and a Gatling machine gun.

The working principle is that when the target appears, the camera is used to capture the target.Then the frame image compares and calculates the point track of the target captured by the chip.The pan/tilt should also be adjusted in accordance with the movement of the target to prevent the target from flying out of the camera view.The curve calculator then performs curve fitting on the point trajectory, and after calculating the curve trajectory, predict the next trajectory according to the curve equation.Then, according to the predicted location and time, Gatling fired according to the advance amount to intercept the target.

This machine, Desec will soon be ready, and it will be used to test its capabilities.

After the automatic sight was on standby, Disec directly threw the stone, and Gatlin quickly fired, hitting the stone and breaking the stone into pieces.

At this time, Disec used a stone throwing machine to throw a pile of stones, and an automatic sighting machine only hit six or seven.

Disec knows that if you want to strike multiple targets, you need an integrated aiming system. If you hit 100 targets in the sky, you also need about 20 such aiming systems. Gatling sights can be a bit less, but the image The identification target system needs to be increased.Of course, if a single image aiming system can increase the calculation speed, one can replace multiple ones.

Disec upgraded the sighting system, equipped with 4 Gatling cannons, and the sighting system module can instantly strike thousands of targets.Dysec kept the sight on a flat ground with no one around. After a large swath of birds passed by, the system was turned on. After Gatlin strafed, all the birds were shot down and a pile of bird corpses was spread on the ground. .

Disec miniaturized the sight and made a very small salt cannon for hitting mosquitoes. It also used this recognition system to place it in a mosquito area, turn on the machine, and then start hitting the mosquitoes flying in the sky. Almost all the mosquitoes were killed by this cannon, and even the insects were almost extinct.

Lockheed Martin is very satisfied with the system developed by Desec, and is preparing to transform and upgrade it, and assemble it on various armored vehicles, anti-aircraft guns, and fighter jets, and even replace the missile system with this as a new generation of long-range sighting system.

The sighting device is upgraded again, and the telescope is added to capture distant targets, which requires an increase in the time and storage of space scanning.

At this time, Dysec found that the farther the distance, the greater the difficulty. A certain accuracy is needed to maintain it. The value of this error is getting bigger and bigger.

For objects with few acceleration changes, the mathematical curve of the path can be predicted to strike in advance. For multiple random accelerations, the difficulty of interception is slightly increased.

For Disec, he wanted to find the sight but also had difficulty aiming at the changing path.

It is a flying object with high acceleration and rapidly changing trajectory, which is a remote-controlled drone by hand, making it difficult for the sight to hit the drone.Disec quickly pressed the remote control with his hand to change the flight trajectory of the aircraft. According to elementary calculations, it was really difficult for the sight to aim the aircraft.

Dysec began to think again, how to deal with the maneuvering of enemy aircraft to capture and strike targets?

This difficulty is extremely high, but it is not impossible to crack. First of all, every aircraft has a speed limit. When the aircraft is measured at a certain position, predict any direction in which the aircraft can change orbit, that is, a sphere of orbit change, the target No matter how the trajectory changes, it will appear in the spherical range. You only need to launch a full barrage in the spherical area, and there will be a great chance of intercepting the target.

If the aircraft also understands all the curve equations on the sight, it can also use exclusionary evasion. This evasion is a curve equation that cannot be synthesized by elementary functions. Therefore, it is difficult for the sight to make mathematics for such a curved aircraft. On the forecast.

For example, the elliptic equation is an elementary function that cannot be used to predict an accurate trajectory, so approximate values ​​are needed to fit, which requires a special integral equation to make such a fit.

For the equations that fit the elementary equations, the trajectory can be predicted strictly according to the synthesis of the equations, but for those that cannot be synthesized by the elementary equations, some approximate equations need to be used.

Will there be any form of curve expression formula?Any kind of curve can be expressed without any omissions, and all trajectories can be included and passed.This requires a defined curve, it is impossible to find a complete one, only to find more and more various important curves.

This is a new curve definition system as well as a new curve learning machine. This kind of learning opportunity performs complete learning of various forms of curves.

This curve is a complete learning sight. After detecting the path of various aircraft, see if it can be fitted. If it cannot be fitted, it will memorize this path, study the path, and use approximate methods to synthesize and classify it. A new curve is classified. If the classification cannot be synthesized, it needs to be sent to the artificial workbench for research, so that people can calculate this peculiar curve and develop a new type of knowledge.

The significance of this type of sight is that in the universe, no matter how far the aircraft appears, it can be calculated and predicted based on the curve trajectory, and hit the local spacecraft with as little firepower as possible.

Whether it is possible to build a complete aiming machine that can hit aircraft with various forms of curves in the universe, this is also the direction that Disec wants to study, and the focus of this direction still needs to find a complete curve. problem.

Disec threw the problem of curve completion directly to Zu Wenyuan, Wu Jun, Abel and others.

Wu Jun took out Automata 3.0 and continued to start the proof. He quickly proved that not all curves can be represented. Humans can only show the definition line. This way of definition has steps that can be completed. , Even the chaotic line can also indicate the appearance, and the rest of the nonlinear curve can be expressed in a way that humans cannot use the definition.In this regard, even if humans rack their brains to find new ways to find some extremely weird lines, they cannot use precise or even approximate methods to find them.

The four people still came to the conclusion that they can only be completed by probability. This is the best method at present.

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