Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 999 Without drawing the sword, directly trigger the ending? Guard against you!

Super Tomatoes are unbelievable.

As soon as I received the letter, I ran over without stopping. I didn't dare to delay for a minute! Shouldn't we meet at the gate of the city?

Why did you finish the fight just after I came!? People died too?

Is there 10 minutes before and after this?!

What the hell is going on!

He can't accept it!

Seeing Super Tomato's breakdown, Lin You laughed immorally.

Super Tomato collapsed for a while before reluctantly accepting the fact that my sister seems to be gone and focused on the game again.

The status quo is already evident:

My sister sent him a letter before entering Luoyang City, but the pigeons flew too slowly, and they couldn't fly from Luoyang to Chang'an in a few minutes like an airship.

By the time he got the letter, it was too late.

However, my sister's last-ditch effort should have worked, so the miasma engulfing Luoyang did not continue to spread around.

Although there are still many problems:

For example, why does this sword appear here?

The we in the sister's mouth refers to her and who?

And how to get rid of this miasma after getting the sword?


But these can be considered later, there is only one thing to do now.


Or [draw sword]?

Don't even think about it!

Super Tomato gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, and——

Draw your sword! !

The gleaming sword was pulled out inch by inch from the statue's chest until it was completely detached from the statue and held in Super Tomato's hand! ——



[Equipment requirements not met]

(The sword of Li Taibai, the sword fairy, contains silver fire inside, and it can also be cut without death!)


Super Tomato held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and raised the heavy Longyuan Sword to his eyes. He was about to appreciate the Sword Immortal Saber, but suddenly heard a slight vibration.

Soon, the vibration became obvious, and the ground under his feet also began to vibrate.

Super Tomato looked up and immediately found the source of the vibration——

In front of this huge statue of generals.

The shell of the stone-like material is now turning into fine gravel and rustling down.

A giant is awakening from the stone!

Super Tomato retreated subconsciously.

——A fierce general who was three meters tall and as strong as a bull, holding a long-handled giant ax in his hand, suddenly came back to life.

Super Tomato was worrying while holding the Longyuan Sword which could not be swung at all, but this fairy sword seemed to be able to understand people's minds, it turned into a sword light by itself, and slashed on the back of his right hand.

Super Tomato raised his right hand and found that there was a silver mark of Longyuan Sword on the back of his hand.

Not burdened, he quickly pulled out the Murakami sword, and even took off the [1 defensive pot cover] that he hadn't looked at before, and hung it on his left arm.

He needs even this trivial sense of security!

While he was preparing to finish, the huge general in front of him also came to life, and three big black and red characters appeared on his shoulder——

【Yan Gaoqing】!

The impact of these three words on Super Tomato was no less than when he suddenly heard that his sister had died!

Yan Gaoqing?

This is not the one who raised the banner of rebellion during the Anshi Rebellion, rebelled against An Lushan, and even beheaded many rebels in the Anlushan camp. Later, An Lushan sent two armies to attack and was captured alive in Luoyang City. The prefect of Changshan who scolded An Lushan and was killed in the end?


Super Tomato looked at the super hunk in front of him and was deeply shocked: Has your physique... always been this exaggerated?

Yan Gaoqing·BOSS version, answered his question with a fierce strike!

Super Tomato dodges the blow with a hasty right dive.

But the boss did not stop and made another horizontal cut!

As soon as Super Tomato got up, the ax hit his waist!

According to normal physics, this knife is enough to cut him in half.

Fortunately, this game doesn't talk about physics very much. He was just sent flying by an axe and hit the ground heavily.

The blood bar is directly halved!

Super Tomato quickly got up, while the boss jumped up, and the third ax slammed down again!

Slash Huashan!

A blood-red word [DANGER] suddenly appeared on Super Tomato's head.

He felt the hairs all over his body explode, and a strong sense of crisis instantly swept through his body!

This made him subconsciously raise the pot shield to block, but he regretted it the moment he raised it——

The giant ax of the BOSS fell from the sky, and after smashing the lid of the pot in his hand, it smashed on his neck as if there was no hindrance!


Blood splatter.

Soul out of body.

Super Tomato's consciousness watched his body hit the ground heavily, stirring up a large cloud of dust.

The world turned gray and white.

And in this gray and white world, a large blood-red character almost blocked the entire vision of Super Tomato——


Just now... what happened?

Super Tomato groaned feebly.

Before he could react, the boss hacked him to death with three axes.

[Restart]/[End Game]

Of course [start over].

Super Tomato once again stood in front of Yan Gaoqing's statue, made mental preparations for a while, and silently rehearsed the battle in his heart before pulling out the [Dragon Yuan Sword] again.

——The second time, of course there is no phantom.

After drawing his sword, he didn't stand still and wait for the boss to come out of the statue, but ran behind the boss, drew his sword and slashed!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

One sword after another.

It was almost as he expected: when the BOSS was playing the transformation animation, it really wouldn't fight back!

Super Tomato is very excited, racing against time to output.

But he forgot one thing - there is a price to be paid for being greedy for knives!

The transformed boss turned around and slashed horizontally, and the Super Tomato, who couldn't react in time, was instantly sent flying!

His body was stiff due to the injury, and he failed to receive the body, and was slashed in the chest by the second ax following up by the boss!

After 45 seconds, the world turned gray again.

The blood-red word [Death] also appeared before his eyes again.


Super Tomatoes are kind of silent.

But it's not a big problem.

When he came back for the third time, he learned his lesson and didn't want to be greedy for knives anymore. He hurriedly opened the distance after cutting three swords, and successfully dodged the boss's first axe.

The second ax slashed down and successfully dodged again.

The third axe, the BOSS leaped forward, smashing Huashan again!

The word [Danger] appeared on Super Tomato's head again, and the hairs all over his body exploded.

With experience this time, he didn't take off the shield at all, but rushed to the left, trying to dodge.

He dodges.

But not completely out of the way.

—was struck in the leg with an axe.

It's okay! Super Big Tomato yelled in his heart, It takes two stabs to die, but one stab is fine!

The legs were not vital, and only one-third of the blood was deducted.

He immediately wanted to distance himself and drink.

But as the giant ax hit the ground, the ground around the ax blade suddenly shook violently a few times!

Super Tomato couldn't react in time and was shaken to the ground.

And this also determines the outcome of the battle——

After 30 seconds, he saw the big blood-red characters again——


Super Tomato got another important piece of information: when the BOSS jumps up and strikes down, the ground will vibrate, so stay away.

When he died for the first time, he was hacked to death before the ax hit the ground, so naturally he didn't notice this detail.

He was resurrected again and fought again in the fourth round.



When Super Tomato and Yan Gaoqing were fighting fiercely, Ayi's battle hadn't started yet.

He is still on his way.

It's not that his airship flies slower than Super Tomato - in fact, this is the second time he has flown to Luoyang.

When he flew over for the first time, he was actually about the same speed as Super Tomato.

It’s just that after watching the illusion, he suddenly fell ill again——

What will happen if I don't draw my sword and give up entering the city? Will it directly trigger the end of the game?

Think about it and do it right away.

A Yi turned around and left, returning the same way, leaving the miasma envelope all the way.

Then, the ending CG really hit the trigger!

Yi was a little excited.

He thought he would see the magic mist spread, devouring all the people in the world, and the world ushered in destruction.

Or the sword fairy Li Taibai appeared again, splitting the magic mist with a single sword, trying to turn the tide or something.

but no.

Nothing at all.

Yunmeng played him an animation in which he boarded the airship and flew back to Chang'an City outrageously.

When the animation ended, he was already standing on the city wall of Chang'an.

Other than that, nothing.

No intel, no sidelines, no follow-ups, and no achievements.

Nothing at all!

It just ended in a hurry.

Standing on the top of the wall, Ah Yi was completely dumbfounded.

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