Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1090 The Cradle Project is revealed for the first time!

Chapter 1090 [Cradle Project] is released for the first time!

Whether you enter the space station from the space ballroom or fly over to the Tiangong Space Station, as long as you get the [identity card], it will be counted in the space station's management system.

Super Tomato arrived at the space station, and Ayi, Yelang and the others received their identity cards. They were not alone.

As if the development of things has reached a certain point, this giant space station officially welcomed thousands of passengers today.

After the number of people officially exceeded 10,000, the official account of Gravity also issued a call for space station names according to the predetermined plan.

The entire collection process is divided into three steps:

Step one: name submission.

Step 2: Official screening.

Step 3: Players vote.

During the voting stage, Yunmeng provides different voting weights for different users:

Players who have obtained a space station identity card can cast 15 votes.

Players who have not received an identity card but have purchased Gravity can cast 10 votes.

I have not purchased Gravity, but I am an honorary player and can vote 5 times.

Ordinary users who have not purchased the game and are not honorary players can cast 1 vote.

As for pure melon-eating netizens?

Sorry, please don't cause trouble.

Even for virtual world users who don’t play games at all, as long as they wait a month, the public area of ​​“Gravity” will be open to everyone. This is a common practice.

So when people vote, they still have some scruples.

But the pure melon-eating netizens are different - they won’t go anyway, and they may come up with any outrageous name.

Just look at the comments below the current announcement and you will know that this measure is completely necessary:

The shape of the space station is like a dumbbell, and dumbbells can build muscles. I suggest calling it [Musba Space Station].

The space station consists of two circles and a bar, a total of three components. Why isn't it called a [three-level space station]?

It's not interesting. Why don't we just call it [the space station]? It's simple and classy.

Obviously, these are all names that came up on the spot.

If Yunmeng had no restrictions and really put these names into the voting list - in fact, with Lin You's character, he would really put these names in.

The second step of official screening is just to eliminate some names that violate the law and morality.

Whether it's too far off or not is not the key to the review.

But in this case, if there is no restriction on voting in the end, big problems may occur!

Restricting voting groups is the last effort of the operations team.

If passers-by netizens have been restricted and only Yunmeng users can vote, these crazy players still voted for an outrageous name...

I'm sorry, but even if it's 噺崴汸羙嫆羙波, Lin You will update to the virtual world without hesitation.

Playing is a reality!


After the players became lively, the game development circle quickly became lively.

Because the leaders of various departments in Yunmeng quickly completed the draft of the [Cradle Plan].

After Lin You's review found no problems, Shen Ping took the first step in advance while refining the plan -

Send invitations to the 10 best development teams in Minecraft [Mod Sharing Platform].

As for the best evaluation method, everyone's initial thought was of course creating the top 10 revenue-generating module developers.

But then, some people thought that this was unfair to developers who generate power for love and release modules for free.

Among those free modules, there are also many modules that are of extremely high quality and are extremely popular among players.

After some discussion, everyone decided to refer to the bonus distribution rules of some departments in Yunmeng and take [Module Rating] into consideration.

At the end of the discussion, the top 10 selection became a complex formula including many parameters such as [sales volume], [popularity], [revenue], [word of mouth], [scale], and [absolute quality].

In order to ensure that the formula was as fair as possible, they also asked the little princess to drag Lin You and Xiao Meng back to participate in this matter.

Finally, after calculating the results, the list was sent to senior modders in the company to ask for their opinions.

After complex verification, the list was officially finalized the next day.

Invitations were also sent out.

Among them, there are not only 6 development teams from Daxia, but also 4 development teams from Izumo, France and America.

These four overseas development teams will also be the only four overseas quotas in the first phase of the [Cradle Project].

Subsequent selections will only be conducted within the Daxia Game Development Circle.

If this [Cradle Project] goes very smoothly, we will consider providing more opportunities to overseas developers in the next plan.

After these 10 invitations were sent out, although Yunmeng did not reveal any details, he simply asked about his intention——

Do you have any development tasks in the next two months? Can you spare time to participate in one of Yunmeng's projects?

Whether you are willing to participate or not, please reply to us within one working day. If you fail to reply within 24 hours, we understand that you are very busy and look forward to opportunities for cooperation in the future.

When the development team received the invitation, the six teams in Daxia quickly responded in just 5 minutes because there was no time difference.

And without exception, they all say I have plenty of time! I'm always available! It's a great honor!

For the four overseas teams, due to the time difference, the response speed will inevitably be slower.

But they all responded within an hour.

Even the America development team, which was in the early hours of the morning due to jet lag, got up late at night to reply.

And then——

An earthquake in the industry!

This description is really not an exaggeration at all.

Ever since Yunmeng launched Mirage and officially introduced virtual reality games to the market, the game development industry has never been the same as before.

Wherever Yun Meng goes, he will be destroyed!

Looking around the world, no developer can compete with Yunmeng.

Now, after the virtual world has more than 700 million users, these developers have no last hope of resistance.

While everyone is trying to survive on their original one-third acre of land, they are also looking forward to Yunmeng completely unifying the game industry, and then standing up to set standards and incorporate everyone.

In this way, not only can everyone survive, but they may also be able to eat enough.

——Whether it is the previous Feihu or the current module, it is proved that virtual world users have amazing consumption potential.

We are not afraid that Yunmeng will unify the global gaming circle, but we are afraid that Yunmeng will not bring everyone to play together.

And now, there is great news!

Yunmeng finally plans to take everyone to play together!


Not only the developer circle was shocked, but the player circle was also shocked——

Yunmeng's own production capacity is already outrageous!

On average, he publishes one work a month. If Lin You is really aggressive, he might publish two works a month.

In addition, Yunmeng's development team has been expanding, and development technology has become more and more advanced, so production capacity should have been expanding.

Theoretically, Yunmeng does not need any external support at all.

But now, Yunmeng invites so many development teams to join in one go. What kind of big project will it be? !

The more everyone thinks about it, the more excited they become!

Lin You's comment area once again saw a large number of players coming to team build.

——By now, everyone already knows: It’s useless to ask Yunmeng’s official account! If Lin You doesn't speak, who among his employees would dare to say nonsense?

But things are different here in Lin You.

If he is happy or unhappy, he dares to say anything!

And Lin You did live up to expectations, without even mentioning it, he quickly posted a message——

[Cradle Plan]!

Just four words made all players think about it——

[Cradle], this word has too many extended meanings in the Chinese language system.

What does this mean?

The cradle of developers?

The cradle of humanity?

Or...a symbol of some important starting point?

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