Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1068 Do you want war? Then give you war! (2-in-1)

Whether it is the newly established [Flag of Salvation] discussion group or the earlier established [Destruction Plan] discussion group, they are both extremely large discussion groups with a volume of over one million.

In a discussion group of this size, it is almost impossible to keep information confidential.

A large number of Internet fun people have joined in, not for the purpose of "destroying the world" or "saving the world".

They joined simply to eat and join in the fun, and to see more excitement, they even did not hesitate to make a fuss.

There are also many people who have fun joining two discussion groups at the same time, and they join in the fun on both sides.

——Of course, after the mark of [Eternal Enemy] appeared, the expansion of the [Destruction Plan] discussion group quickly slowed down.

But those who are already inside will naturally not quit just because they want to.

Those who watched the excitement in silence; those who took advantage of the flames; those who jumped on the spot and called on everyone to "abandon darkness, turn to the light, and be loyal to the goddess"; those who appeared to be going all the way to the dark side, but were actually ready to backstab...

There are all kinds of people.

In [Flag of Salvation], of course there are marked players who are afraid of the world being in chaos, and are looking for opportunities to "color" everyone.

The situation can be said to be a mess.

The first to take action was the arsonist marked by Eva——

A group of about 50 [Flag of Salvation] players found a green space that survived the fire.

It was a deposit on the concave bank of a river, where a half-dead plant survived, and the remaining sparks shone in the surrounding ashes.

[Flag of Salvation] players quickly ran over to water the plants and completely extinguish the open fire to protect this precious green space.

Then you can start to study these plants to see which ones can be collected and planted, which ones can reproduce asexually, which ones have spores...

There are already professional players in the discussion group exchanging content in this regard.

However, as soon as these 50 people entered this green space, heads suddenly appeared in the water. Among the ashes they had just walked through, players who were black and completely integrated into the environment got up from the ground.

They - are surrounded!

What’s even more outrageous is that just when the players of the Banner of Salvation were nervous and gathered in a group facing the outside, the five people in the middle of their team suddenly jumped back!

Not only did he chop down five people in an instant, he also rushed left and right in the crowd, slashing while running, knocking the entire small team upside down and causing chaos in their formation.

"Get ready!" The besiegers all raised their spears.


Thick spears were thrown at the panicked crowd, and the crowd fell almost instantly.

“Round 2—get ready!”


Another round of spear throwing.

Then came the third round.

After three rounds of throwing spears, the small team of [Flag of Salvation] had completely collapsed. They were surrounded by the "Destroyers" who rushed up and slashed at them, directly destroying the group in a wave.

This group of players was so angry that they immediately ran back to the discussion group to expose the five "spies" and kicked them out of the discussion group after an angry scolding.

Immediately after that, players who were shaken 10 times came to support and rushed to the river bank again.

But when they arrived again, the enemy had disappeared, and the surviving green areas were in flames.

Worse: the same thing started happening over and over again, with more and more unlucky people coming to the discussion group to complain.

The player who breaks is not necessarily stronger than the player who wants to fix it.

But the problem is: the initiative has always been in the hands of the saboteurs.

Players in [Flag of Salvation] dare not form a team for fear of accidentally being marked by all of them, but [the marked ones] can form a team unscrupulously - not only can they form a team, but they can even openly and honestly destroy all members of their own team. The members were sent out and mixed into the [Flag of Salvation] crowd.

One side can't be in harmony, but the other side is not only in harmony, but also opens the whole map, not to mention ambush every time, and can always create chaos in the opponent's camp.

With such a huge disadvantage, it would be amazing to win!

There were even several large fire-fighting groups with tens of thousands of people, who were attacked by smaller enemies. They took advantage of the insiders to attack and leave, causing great trouble to everyone. They tried to arrest the people but were unable to do so. As for the enthusiasm for being the savior, it has faded a bit.


Splash was angry.

She sent an application to join the [World Destroyer Project] discussion group.

The application was approved easily.

"Why do you have to destroy it?" Shui Hua cut to the point.

Splash is one of the earliest [Honorary Players]. In Yunmeng's discussion group, there is an exclusive avatar frame and chat bubble special effects, and the speech is naturally very eye-catching.

Seeing Splash's ID and speech, the noisy discussion group was suddenly quiet for a moment.

Everyone was a little confused.

Normally speaking, shouldn't the two sides come and go in Pandora, intrigue, fight openly and secretly, fight in the dark, and finally decide the winner or loser based on strength?

As the founder and banner figure of [Banner of Salvation], Splash should also be a general on the battlefield.

In short - everyone should meet on the battlefield.

What is the way to run alone and go to the opponent's lair to question face to face? ?

As for why?

Of course, it is to drag people into the water, to make others uncomfortable. The more uncomfortable others are, the happier we are.

But it's obviously not appropriate to answer directly like this...

And on the World Destroyer's side, there was no one with the same weight as Splash to confront—from the initial organizer to the leader who led the team to sabotage, they were all a group of fun people.

In a fashionable phrase, this is a "decentralized" organization, and everyone can be a leader.

Obviously, as an organization, it's messy.

But chaos is both an advantage and a disadvantage for them.

Just like now, only a few people jumped out and retorted, "Meddle in your own business!"

But in the face of Splash's diamond profile picture frame and 48 million followers, it is really powerless.

——You don't even have a frame, where do you have the confidence to speak harshly? !

Not only did these harsh words have no effect, but a group of fun people even jumped out to welcome the splash:

"Congratulations to the Goddess of Splashes, come to her loyal discussion group!"

"Where's the administrator? Why don't you abdicate quickly?!"

"I raise my hands and feet to support the goddess of luck to become the supreme leader of the plan to destroy the world!"

"It's time to launch a referendum! The goddess takes over the discussion group, today!"

What's even more outrageous is that a deputy manager really initiated a vote!

The friends of the sand sculpture group immediately began to vote enthusiastically, as if they were going to put a yellow robe on Shuihua on the spot and let her be on the throne of "General Manager".

Splash's gaming skills are mediocre, but his mind is very good.

She wouldn't naively think that she could just take over the discussion group and deal with the counterattack of millions of [marked persons] without any effort.

But her goal has been achieved.

She started chatting privately with those players who immediately bubbled up to support her——

[Splash]: "Hello."

[Black Light Flashlight]: "Wow, Lady Luck chatted with me privately! I'll go buy scratch-offs later!"

[Shuihua]: "Don't make fun of me, it's all just for fun."

[Black light flashlight]: "How could it be! Oh, let's talk about this later, what does the goddess want from me?"

[Splash]: "I want to ask first, have you been marked?"

[Black light flashlight]: "No! Of course not! I am a lawful, kind and good person. I joined this group just to watch the excitement. [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]"

——He sent a picture and showed Splash his status bar with a time stamp to prove what he said was true.

[Shuihua]: "Then I want to ask you a favor, can you?"

[Black light flashlight]: "It is obligatory!"

[Splash]: "Don't rush to agree, the risk is not small, I'll finish talking before you think about it."

[Splash]: "I want to find someone to help gather as many marked players as possible and lead them into our ambush circle."

[Black light flashlight]: "No problem! Leave it to me!"

[Shuihua]: "You should think about it, even if you can change your name, it may still be remembered by others, and they will trouble you afterwards."

[Black light flashlight]: "I've considered it! Please leave it to me!"

If you want to win big prizes, how can you do it without taking some risks? !

Besides, this is very exciting to hear!

[Splash]: "Then, thank you for the hard work?"

[Black light flashlight]: "It's easy to talk, I'll call my good brother to cooperate, it will be absolutely fine!"

The black light flashlight has been watching the excitement in this discussion group for a long time, and it is clear that this group has always been a mess, and there is no organization at all.

Don’t make things happen too easily!

He turned his head and contacted his good brothers [White Light Flashlight], [Rainbow Flashlight] and [Second-hand Flashlight Wholesale] to conspire for great things!

And Splash didn't stop. After pulling himself, the black light flashlight, and a leader of the Banner of Salvation into a group, he immediately went on to chat with the next person in private.

One person is not enough.

She's going to muddy the waters completely! And create opportunities as much as possible to give these marked people a hard time!

At the beginning, she just wanted to put out the fire and plant trees, and save Pandora in a peaceful way.

While she said it wasn't about wiping the ass of the arsonists, it was more about giving the players involved in saving Pandora a step down.

In essence, this is helping to wipe your butt!

It's just that it's really in the player's own interest.

But she didn't expect that those arsonists were not only not grateful, but also took the initiative to find trouble and start a war!

Splash is very angry!

Since you want war, then give you war!

She gave up the idea of ​​"playing for a while and then going offline" and took the initiative to join this huge war!

Behind her, the players of the Flag of Salvation began to apply to join the [Destruction Plan] in a planned way and directly penetrated into the enemy.

Isn't it just undercover and backstabbing?

Make it look like no one can do it!


"What are you playing at?" Lin You sent a message to Zhu Cixia.

The little princess straightened up and breathed a sigh of relief, "Plant a tree."

In reality, a college student majoring in forestry has been very curious about Pandora's plants before, and has conducted some summary research on Pandora's trees.

Seeing the [Flag of Salvation] appearing, trying to save Pandora's great forest, he was very happy, joined the organization without saying a word, and shared his experience with everyone without reservation, and also participated in the discussion and confirmed the Several optimal tree planting plans.

Among them, the most basic and most useful one is the cutting propagation technology of common tree species in Pandora.

It is simple and easy to use. Even players who have no previous experience can basically master it after trying it five or six times.

Zhu Cixia is busy with this.

In the past, she planted trees with Shuihua, but later Shuihua got angry and was about to start a formal war, so she planted it by herself.

But after planting this tree, she also planned to pack up and leave.

Lin You also came to remind her not to miss the time, but she was a little confused by the word "planting trees", and took a few seconds to react.

"Xiaomeng is about to take the stage, aren't you also curious about what dance she will dance? Don't miss it."

"I'm coming."

Zhu Cixia patted Splash who was still chatting beside him, told her about the situation and left here first, changed back into beautiful clothes and went to find Lin You.

As soon as she sat down next to Lin You, before she had time to talk about what was happening in Pandora, the host finished the report:

"Next, please enjoy the wonderful dance brought by Xiaomeng!"

The little princess immediately stopped talking and looked at the dance floor with great anticipation.

Not only her, but the entire audience fell silent and focused on the dance floor.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

This is little Princess Yunmeng!

Netizens are now saying that there are two little princesses beside Lin You, one is Daxia's little princess, and the other is Yunmeng's little princess.

Now one of them is interested and wants to come to participate in the dance competition for the female anchors. It is not too much to say a word of condescension.

The lights gradually dimmed, and Little Dream made his debut——

A...little dinosaur, also covered in gold sequins? ! Suddenly jumped onto the dance floor.

"???" Lin You was immediately stunned.

It wasn't just him who was stunned, Zhu Cixia next to him, Xia Yi who was next to him, the scoring teacher on the judging panel, other contestants and public judges...

Everyone was stunned!

But Xiaomeng didn't.

The cheerful piano sound suddenly sounded, and the atmosphere changed suddenly.

Xiaomeng was wearing a little dinosaur pajamas full of golden sequins, shaking her arms, twisting her butt, and jumping on the microgravity dance floor.

She doesn't need any propulsion equipment, and she doesn't need other people's assistance. In the microgravity environment, she can jump as much as she wants, and fly wherever she wants.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The audience suddenly burst into violent laughter.

This laughter seemed to be contagious, quickly infecting everyone.

Everyone laughed wildly and clapped.

But Xiaomeng's performance has just begun!

I don't know whether it's dancing or radio gymnastics. Anyway, after Xiaomeng turned a few times and stretched her body, the rhythm of the music changed, and the sound of the saxophone joined in.

With the addition of new musical instruments, Xiao Meng's backup dancer also jumped out——

A little lolita wearing black and white panda pajamas jumped onto the dance floor and did radio gymnastics with Xiao Meng.

During the breaks in the music, the audience can also hear the sounds of the two little guys cheering themselves up by saying "Hey, hey, hey, hey."

"Connor?!" Xia Yi exclaimed belatedly.

Later, the sound of the violin joined in, and Sisi actually appeared!

Wearing cat pajamas, she happily joined Little Dream's Connor's team.

The three little guys suddenly danced out three rhythms, and their movements were not uniform. Everyone in the audience couldn't stop laughing.

After that, an even more outrageous backup dancer appeared——

Accompanied by the sound of the flute, a beautiful little white dragon flew into the dance floor, circled around the three little guys, and moved up and down to the rhythm of the music.

Of course, the beat is a little wrong...

Then, those who jumped into the dance floor turned into chubby Pokemon, little white tiger, little fox, fairy deer... all kinds of cute and cute animals came off the stage one after another, trying hard to imitate the movements of Xiaomeng and the three of them , holding up the forelimbs and shaking, so cute.

They successfully ignited the enthusiasm of the audience. Many contestants and public judges also stood up and swayed along with Xiao Meng and their movements.

The music became more and more cheerful.

Laughter filled every corner of the space dance floor.


In Pandora, Banner of Salvation players are laughing too.

But their laughter was a little too wild——

Under the organization of Splash and other players, the Banner of Salvation dispatched more than 380,000 people in one breath, and surrounded an army of arsonists ranging from 1,000 to 30,000 in 17 mirror images.

What follows is a thrilling siege!

At the cost of 800 [Flag of Salvation] members taking the initiative to become bait, the black light flashlight successfully lured more than 16,000 arsonists into Jedi at the risk of their names being dyed!

When Water Blossom ran at the front and rushed forward with the crowd, the black light flashlight suddenly raised his arms and shouted loudly:

"All eyes! Look at me! I have an announcement!"

Suddenly surrounded, the players who were still a little confused subconsciously looked over.

In the midst of all the attention, the black light flashlight laughed wildly:

"Someone asked me to bring you a message!"

"You want war? Then I'll give you war!"

"Now, all go to hell!"

Screams rang out from all directions at the same time!

The undercover agents here are not just Blacklight Flashlight and his good brothers! A group of undercover agents attacked from various locations at the same time!

Encirclement and suppression on the periphery, blooming in the center!

The war has begun!

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