Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1091 The Cradle Project is officially launched!

The players had a heated discussion and analysis around the four words Cradle Plan given by Lin You.

There are three main guesses——

The first type: the cradle of developers.

It is intended to cultivate developers outside of Yunmeng, and it is likely to select the best among them and absorb them to join Yunmeng.

Of course, it may also be more generous: include all people who join the plan into the virtual world.

Anyway, with Yunmeng’s size and profitability, it doesn’t matter how many people it absorbs.

And the virtual world does have unlimited room for development, so there is no need to worry about absorbing these people and giving them nothing to do.

The second type: cradle refers specifically to mother star.

One thing players of Gravity have been complaining about is that its ending is too abrupt.

The final Return to Earth session ended when we dropped directly to the edge of [Seaside Paradise]? !

What about the command center?

What about the launch site?

What about spacecraft production plants?

Even if you don't have any of these, can you at least give me a brand new landing site?

What's the point of using the same old place to deal with us?

As we all know, Lin You is a very strong person, and he is also a person who surfs the Internet intensively. He will definitely see these voices.

And when you see it, you may not be able to help but want to do something, such as——

Drastically transform the home planet of the virtual world, truly turning the earth that everyone sees in low-Earth orbit into reality!

Although today's virtual world has repeatedly expanded in area, it is still far from the planet level.

Maybe [Pandora] is an exception, but first of all - [Pandora] cannot be considered a home planet.

Secondly, in the minds of most players, the center of the virtual world is always [Metropolis] and [Night City] - it may even be narrower, only Metropolis.

These two cities are fully worthy of this status because of their content density and resident player traffic that far exceeds that of other regions.

But even if we include other virtual cities and wilderness areas, the combined area is not as large as the province of Daxia.

If we want to recreate the mother planet Earth, no matter how many people come, it won’t be enough!

Finally, there is the third possibility: cradle, referring to the solar system.

In the space station where names are currently being collected, players are starting to raise money and prepare to take out loans to buy ships.

And when everyone has an interstellar spacecraft, it is obvious that everyone's scope of action can no longer be limited to the earth-moon system.

Otherwise, can't everyone just drive thousands of mining barges back to Earth to mine?

Isn't that a scam? !

Therefore, the scope of players' activities must be expanded to the entire solar system - at least half of it, so that they can mine planets, moons and asteroids rich in mineral resources.

So is it necessary to transform the solar system?

Each of these three speculations makes players extremely excited.

And Yunmeng quickly responded to this expectation——

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Yunmeng released the first official announcement of the [Cradle Project]:

To all respected game developers:

In order to enrich the virtual world developer ecosystem and provide a richer and more interesting game experience for the 732.84 million users around the world, [Cradle Project] was proposed by the founder of Yunmeng and discussed at the Yunmeng Developer Conference.

In the first phase of the plan, Yunmeng will invite 20 development teams to join and complete a large-scale project with Yunmeng.

During this period, Yunmeng will provide necessary development tool training and organize game development concept sharing sessions to make progress together with all developers.

In the end, the works developed by each team will have the opportunity to be promoted to global users after passing the review.

There are currently 20 invitation quotas, 10 of which have been sent to the 10 development teams with the best overall level on [Module Sharing Platform], and all of them have responded and accepted this invitation.

Therefore, there are still 10 invitation places left in [Cradle Project].

In accordance with Yunmeng's consistent concept of fairness, these 10 quotas will be open to fair competition among all development teams in Daxia.

The specific competition methods are:

[Click here] Download the application form, fill it out and submit it to the [Cradle Plan] exclusive email address (


After the project team approves the review, the [Project Development Requirements] will be issued together with the [Approval Opinion Letter].

After receiving the development requirements, the registered team can start making a trial demo. The demo will be tested on a small scale and voted on.

The top 10 teams with the most votes will receive the remaining 10 invitations and officially join the [Cradle Project Development World].

(Note 1: If you have a team of primary school students, middle school students, or college students who want to coordinate academic studies and development, please be sure to indicate this clearly in the application form.)

(Note 2: If there is a development team with difficult economic conditions and difficulty in supporting it, but they really want to participate in this program, they can apply for [Special Subsidy for the Cradle Program], and Yunmeng is willing to pay for your dream.)

(Note 3: Although [Cradle Project] is open to all development teams with development capabilities and past works, please note that this is not a project to train newcomers to get started - on the contrary, it requires the comprehensive quality of participants Extremely high! Please treat this project calmly.)

(Note 4: This is the first time Yunmeng has organized this kind of project. There is insufficient experience and there may be omissions. To avoid accidents, this plan is only open to developers in Daxia and studios registered in Daxia.)

——Yunmeng, April 17, 2031


As soon as the announcement came out, the Internet, which was already abuzz, immediately ushered in a real climax——

Taichang can't understand, please come and translate!

Translation is shit! See it for yourself! Come and apply for it with a big boss, send out the project development requirements, and open everyone's eyes!

It feels like in a month, hundreds of new game demos will emerge! Everyone, I'm so excited!

Is the content of the virtual world really going to make a big leap forward?

My wallet is aching! But I'm sorry! I can only wrong you!

Who can translate, what do these seven words [elementary school student development team] mean? I really can't understand it!!!

Are the foreigners starting to get anxious now?

You must be anxious! If I were an overseas developer, I would book a flight now and fly over to Daxia to register for a studio!

Wait... In that case, if we also register a studio and quickly develop a simple module for release, wouldn't we also be able to apply for this project?

It's very possible! Yunmeng has always been lenient in entry and strict in exit. The first level should be easy to pass. Although the top 10 things are not realistic, you can make a lot of money if you get the [development requirements]!

The players were discussing in full swing, but the developers didn't even bother to discuss it. They downloaded the application form at the speed of light and started filling it out.

As for the players with strong mobility, many of them gathered their friends and went to register for the studio, trying to get a copy of Yunmeng's [development requirements], and use this to guess Yunmeng's future development plan.

Yunmeng's future plan, these six words have infinite charm for everyone!

But what everyone didn't expect was that Yunmeng's actions had just begun.

An hour later, the players did not wait for the [Development Requirements] of the [Cradle Project], but instead waited for the second announcement from Yunmeng:

[Earth OL version 1.0 is updated, and the first phase of the player co-construction plan is officially launched! ]

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