Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 168 Flexible deployment

The representative of Chile said: "You are very skilled in special effects. It is like saying that the earth sent a fleet to fight the aliens on Pluto a long time ago. It looks realistic, but no country will believe it. And many of our small countries are deep. Harmful by the conference, they need to pay fees, provide them with all valuable sites, and unconditionally provide them with various expenses. When various uncontrollable problems arise, the conference uses force to solve us, but the conference did What? Everyone hasn't seen any results. Once you need to check it, you will say that it is a secret, whether it is a secret or there is nothing at all. You are like a fraudulent shell company."

The representative of Beiangang said: "At this moment, each country needs to fight for sovereignty. The extraterrestrial forces we encounter are too strong. If we are not united a little bit, we will suffer the catastrophe. If we don’t handle all this properly. , Keep sullen, and speak without investigating the truth. If you listen to your speech, you will suffer a disaster."

The representative of Chile said: "But we can never let the war break out. We need an impartial organization to manage all this. If the conference cannot be cancelled, we also need to establish a conference investigation team."

The representative of Bei'an Steel said: “There will be no investigation team. This requires funding and wastes time. Our five permanent members of the United Nations only need to supervise each other.”

The five permanent members voted vetoes for all small countries to veto the proposals of the conference.

Jin Yan breathed a sigh of relief, but this was when Li Tong suddenly came to find him. Li Tong said, "Congratulations on your success, but I hope you can restrain some of your people and not take debt as an honorable thing. "

Jin Yan said, "You are talking about the big hypotenuse plan of Kontako and Kong Qiuming. Mr. Lu planned to invest money in, and I hope you will not stop it meaninglessly. We are seriously short of money here."

Li Tong said: "However, now we are also short of money. We have a lot of useless collateral in our hands. We can't sell these things."

Jin Yan said: "Why don't you think of a way, or let us sell it for you, so that no one can get the money. Besides, isn't the successor to the big meeting a girl named purple?"

Li Tong said: "There is no arrangement for the successor to the conference, but a lot of money is owed. Many accounts are still confused. I asked you for money to solve my problem."

Jin Yan said, "Tell me your question and I will help you."

Li Tong said: "The procedures for the funding of the conference plan have not been completed."

Jin Yan said, "Then it's done, is there any problem? Whoever blocks it will use the money."

Li Tong said: "Some countries have trade relations with us. These countries have suffered a lot of interests from the conference. Knowing that we have invested in the conference, they suspended investment in us."

Jin Yan said, "Who is there?"

Li Tong said: “Argentina’s agreement with us on many mineral resources, oil, and natural gas has stopped. Chile has also stopped supplying saltpeter and copper mines. The supply of Polish coal has also stopped. Brazil’s coffee, The supply of various crops such as soybeans has also stopped. Many of our subsidiaries need to have enough stocks or they cannot operate."

Jin Yan said: "You connected to President Argentina, and I told him about this."

Li Tong called President Argentina and said hello: "Jin Yan said, minerals, oil, natural gas, etc. should be given, don’t delay, because the conference requires a lot of energy deployment, and we need to investigate parts of Antarctica. Don't stop us, we have to see how the laser generator in the ice layer works."

President Argentina said: "Dozens of companies in minerals and energy give things out, and I also need you to give me things, and we also have needs."

Jin Yan said: "What is the need? Just say, I will solve it for you, and you will fix it for me."

President Argentina thought for a while and said, "Can you give us some planes and warships, as well as some armored vehicles and tanks."

Jin Yan said, "It can be, but what do you want these for?"

President Argentina said: "I'm sorry to say that since I became president, I have been unstable and have poor military capabilities. I hope to strengthen my army, so I am equipped to arm my own soldiers and protect myself. "

Jin Yan said: "Wait a minute, as long as I give the equipment, you can transport minerals and oil and gas."

President Argentina said: "Of course it is possible. This is how our agreement was reached."

Jin Xuan asked Li Tong to call the Chilean president. The Chilean president said: "We are not very demanding. You withdraw part of the army to key areas. In addition, give us some..."

Jin Yan said: "As long as the saltpeter and copper are in place, the tanks and airplanes will give you some to help you consolidate the regime."

Jin Yan asked Li Tong to call the Polish president: "Just say, coal is in place. I will give you a brigade air defense missile system and an attack drone for nothing, okay."

The Polish president readily agreed.

Jin Xuan asked Li Tong to call the Brazilian president and said: "Give you fighter jets, bombers, tankers, transport aircraft, early warning aircraft, helicopters, electronic jammers, you give me coffee and soybeans at reasonable prices, or I will take them. Those things will hit you."

The Brazilian President had to agree.

Li Tong said to Jin Yan, "What should I do when I get closer? Where do you come from?"

Jin Xuan called Prinshijin, President of the Northern Steel Country, and said, "How do you think about it?"

Princhin said: "Only by shipping tons of clothes, soap, computers, mobile phones, corn, soybeans, and coffee, I will give you various types of aircraft, various types of missiles, various types of firearms, and various types at the same price. Tanks and armored vehicles, as well as artillery. I don’t need to settle in U.S. dollars, so I can exchange them directly.”

Jin Yan said: "No problem, all will arrive in a few days. We still need some rare earths."

Princhkin agreed.

Jin Yan called Beicheng City and said, "Give you rare earths, natural gas, oil, and coal. You can bring clothes, soap, mobile phones, and corn."

The President of Northern City said: "Okay, that's it."

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