Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 167 The Chaos of the UN Security Council

Next to a villa next to a large meniscus-shaped swimming pool, many people are wearing sunglasses and lying on deck chairs. One of them is Jin Xuan, assistant to the conference. Next to it is UN Security Council President Nathan Johnny. All of them are members of various countries as the president of the UN Security Council.

Jin Yan said: "It's not good to tell anyone, I'd better tell you directly."

Nathan Johnny said: "Yes, it's actually my decision now. No country wants to establish diplomatic relations. They all think it has nothing to do with them."

Jin Yan said: "What do you want to express, are the key figures denying our funding?"

Nathan Johnny said: "Yes, the question of funding has been for many years. You can see that many people on the planet have died of starvation and disease, and you still spend money to train your troops."

Jin Yan said: "Then you know? Without the protection of our troops, we would die without protection after being attacked by unknown forces."

Nathan Johnny said: "Then this problem is spent here. If we spend money, we will lose if there are no unknown forces, and if we don't spend money, we will lose even more if we don't spend money and if those unknown forces invade. "

Jin Yan said: "There is no need to consider the issue of consumption. Unknown forces must exist."

Nathan Johnny said: "This means that you can run wild again. It is said that your conference has used black police to wipe out five countries."

Jin Yan said: "We exist to protect the earth's civilization, not for the benefit of a certain race or country, but for all mankind. If you don't understand, I can only do this."

Nathan Johnny said: "This time, if funds are provided in accordance with this requirement, the supply to the people of the earth will be greatly reduced, and it will pose a threat to various countries in the United Nations. There will be a risk of damage to the authority of the United Nations. It will be reduced. Then we may not be able to help you. Then you need to fight alone in this big meeting, which may become the target of public criticism."

Jin Yan said: "Our duty is to protect the people on earth. If we all doubt us, I will go on like this. And I know that many people will doubt us."

Nathan Johnny said: "Don't say that you are so great, don't you have selfishness, you are an assistant, and you need to bear some responsibilities. Because the mistakes made by big people are often big, the demands on yourself are higher than ordinary people. ."

Jin Yan said: "We have always been cautious."

Nathan Johnny said: "Don't tell me this kind of nonsense, you didn't allow our department to review you, why?"

Jin Yan said: "Some of the funds are confidential, and I don't trust your reviewers."

Nathan Johnny said: "It seems that you have begun to engage in the uncooperative system again, and the authority of the United Nations is no longer in the eyes. Don't tell me that you need to understand your system for the continuation of life on earth. Nonsense."

Jin Yan said: "The earth is full of all kinds of alien spies. Who knows if your Security Council has it? We are fighting for a long time. We have only one enemy, and that is the person who hurts the people on earth."

Nathan Johnny smiled and said, "You are hurting the people on earth. You have taken away what they should eat and use, and where they live."

Jin Yan yelled: "I won't joke with you weak people who are not calm. Our task is arduous and we don't know mother-in-law."

Nathan Johnny also yelled: "If you let me know that your money is not spent on the ground, but you want to kill people and occupy the land at will, I will disband the conference at all costs."

Jin Yan calmed down and said, "Okay, don't pretend, what do you want?"

Nathan Johnny said with a smile: "I want to go to the big meeting. If you have a meeting, I want to participate in a seat. In this way, I will not pursue the issue of your review. I will do what I say. "

Jin Yan said: "I can introduce you to a scientific research department. You can find a place at the conference in the name of scientific research and development."

Nathan Johnny said: "If I'm a member of the research department, can I go in?"

Jin Yan said: "I can make you'backstage' in it."

Nathan Johnny said, "Well, that's it."

Jin Yan said, "You have to promise one more condition."

Nathan Johnny said, "Say it."

Jin Yan said: "If it's related to the review, you have to tell me something first, and don't make your own decision directly."

Nathan Johnny said: "This is fine."

Jin Yan said: "Everyone will become the one they hate, so the goal is the most important, right."

Nathan Johnny said: "Goal is the only belief. You have also seen that if there is no war, there are always negotiations between politics and politics. Whatever you talk about is exchange. If you want to become a master, it depends on whether you will change. Will change."

Jin Yan said: "The biggest obstacle at the moment is that the conference is only managed by the five permanent members, so people in many countries feel that they have suffered a loss. I think that if you want more people to support, you need to get other small countries to also Participate in the discussion. There are Arctic Military Regions, Antarctic Military Regions, Pacific Military Regions, North Asian Military Regions, Southern Asian Military Regions, Southeast Asian Military Regions, Australian Military Regions, European Military Regions, African Military Regions, Atlantic Military Regions, North American Military Regions, Central American Military Regions And the South American Military Region. It occupies the seaport area of ​​many countries, so it’s fair to let them come in and own their rights.”

Nathan Johnny said: "Regardless of whether you can persuade the conference, just letting small countries participate will only be crowded. And your current situation is precisely that a bunch of small countries oppose the formation of the conference. You have to speak in person to convince them, especially the countries in the South American Military Region."

The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting, which was convened by many small countries in response to the situation of the big meeting.

A country headed by Chile, a South American country, said: “The establishment of the conference was a mistake. It wasted manpower, material resources and a lot of natural environment. Many small countries suffered from it. People in many regions caused large-scale conferences because of the large conferences. Armed conflict, and the conference still owes huge debts, so it is advocated that the conference must pay the debts and return the territory to the original sovereignty, and then the conference itself will be dissolved directly."

The representative of Nortel said: “It’s okay to pay off the debt, and it’s probably not appropriate to dissolve it. After all, the large-scale unidentified armed forces in Antarctica are related to alien intervention, and the conference needs to be retained.”

The representative of Chile spoke: "This is a scene you directed. You support the conference only for your own personal gain. All news sources come from your self-directed and self-acted, and the acting skills are still very poor."

The representative of Nortel State spoke: "So many countries around have witnessed this result, why do you use your ignorance to show off at such a meeting?"

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