Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1069: Defeat them all in one go!

The war has indeed begun.

Before that, it was just members of [Destruction Plan] who unilaterally attacked and ambush [Flag of Salvation].

The scale of the battles is not that big. They are usually small conflicts involving hundreds of people, the kind of fight and run away.

But now, in this wave of [Flag of Salvation] battles, there is no large group with less than 3,000 people!

Declaration of war and encirclement and suppression begin at the same time!

A battle involving hundreds of thousands of people is considered a serious war in reality.

And this is just the beginning. When [Flag of Salvation] is fully mobilized, the scale of millions of people invested can be fully expected.

After all, in less than a morning since its establishment, the number of members of the [Flag of Salvation] discussion group has exceeded 2.5 million, and is heading towards 3 million!

At that time, it will be a truly large-scale war!

The horn of war has sounded - this is not an adjective. On the Banner of Salvation, there are really players blowing the horn of their own smuggling in.

Shui Hua held the spear tightly and started to charge!

The surrounded players were not good at it either. They raised their spears one after another and prepared for war - everyone knew very well that there was never a word of surrender in a war between players!

Looking at the rows of sharp spears, Water Splash's charging steps didn't pause at all.


How can it be!

In Battlefield, she dared to rush directly in the face of bullets, rain and rain, and the close-range bombing of train cannons could not stop her. Where did she end up? !

Not to mention that when Minecraft first opened, the large-scale cold weapon conflict was also splashed from beginning to end.

In a word: very familiar!

Now it's just a change of place, but we still have a huge advantage. If we can be afraid of this, we might as well just go to [tourist mode] to travel.

Get ready! Shuihua shouted loudly.

Get ready!! More voices sounded from various locations in the group, repeating Shuihua's order.

——Because he couldn't form a team and couldn't use the [Team Channel] to transmit his voice to every member's ear, Shui Hua could only do the next best thing. After checking the real identity of some people, he pulled them into a small team, and then They will organize other Banner of Salvation players and act as command nodes to convey orders one by one.

Not only her, but all the Salvation Flag teams in action adopted this traditional communication scheme and relied on loud voices to convey orders to everyone.

Raise your shield!

Raise your shield!!

Swish Swish Swish! The person who rushed forward immediately raised wooden shields.

Although you can bring in some equipment by smuggling, the difficulty of smuggling is too high, and the proportion of players with advanced weapons is very low.

Moreover, even if hot weapons are smuggled in, they will have problems such as jamming, rusting, and blown chambers, making them almost unusable.

So at this time, most people were still using wooden weapons.

But many times, wooden weapons will suffice.

The surrounded crowd took the lead in throwing a round of spears, but was predicted in advance by the well-prepared splash, and more than 80% of them were blocked.

Then naturally, he would treat the person in his own way -

Lance ready!

Lance ready!!

Target the outermost circle, throw!

Target the outermost edge, throw it!

Spears appeared from behind the shield and were thrown at the surrounded crowd.

Not quite neat, but the absolute numerical advantage can make up for this trivial flaw——

A large area fell directly on the outermost edge of the large group of arsonists!

Without the obstruction of the surrounding spear array, Shui Hua led the crowd into the enemy formation in one breath!

The enemy in front of him was directly pierced, like a sharp blade slicing through it, instantly cutting through the formation.

But Shuihua didn't rush in blindly because of greed for success. Instead, he smartly slowed down a little, kept pace with the people on both sides, and moved forward step by step.

Under this overwhelming trend, no opponent can hinder their advance.

Completely invincible!

The splash always rushed to the forefront, but never fell.

Because everyone is protecting her!

In a cold-weapon battle, protecting one's own general requires no thought at all.

Just make splashes and leave the rest to your teammates!


No more needed!

There is no way to conduct detailed command in a battle of this scale, just kill and it's over!

In the crowd, the black light flashlight was undoubtedly targeted by a group of people after shouting arrogantly.

But this was what he expected. He and his three flashlight brothers stood together all the time. After shouting, he immediately held two axes and charged in!

And he charges and kills at the same time!

He was mentally prepared for the heroics, but he didn't expect that the number of second and fifth boys in this team was ridiculously large, causing chaos everywhere and greatly reducing his pressure.

Even he himself didn't expect that he would survive until the final stage of this great siege. He also successfully avoided the biggest crisis of being killed by one of his own people and survived to the end smoothly.

But the black light flashlight is not only unhappy, but also a little disappointed:

I'm not dead? I won't waste the good luck I finally got here?!

I don't want it! Someone come and kill me, please?!

Before he could continue to lose his temper, the good brother's private message suddenly came over:

[Second-hand flashlight wholesale]: Damn it! My [Eternal Enemy] status is gone!

[Black light flashlight]: Ah? Can that thing be washed off?

[Second-hand flashlight wholesale]: I am the victim in the first place! It only makes sense if I can wash it off?! Is it because of Yunmeng's optimization algorithm?

[Black light flashlight]: How do I know? Wait until I ask you.

He went to the small group of three people to inquire about the news, and got the answer as he wished.


In fact, just halfway through this major siege, someone discovered that there was an extra icon on their status bar. It was just that the battlefield was too chaotic and they didn't have time to look carefully. They didn't have time to study it until the battle was over.

As for this research, everyone was shocked——

[Eva's favorⅠ]

You killed 10 enemies of the world, and Eva paid more attention to you.

The world becomes more tolerant of you.

The base favorability of Pandora's creatures has been increased.

Small herbivores are no longer afraid of you.

Small carnivores will no longer actively attack you.

The initial reputation of the native intelligent race changes: [Neutral] → [Friendly].

Poison resistance slightly increased.

Pandora's environmental adaptability has been slightly improved.

(Resident state, upgradeable)——

Those unlucky ones who did not set the fire themselves but were labeled as [Eternal Enemies] because they were framed by others. Anyone who killed more than 5 enemies in the battle will have this status removed.

——Of course, it must be an enemy marked [Eternal Enemy], not an enemy without a mark.

Those who kill more than 10 people will directly get [Eva's Favor I].

If you kill more than 30 enemies, you will be further upgraded to [Eva's Favor II]!

This is also the highest level currently, but compared to the huge improvement from scratch to level I, the improvement from level I to level II is not that exaggerated——

The affected animals are upgraded from [Small] to [Small and Medium], and the initial reputation is upgraded from [Friendly] to [Respected].

Toxin resistance and environmental adaptability have been improved from [Slightly] to [Medium].

The specific effect still needs to be verified.

But just looking at the introduction, this state is already quite impressive!

And Shui Hua also has a guess: people who achieve this state will probably not be marked by the Eternal Enemy by the Water Ghost again.

After all, it’s “Eva’s attention” and “the world is becoming more tolerant.” If someone is framed so easily, that’s a bit too much.

If this is the case, the biggest risk for the Salvation Flag undercovers has been filled!

Shui Hua immediately explained her ideas to the initially formed command group to further improve the undercover plan.

Blacklight Flashlight not only got information about status bar changes from the small group, but also got news about the second round of undercover plans.

He first looked at his status bar, and after confirming that there was also [Eva's Favor], he joined the second round of the plan without hesitation.

You won’t be marked anyway, being undercover is so exciting, and you can upgrade the [Eva’s Favor] level faster, so why not?

If it weren't for this undercover mission, where would we find so many enemies of the world?

He even thought about his next lines:

I'm sorry! I'm undercover!


Judge you on behalf of Eva!

He has to make a careful decision about which one to choose.

Blacklight flashlight into action.

Other undercover agents also took action.

In order to avoid being discovered, more new undercover agents, more speaking instructors, and more soldiers were mobilized to join this major siege.

The encirclement and suppression of some mirror images has not yet ended, and another round of war has begun!

The water splash showed no intention of stopping.

Her goal is to use a whole day's precious review time to defeat the [World Destruction Plan] in one go!

Completely eliminate [Flag of Salvation], the biggest obstacle to saving Pandora!

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