Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1085 Cradle Plan!

Chapter 1085 [Cradle Plan]!

The next day, under the conscious guidance of the officials, the big discussion about never going offline was still going on.

Lin You also watched everyone's discussion with interest.

However, this discussion has just begun. Neither scholars nor netizens have gone too in-depth. Most of the discussion is about teasing and making jokes. For the time being, it can only be watched for fun.

But as long as this discussion continues, valuable content will soon emerge.

After watching a lot of fun, Lin You went to work in a happy mood.

After two days of delay in getting down to business, we can finally get down to it today.

He called Shen Ping, Qin Songyun, Xiao Chun, Fan Rui, Yu Gu, Qiu Lixin, Wan Shenghua, Zhong Chang, Qiao Nanyu, Ye Xiaohe... and almost all the department leaders to sit together in the virtual office and explain his plans to them. idea--

I plan to select some outstanding teams from domestic small and medium-sized developers to join a brand new development project.

A new game? Qin Songyun was the first to react, Our team is fully capable of developing it in parallel, so there is no need to find outsiders, right?

Don't worry, just listen to me. Lin You waved his hand and said, I will temporarily name this project - [Cradle].

Before I talk about this project in detail, let me first introduce to you a new result-[Planet Generation Algorithm].

This is an algorithm that Xiaomeng and I worked on some time ago. After several rounds of iterations, we can generate a variety of planets based on different initial input parameters.

“The initial version of [Pandora] was generated using this algorithm.”

However, this algorithm also has a problem: it is generated very quickly, but it is not refined enough. It must be manually adjusted later before it can be truly put into use - and this adjustment requires a lot of effort, either involving a lot of people or A lot of time.”

It's not impossible if we only have Yunmeng employees, but it would take too much time.

According to the current plan, in the last chapter of Chang'an, players will repair the damaged space elevator and use it as a springboard to officially start the cosmic era.

But when players fly into the universe, what do we want players to explore?

A bunch of randomly generated planets that seem endless, but in fact each one is empty?

Such a boring and boring universe will be used to destroy the brand!

So, after the release of Chang'an, we must come up with the first batch of planets for players to explore and adventure as soon as possible.

Initially, I planned to do it myself.

——Hearing this, all the game makers present opened their eyes in shock.

Even though everyone knows that Lin You and Xiao Meng's development efficiency is extremely explosive when they work together, it is still too outrageous for the two of them to develop a batch of planets!

Lin You, however, seemed to have said something ordinary and went on without stopping:

“But a few days ago, I was inspired by a report and thought about the development team that has been making mods [on the mod sharing platform].”

They are already quite proficient in using simplified versions of development tools. What's even better is that they can also develop enough new gameplay and new ideas. Such an inspiration engine would be a waste if not used.

So in the end, I decided to hand over the development of the new planet. Yunmeng developed part of it by itself as the safest foundation, and left the rest to these mature third-party teams.

I have even thought about the charging method: after the development of each new planet is completed, the coordinates on the star map will be determined. When the time comes, players can pay to go to which planet they want to go. If they don't want to go, they don't have to spend money. It’s up to the player to decide how many star maps to open.”

Qin Songyun raised his hand hesitantly.

Is there any problem? Lin You asked.

If this charging method is adopted... Qin Songyun said thoughtfully, then when players land on a new planet, wouldn't they have to teleport into it with a 'black screen'?

Why is the screen black? Lin You was confused.

Qin Songyun blinked: Is that an air wall? Or an infinitely circulating atmosphere? Or a planetary barrier?

Why are we talking about the login method? Lin You felt strange, but still said with certainty, There will be no black screen! There will be no air wall! We want to bring players the most realistic and seamless login experience!

But if that's the case... Qin Songyun finally expressed his worries, What if the entire planet is as big as a planet and the players just find a place to smuggle in without paying?

Lin You's character obviously wants to create a truly seamless world where players can fly around in a spaceship and log into every planet in sight.

But in this case, charging technology will be tested.

Otherwise, everyone would go stowaway, and who would spend the money?

But he didn't expect that Lin You calmly shook his head and said: Charging... The most realistic and immersive charging method is of course the airport, letting NPCs charge!

As for smuggling...

That's what the development team has to deal with.

Don't you think the battle of wits and courage between players and planet managers (development team) is very interesting?

Qin Songyun thought about it for a while. Apart from being a bit outrageous and trying to trick the developer, this matter is...

It's really interesting.

Okay, I see what you mean.

Qin Songyun understood Lin You's thoughts.

After Shen Ping waited for the two to finish communicating, he immediately expressed his support: This idea is very good, and it is also more friendly to the purchasing power of players.

It is foreseeable that in the future, there will be more and more planets. In order to obtain more passenger flow, there will definitely be development teams that take the initiative to reduce prices, or even open them for free, and then obtain income from other places.

The development team that wants to increase the unit price must come up with more complete, advanced and interesting gameplay to attract players to actively pay.

This not only gives users a greater choice, but also allows developers to roll up their sleeves and continuously develop higher quality content!

Zhong Chang and Qiao Nanyu also nodded, feeling that this could connect Yunmeng and Daxia's game development ecology more closely and healthily, and the benefits far outweighed the disadvantages.

Well, since everyone has no objections, let's discuss a plan framework. The first step is to select the first batch of the strongest development teams and send them letters of intent for cooperation!

Then there are cooperation plans, technical support, development requirements, sharing plans, launch schedules...etc., all of which will be discussed as soon as possible and a draft will be drawn up.

come on!

Ah? Qin Songyun was stunned, Why...

——He wanted to ask, “Why cheer for us?”

But before the words could be spoken, Lin You disappeared.


In the virtual office, only Yunmeng's senior leaders were left looking at each other with question marks on their faces.

But after they looked at each other, they laughed silently almost at the same time.

After laughing, he took out a pen and paper and began to discuss and improve Lin You's idea, turning the idea that he probably came up with in a flash into the most complete and executable plan possible.

The boss has always been this way, and they are almost used to it...

And they are indeed extremely interested in such a big plan!

——The cosmic era of the virtual world will be opened by their own hands!

Thanks to [Yan, Huang, Hun] for the 5,000 point reward.

Thanks for the support!

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