Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1050 Lost in Space

Astronauts are already floating in space, and they still have to read the manual to learn about maintenance and installation.

This is really a bit outrageous.

But Xu Shenghan had no other choice but to flip through the instructions with his fingers as thick as radishes in a space suit, looking for installation instructions.

The instruction manual has been simplified and has been compressed from dozens of pages to a thin nine pages.

But even so, the spacesuit caused great inconvenience to Xu Shenghan.

He had to turn the pages with difficulty, find [Installation] from the catalog, and then turn to the fourth page where the installation is located, look at the drawings, and then look at the equipment in front of him, looking for [Point A] and [Point B] marked on the drawings , [Point C] are all there.

After confirming that it was almost the same, I looked for an electric screwdriver in the tool bag.

At this moment, he needs to take care of the communication card spare parts, manual, electric screwdriver, and disassembly work at the same time, and he has to keep an eye on the screws he unscrewed, so as not to accidentally fly away-this makes him feel that two hands are not enough up.

After a lot of effort, Xu Shenghan finally replaced the broken communication card with a new one.

As a price, one of the broken old communication cards flew out of his hand...

Seeing the communication card drifting away, Xu Shenghan was a little nervous at first - Lin You was almost killed by space junk in space, but soon he relaxed again: the problem is not big, it is the virtual world anyway.

He put the communication card back and was about to close the panel. When he screwed back the screws, he subconsciously raised his arm to wipe off the sweat that didn't exist, but it slammed on the mask.

Oh. Xu Shenghan sighed again.

The game has just started, and he discovered that Gravity seems to be different from the romantic space adventure he imagined.

Who would have thought that screws would have to be screwed in space?

Two teammates, one nervously pulling his own safety rope and dancing, the other flying around the space shuttle in a manned maneuvering device, trying to break a legendary spacewalk record.

Only he was hard at screwing.

Sigh, sigh, the screw still needs to be screwed.

Xu Shenghan took out the screw from the bag and carefully aligned it. Just as he was about to install the electric screwdriver, a voice from the command center suddenly sounded in his ears:

Nine days, this is Xia Jing.

Xia Jing, please tell me. Xu Shenghan replied with a somewhat familiar voice.

The Great Xia Air Defense Command stated that an American satellite was attacked by a missile, and the explosion caused a large number of debris, which is moving at a speed of 32,000 kilometers per hour. At present, the debris does not overlap with your orbit, and we will notify you in time if there is any situation.

Received by Jiutianhao. The familiar voice replied calmly again.


The teammates were very calm, but Xu Shenghan was a little restless.

Tracks don't overlap?

If there is no overlap, there will be ghosts!

100% hit it, okay? !

Don't we really need to avoid it? He tried to remind his teammates.

But the teammates were very calm: It's okay, let the command center worry about it.

Of course, after all, the teammate who flew around with the manned mobile device still applied to the command center, and then flew over to help Xu Shenghan, wanting to complete the extravehicular operation as soon as possible.

Xu Shenghan finally saw the face of his first teammate when they were face to face at this moment, and his name also appeared on the side of his head at the same time:

【Zhuang Xu】

This old man has the space romance atmosphere that Xu Shenghan imagined before. He calmly twisted the screws while chatting with Xu Shenghan.

Make complaints about your teammates, tell a joke about gravity, talk about the [Space Survey Telescope] under maintenance, and guide Xu Shenghan to pay attention to the environment in space—the quiet stars, and the beautiful earth.

Full of poetry.

But Xu Shenghan is not in the mood at all now——

His mind is now full of fragments flying rapidly!

Can't we really avoid it in advance? Xu Shenghan proposed again after turning the screw, I have a very ominous premonition!

Jiutian, please extend the robotic arm to the payload module. Zhuang Xu first issued an application to move the robotic arm, and then replied, Brother, let me teach you an experience: in space, it is best to follow the arrangements of the command center, It's not smart to pick a fight with them.

The robotic arm is ready.

The electronic sound sounded, and the mechanical arm under him began to move at a constant speed.

Look here!

The voice of another teammate sounded again in the headset.

The two looked up at the same time, and saw another teammate suddenly kicked on the spacecraft, and then flew out in a circle, and was caught by the safety rope again, floating in space.

His name was also marked by the system——

【Nie Dong】

Haha. The laughter of Zhuang Xu and Nie Dong sounded in Xu Shenghan's ears.

But Xu Shenghan couldn't laugh at all.

——The teammate at the high place was tied with a safety rope, and his body was separated from the spacecraft and drifted in space, while he was dragged by the mechanical arm to move.

The visual sense of this scene is too strong!

Isn't this the scene when the accident happened in the trailer? !

The moment this idea came to mind, Xu Shenghan heard the voice from the command center that was no longer calm——

Tiangong, this is Xia Jing, Jiutian, this is Xia Jing.



[Tiangong Space Station] and [Nine Sky Aircraft] responded at the same time.

Mission aborted! Repeat, mission aborted!

Nine days, immediately evacuate the [Sky Survey Space Telescope] and start returning!

Tiangong, start the emergency evacuation procedure!

Got it, act immediately. Nie Dong's voice became serious, Zhuang Xu, Dr. Xu, return to the Jiutian immediately, repeat, return to the cabin immediately!

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

But Zhuang Xu was still very calm: Got it, Jiutian, ready to open the airlock.

The airlock is ready to enter.

Xu Shenghan waited for this news for a long time, without delaying a second, immediately closed the loading compartment, and the mechanical arm began to move towards the airlock.

Xia Jing, please explain the specific situation. The voice from the Tiangong space station sounded again.

Xia Jing's ground command center immediately explained: The debris hit by the missile caused a chain reaction, and hit other satellites to form more debris, which is flying towards your orbit at a speed exceeding the bullet.

Xu Shenghan immediately complained loudly: Is this what you guys said don't worry?

And the command center! I knew I had to avoid it early. It took you so long to evacuate? Can you be more professional?!

I am more professional than you!!

Can you do it? If you can't, just change the group!!

This wave of powerful complaints immediately silenced the entire communication channel.

The teammates on the side looked at Xu Shenghan in surprise.

Dr. Xu, please calm down. The command center's voice remained steady, Only by keeping a calm mind can we better respond to emergencies.

Calm down your mother! Xu Shenghan let himself go.

Don't panic! Zhuang Xu hurriedly intervened and changed the subject, Xia Jing, how is the situation now?

It has caused a strong chain reaction, and it has been confirmed that America destroyed one of its own satellites, which caused this unexpected consequence.

They hit their own satellite?? Xu Shenghan was surprised.

Their own satellites, we can't control them, they may be abandoned spy satellites-now they have become bombs.

Jiutian, prepare to leave the survey telescope, unlock the countdown: 3, 2, 1!

The countdown ended, and the huge barrel-shaped space telescope and the streamlined space shuttle slowly separated.

Nine days, there is something new here!

Xia Jing, what's the matter?

Bad news: most systems have been paralyzed, the debris chain reaction is out of control and spread rapidly, and many satellites have been affected and crashed.

How many do you mean? Xu Shenghan couldn't help but interjected.

The vast majority, to be more precise: almost all of them have been destroyed! The communication system is almost paralyzed, and the signal may be interrupted at any time!

So why the hell did I waste time changing communication cards just now?!

Xu Shenghan complained loudly again.

The conversation on the communication channel suddenly became dense, but it was always orderly, so that Xu Shenghan could clearly distinguish who was talking.

So it didn't stop him from complaining.

It's just a pity that at such an urgent moment, almost everyone ignored his complaints.

Only Zhuang Xu cooperated and told a joke: So, half of the self-driving cars in Daxia will be paralyzed?

Xu Shenghan really wanted to laugh a few times, but an unexpected incident interrupted him: The fragment! I saw the fragment!

Report the location!

It's just... Xu Shenghan suddenly got stuck.

How should directions be described in the universe?

North, south, east, west? Or back and forth?

Time was running out, and Xu Shenghan, who was in a daze, could only stretch his arms, pointing at the location where the fragments appeared and shouting loudly: It's over there!!




There was a surprised voice on the communication channel.

Where is that over there? Nie Dong complained, You can't tell what time—


A slight and short collision interrupted Nie Dong's voice.

Xu Shenghan clearly saw: This teammate who was descending the ladder seemed to be hit by an invisible shell, and he suddenly flew out! The safety rope on his body collapsed instantly!

Nie Dong's limbs only twitched once after being hit hard, but he stopped responding.

He was pulled by the safety rope, floating feebly in space like a kite.

Fuck! Xu Shenghan immediately became anxious.

Without waiting for the mechanical arm to move slowly, he began to untie the umbilical cord wrapped around his waist, wanting to go back by himself.

——The umbilical cord, which is another rope different from the safety rope, connects the astronaut directly to the space capsule.

Zhuang Xu also gave up going back to the cabin directly, and instead drove the mobile device to fly to Nie Dong, while calling continuously in the communication:

There are casualties! Repeat, there are casualties!

Xia Jing, it's Jiutian here! There are casualties!


But his call did not get any response.

Not only Zhuang Xu, Jiutian and Tiangong are also calling the ground command center, but the command center has fallen silent.

—Contact was completely cut off.

Worse still: a lot of satellite debris has arrived!

Some tiny fragments cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye, only the space shuttle and the space telescope can be seen silently blasting holes one by one, stirring up a large number of fragments.

There are also large pieces of satellite debris that have been affected, which can be captured by the naked eye.

Because of this, Xu Shenghan could see the scene where these fragments easily penetrated and shattered the solid spacecraft!

The [Sky Survey Space Telescope] that had just been separated lost its balance under the attack of the fragments, and while spraying the fragments, it smashed towards him!

Any fragment can easily send him to the west!

It wasn't until this moment that Xu Shenghan deeply understood why the label of this game is Space Disaster!

The next moment, the entire space shuttle was suddenly hit hard!

Jiutian lost control of its posture in an instant, and began to crazily autobiography, even with the mechanical arm, Xu Shenghan was also twirling wildly.

——He has already untied the umbilical cord, but the buckle has not been untied, so he can only scream endlessly.

What's worse: the food in his stomach, which was not very obedient, was thrown wildly by this single, weightless, super pendulum, and now it is even more overwhelming.

Xu Shenghan relied entirely on the seaman's well-trained nerves to hold on and not spit it out.

But other unlucky eggs are different——

Tang Mingyue, Lin You's black fan leader, was thrown dizzy, his internal organs shifted, and he could only try his best to cheer himself up:

Hold it! Hold it back!!

Hold it!

Never spit in the helmet!

Be patient and vomit~~~~~~~

The rainbow sprays out!

Changed his visor to a chromatic skin.

In Turner's live broadcast room, the live broadcast camera is also flying with his perspective, the audience can't see anything clearly, and can only hear Turner's desperate wailing——


Even Xia Yi, who had been in the closed beta once, was still wailing in the live broadcast room, yelling ahhhhh endlessly.

——She tried to get out of the mechanical arm in advance, but when the fragments hit, the entire spacecraft would be affected by the deadly fragments, and if she was not careful, she would die suddenly on the spot.

After three consecutive sudden deaths, she resolutely gave up looking for other safe places, but sat on the death pendulum honestly.

Moreover, the rotation of the space shuttle is just the beginning. After completing a 1080° turn, the mechanical arm was hit by another fragment and broke instantly under the visual effect of an explosion.

Under the action of centrifugal force, this mechanical arm takes the player to continue the death circle!

And because of the irregularity of the mechanical arm itself, its rotation direction is no longer fixed, but it starts to rotate randomly, and the speed has also increased to a higher level!

Players who have not been vomited before face severe challenges to their stomachs again!

Even Xu Shenghan, an old seaman, couldn't pass this test. The rainbow sprayed out from his mouth and evenly covered the entire mask.

Zhuang Xu's voice came from the earphone again:

The astronaut and the body are separated! Dr. Xu is separated!

Doctor! Quickly unfasten the buckle!

If you don't untie it, you will be taken away by the mechanical arm!

Listen! Concentrate! I'm going to lose sight of you! I won't be able to find you in a while! Undo the buckle!

Xu Shenghan broke free from the buckle with all his strength, and cursed angrily:

It's so fucking disgusting ahhhhhh!

As soon as the buckle was pulled open, Xu Shenghan was instantly thrown out!

In front of his eyes, the cylindrical [Sky Survey Space Telescope] was shattering, blooming, and turning into large groups of garbage.

The Jiutian Aviation aircraft with soft and graceful lines slowly dissipates while rotating.

There is no deafening explosion when disasters occur in other games, and there is not even any noisy sound. With the huge earth as the background, everything disintegrates silently and dies in silence.

Xu Shenghan is still spinning.

Towards endless deep space, spinning endlessly.

He heard the last voice in his ear, Dr. Xu is out of sight.

Afterwards even communication was completely lost.

The only good news is: Yunmeng obviously made careful fine-tuning. She couldn't hold back the vomit she spewed out during the dizziness. It just smeared on the mask to make the player sick, and then disappeared in less than 2 seconds.

It didn't even touch the player's skin.

Obviously, Yunmeng didn't want this little accident to affect the players watching this magnificent death.

But this luck quickly dissipated in absolute silence.

Even knowing that this is a game, Xu Shenghan couldn't restrain his breathing and heartbeat.

He could not control his movements, see no references, and hear no sounds.

The communication channel changed from noisy to silent almost in the blink of an eye.

And it was absolute silence.

There is only the sound of my own breathing and heartbeat in my ears, other than that, there is only boundless darkness and dead silence.

—he was completely lost in space.

I went to participate in the funeral today, and the time is not enough, so the two chapters are combined.

Another busy day tomorrow.

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