It's outrageous...

I was driving on the road and when I saw a big truck coming, even if I wasn't in the same lane, I knew to stay away.

You guys who are engaged in aerospace, don't you know how to hide far away? Do you have to be wiped out by the regiment?

Xu Shenghan was full of resentment and kept complaining.

Others were still wandering around in space, but Yunmeng obviously considered the players' game experience. After spinning for a while, he should have turned to the old Xu Shenghan without any external force, but the rotation speed slowed down a little bit.

Not only the dizziness is greatly reduced, but also there is room to observe the surrounding environment.

——It’s hard to say anything else, at least I can clearly see the position of the earth.

Although, this kind of experience is still not very good, because in Xu Shenghan's senses, he seems to be constantly moving away from the earth.

The only good news is: the earth does not seem to be shrinking, and apparently the speed of its distance is not fast.

Of course, if there is no external interference and it keeps flying like this, it will be hard to say!

So after Xu Shenghan made a strong round of complaints, he immediately began to think about the next plot development:

So... what's going to happen next?

Another space shuttle? A passing space station? Martians? Or a UFO?

The water friends also joined the discussion, but they failed to discuss any results-the technical level in reality can only wait for death, and the technology in the game is really elusive.

Fortunately, Yunmeng didn't keep everyone waiting, Xu Shenghan heard the faint voice of his teammates again:

Doctor Xu, can you hear me?

? Xu Shenghan was stunned for a moment, and blurted out surprised words, Are you still alive?

When he was thrown out, he saw the space shuttle and the space telescope shattered under the attack of fragments, and the sound on the communication channel disappeared without a trace.

From his perspective, his teammates should all be wiped out.

The teammate was silent for a moment, and replied: You better pray that I am really alive now, otherwise you have to think about who is talking to you now.

Xu Shenghan thought about what he said, and then shivered severely.

Now is not the time to tell space horror stories, can you come and save me?

Of course, now, flash the lights.

Flashing lights? Xu Shenghan didn't understand.

Take out the flashlight and flash it, or I won't see you.

Oh. Xu Shenghan understood - he was far away from the spacecraft, floating alone in the dark space, and it was obviously difficult for his teammates to see him with the naked eye.

He found a flashlight from the tool bag, skillfully performed three shorts, three longs, and three shorts, and initiated SOS with the light.

Unfortunately, Zhuang Xu didn't see him:

I didn't find you, report your location now, and see what references are around.

Reference object? Xu Shenghan looked around, I'm on the earth.

... The teammates fell silent, and it took a while before they said, Change to something more specific.

Hmm... Xu Shenghan thought for a while, I'm on top of North America, probably on top of Mexico.

Oh. Zhuang Xu sighed, I mean, see if there is any reference in space.

Oh, this, there are also some. Xu Shenghan squinted his eyes and tried to look into the distance, On my left, there is a white spacecraft, which may be a space station depending on the size; on my right, there is also a The white spacecraft, depending on its size, may also be a space station.

...How on earth did you pass the test and go to space? The teammate doubted life.

Now there are two space stations in space, one is Daxia's [Tiangong Space Station], and the other is the European Union's [Soyuz International Space Station].

Also...yes, as you said, they're all white.

Zhuang Xu was speechless, and Xu Shenghan was even more speechless. He directly came out of his body and complained to the water friends: What the hell are you talking about, it's not common sense, right? This is not Er Zhoumu!

So are you coming to save me? Xu Shenghan urged Zhuang Xu.

Zhuang Xu: I really need to think about your brain.


Okay, relax, nervousness will increase the breathing rate and increase oxygen consumption. Now report your status.

Ha, ha, ha, it's so funny. Xu Shenghan laughed three times, and began to report the readings displayed on his mask:

Spacesuit internal pressure: 3.6, oxygen content: 11%, physiological data: healthy.

You're running out of oxygen too fast, watch your breathing, relax, don't waste oxygen, and also, I see you, keep the flashlight on.

No problem. After Xu Shenghan responded to Zhuang Xu, he still did not forget to get out of his body to explain to the water friends: I am obviously not nervous at all, and the oxygen consumption is a bit too much, maybe I complained too much.

The water friends understand very well: I understand everything, Xu Shenghan is not afraid at all, it is Xu Jianghan who is afraid.

Xu Shenghan tried to refute, but a faint shadow interrupted him——

At this time, he was already on the back of the earth, the light of the sun could not reach it, and the light on the surface could not reach space, which greatly affected his vision.

But as the shadow got closer and closer, Xu Shenghan could still see it: it was Zhuang Xu wearing a manned mobile device.

The manned mobile device behind him spewed out nitrogen from time to time, adjusting the flight trajectory.

When I first saw it, I felt far away from each other, but almost in an instant, my teammates became close at hand-the dark space and the huge planet interfered with his judgment of the distance.

Therefore, the confluence came somewhat hastily.

Fortunately, his teammates were skilled enough, and Xu Shenghan really calmed down, not flustered at all—the two held each other's arms tightly.

The movement trends of both sides were disrupted, and they stabilized after several laps in space.

Very good, very good. Zhuang Xu praised Xu Shenghan without hesitation, You didn't grab me like a drowning man, that's very good, very good.

Xu Shenghan didn't think it was a compliment.

As a senior seaman, he must not panic when he is rescued, let alone drag the rescuer randomly. This is the most basic common sense.

Now, I'm going to bind us together.

No problem, I'll help. Xu Shenghan helped again skillfully, fastening the installation rope of the manned maneuvering device to his space suit, What's next?

Next I'm going to push you away.

Ah? Damn it! Before he could ask, Zhuang Xu pushed him away!

He spun out again.

And Zhuang Xu immediately activated the manned mobile device, dragged him through the safety rope and began to move, and said as he moved, That just affected the vision too much, now it's fine.

Next, let's get out of here.

How about going back to Jiutian?

Xu Shenghan pulled the safety rope, and while adjusting his posture with difficulty, he replied: Space shuttle? Can it still be used?

I have to ask the command center about this. After Zhuang Xu finished speaking, he really started to ask in the communication channel, Xia Jing, this is Zhuang Xu, can you hear me?

We are planning to return to the Jiutian Airlines plane, can we arrange the return flight for Jiutian?

Xia Jing, this is Zhuang Xu...

Xu Shenghan interrupted him: They can't hear it, the communication channel has been silent for a long time.

No, we don't know if they can hear it, maybe they can hear it, but they can't answer it for a while? So we have to keep talking. If someone happens to hear it, it can save our lives.

Then you shouldn't be calling like that.

Really? Zhuang Xu spoke very well, How do you think you should call?

Let me demonstrate it to you, ahem— Xu Shenghan cleared his throat, and then shouted loudly——


anyone there??!

I am the reincarnation of Qin Shihuang, save me back, and I will make you a great general!!!

Zhuang Xu had a black line in his head, Did you know that sound cannot travel in a vacuum?

Isn't this for you to relax? In case you are too tense, you breathe too fast, and you don't have enough oxygen.

It's fine if the teammates don't cheer, even the water friends are sweating, which makes Xu Shenghan a little embarrassed, so he can only forcefully explain.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his space suit sounded an alarm:


[Oxygen levels are low, please pay attention to EVA time. ]


Yes! Let you shout!

I said calm down, there is not much oxygen, why don't you learn a lesson?!


The water friends who were still sweating just now burst into laughter.




Many readers do not have the habit of reading the words in [The Author Says], so I will explain them here.

In the past two days, I have participated in the funeral affairs of the elders. Today, I ran all day and was exhausted. I only started coding at night, and I just wrote a chapter. I hope everyone will forgive me. (end of this chapter)

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