Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1089: Monopolizing the space station starts with the farmer!

The threefold wage gap made A Yi feel depressed and made Yelang's heart beat.

Bottom line? Or contribute something?

Yelang hesitated.

Especially when he dressed as a woman, the live broadcast room was really hot, which made him even more uncomfortable.

While he was hesitating, a group of unsuspecting brothers had already gathered around and invited him to dance together.

Dong Guagua didn't feel offended at all, but instead laughed wildly "hahaha".

If it weren't for the fear that Yelang would become angry, she would have taken out the camera long ago.

Fortunately, Yelang's elder sister still had a conscience and got into the crowd to fish out Yelang.

By the way, she also helped him make a decision - the elder sister changed the dance steps and dragged him into the second dance.

And A Yi also made up his mind.

——But it’s not women’s clothing. He doesn’t intend to steal the spotlight from his good brother Yelang. He intends to engage in differentiated competition.

"Brothers, order some steel pipe crutches that can be assembled!"

"Ah? What do you want to do?" the house manager asked in surprise.

"I'm going to learn pole dancing! It shouldn't be difficult to learn on the weightless dance floor." A Yi opened the panel with determination and started looking for pole dancing teaching videos.

"You're awesome!" the house manager sighed again.

"Awesome! Leave it to me. I promise to get it done for you as quickly as possible!"

A Blacksmith fan jumped out and took the job, and it was free!

Compared with these people who are not enterprising and only want to dance, Tang Mingyue, who is determined to become the "king of part-time jobs", has had much richer experiences in the past few days!

He successively tried various jobs such as "security guard", "cleaning", "cashier", "cook", "salesperson", "barista", "courier" and so on.

The income is not very high - at least not as high as dancing, but because he got the identity card for free, these contribution points earned can be used to increase the authority level.

After raising the level for the first time, he opened some places like supermarkets, coffee shops, bakeries, clothing stores, and gyms.

——I don’t know whether it’s because Yunmeng is not open, or the space station is not officially operational. Now these stores have very little inventory, and many equipment are not functioning properly.

But Tang Mingyue still tried various part-time jobs, and even went back to the space ballroom to sell Bo fitness cards as a "fitness coach".

Although, there is no electricity in the gym right now...

But it has a high commission!

After the permission level is raised for the second time, pet shops, mechanical repair shops, medical clinics and fire centers can also be opened.

The first time he entered the pet store, he was attracted by a mechanical raccoon.

He is so invincible that he wants to buy this little guy.

But the price of this thing is actually as high as 8,000 contribution points!

He upgraded his permissions twice and only spent 3,000 points.

Tang Mingyue, who was short of money, had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​buying a pet.

——He ran to the fire center instead, made a pump-action mechanical fire axe, and smashed the ax several times, smashing the metal cage of the mechanical raccoon.

But as soon as he broke open the cage, the raccoon slipped away. Tang Mingyue spent a lot of time but failed to catch it.

It wasn't until he worked part-time as a pet store salesperson that he figured out:

There is also an owner registration program, which will also synchronize the registration information to the space station management system.

But if the pet is illegally snatched, this synchronization will label him as "theft".

Tang Mingyue had to give up the idea of ​​"taking it himself" - being labeled illegal would obviously seriously hinder him from becoming the "king of part-time workers".

Next, it is the third time to upgrade the permissions.

This is a critical upgrade, because after this upgrade, he opened the closed floodgates on both sides of the street!

Then, he found his destined career——

Be a farmer.

After the gate away from the dance hall was opened, it actually led to a vast farmland!

This greatly exceeded Tang Mingyue's expectations.

This is a space station!

It's okay to have this "commercial street", at least the streets and buildings are made of steel.

But now, even large tracts of land have popped up!

How big is this space? !

Also, this space station is currently experiencing a serious barrier vulnerability crisis, and the air will be sucked out from time to time. Can these open farmlands really be able to grow crops?

The answer is yes.

The sky seems to be completely connected, but in fact it is divided into grids just like the space station partitions below.

Tang Mingyue saw with his own eyes: when periodic failures occurred on the commercial street, everything was calm here. Only at the junction of the two zones, the air was slightly distorted.

Obviously, this is some kind of fantastic fantasy technology again.

In this case, Tang Mingyue can explore this place with confidence.

As a man who aspired to become the king of part-time workers, he didn't spend much time figuring out what kind of jobs he could do here.

To be honest, it's a lot of work.

Farm managers, farm technicians, farm buyers, farm treasurers... there are all kinds of positions.

However, he is a "white card" and can't do anything. He can only do jobs that don't require any qualifications, that is, he is the lowest farmer - he can't even be a higher-level farmer.

Tang Mingyue was very unhappy, but in order to experience the diversity of professions, he still gave it a try.

Then he was surprised to find:

Whether I am farming or growing vegetables, my efficiency is amazing!

[Pandora’s Savior] This achievement actually takes effect!

Although this special effect only has 20% effect after leaving Pandora, it is still powerful enough.

You know, when they grow things in Pandora, the plants grow slowly and almost at a speed that's visible to the naked eye.

The result of switching here was: just an hour later, the farm's intelligent management system sent a robot milker to find him and suggested that he participate in training and obtain a [Professional Farmer Certificate].

At the same time, he can get extra points because of his "excellent farming talent."

In the space age, being a farmer requires a certification, which is divided into five levels, covering various aspects of knowledge and skills such as planting, breeding, driving agricultural machinery, using agricultural equipment, and farm management.

Tang Mingyue took the exam without saying anything.

Then failed.

After going to Night City to relax for a while, I took the exam again.

Then it fails again.

After doing this three times, I finally got the most basic first-level qualification certificate.

Then, his [white] identity card was upgraded to [green].

In other words, from now on, he is also a "technician".

Next, continue to be a farmer part-time?

of course not!

Tang Mingyue quickly found the bank in the agricultural area and applied for a "special agricultural loan."

Then I rented a farm tractor, toured the agricultural area, and bought a super farm covering an area of ​​about 15 acres, becoming the first farmer of the space station.

In this way, while Ayi and Yelang were still making money by "selling themselves", Tang Mingyue had already transformed from a migrant worker to a capitalist owning the means of production!

He even thought about what to do next——

Make money, pay off the loan, pledge your farm, and then - buy more land!

What we are playing is land annexation!

What space station crisis, high-tech pets, interstellar spaceships, sea of ​​stars...

All first and slightly backward.

What we got was Shenhao’s script!

Set a small goal first -

Monopolize the space station, starting from the farmer!

Thanks to [Wuyouyingwu] for the 100-point reward.

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