Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 793: Tickets are sold out!


The phone on the bedside kept vibrating, waking up the sleeping person.


[Frost Wind Club] star player, current owner of the only three-attribute spirit beast [Kraken] - Bai Shuang, turned off the phone alarm clock, yawned a long time, and got up from the bed.

She was wearing a thin layer of silk nightgown, lifted the quilt and got out of bed. Without changing her clothes, she first stroked her long hair, took the [Bafang] headband and put it on.

Then in a daze, he reached for the [Spirit Beast Ration] beside the bed, and fed [Kraken], [Bai Ze], [Fu Zhu] and [Cheng Huang].

These four guys, except [Kraken], are the most beautiful and good-looking among the spirit beasts, so they have been kept by her side.

And feeding them regularly can improve [Mood] and [Growth].

This setting abruptly cured Bai Shuang's habit of staying in bed.

As for the role of [Mood] and [Growth], she is not too clear about the former. It seems that the little ones are more lively and closer. As for the specifics, the system did not explain it.

But the latter is a bit outrageous:

It's actually just like the name, with a long body!

The spirit beasts in this game want to grow up and mature, not through fighting, leveling up, or through tasks, props, etc., but really grow up day by day!

Even if you don't have enough to eat, this day will be wasted, and the growth rate will not be increased at all.

——[Feeding] There is no limit to this operation itself, you can feed it all the time if you like, but [Spiritual Beast Ration] costs copper coins to buy. Spiritual beasts want to benefit from the food, and there is also a cooling time, so the cost must be considered.

And no matter how to set the feeding time, it is very important to feed as soon as you wake up in the morning and let the CD spin up.

Xiaoke! Xiaobai! Xiaolu! Little fox! Dinner is ready!

While taking rations, Bai Shuang called the nicknames of the four little pets.

But the strange thing is that she didn't get a response right away, and the bedroom was unbelievably quiet - in the past, whenever she spoke, the little guys would rush over to rub her.

She shook her head to regain consciousness, looked around, and finally found that none of the four spirit beasts were in the room.

They disappear.

Bai Shuang woke up in an instant, and subconsciously checked whether [Bafang] was malfunctioning, but looked at the [Spirit Beast Ration] in his hand, and ruled out this idea.

This made her panic: Where did the little ones go?


At the same time, the early Pokemon players found that their spirit beasts had disappeared without a trace.

When Lin Li opened her eyes, she found that her little tiger Aze was gone.

Captain Strawberry's husband, Water Flower's Pixiu, Ah Yi's Fei... all disappeared.

Only Xia Yi's situation is different from others:

After she put on the [Bafang] headband, what she saw was that Kang Na was holding the little tiger tightly to prevent it from escaping, and the little tiger was struggling desperately, but could do nothing, and finally was hugged by Kang Na non-stop. , looking hopeless...

However, the other spirit beasts probably didn't like the little tiger as much as Kangna, but now they have disappeared.

Even Bai Ze, who stayed behind, was unwilling to eat the food that Xia Yi fed, not only did he not eat the standard [Spirit Beast Ration], he also did not want to eat special foods such as fruits, chicken wings, and barbecue.

Xia Yi also found that she could no longer see Bai Ze's attribute panel.

So, it's turned back into a wild spirit beast now? she guessed.


Half an hour later, # Large-scale lost spirit beast incident # rushed to the second place in the list of hot topics in one fell swoop.

Even netizens who don't play games have heard the news.

Then everyone was waiting for Yunmeng's new action - Yunmeng had been silent for a week, and it was time to speak up.

Sure enough, at 8 o'clock in the morning, the official account of Pokemon released a new Pokemon promotional video——

All the released spirit beasts appeared one after another.

One after another, they appear in daily scenes that are extremely familiar to the audience, fully displaying the cross-dimensional effect.

Actors came on stage and interacted closely with spirit beasts.

They took the spirit beasts to go shopping, shopping, games, and encountered brand new unknown spirit beasts.

Fight, capture, domesticate.

Different spirit beasts interact and play with each other, cute and lively.

He Qiufeng received Yunmeng's advertising invitation again, and also appeared in the trailer——

She was running and chasing a white deer on a beautiful beach, her long legs were dazzlingly white.

It is precisely because of these legs that the director deliberately took He Qiufeng to the southernmost tip of Qiongzhou Island to shoot, just to chase the warm climate.

But this is not because the director of Yunmeng's trailer is an old pervert, but because he wanted to make an advertisement for the [Journey] series of leg brain-controlled prosthetics by the way.

——If they hadn't known in advance, no one would have thought that one of these big white legs was fake...

In the trailer, the white deer, who is being chased by He Qiufeng, starts to walk on the water as he runs, stepping on the waves and running higher and higher until he jumps up!

The camera lifted up, and the shadow that covered the sky and the sun suddenly fell.

[Kunpeng] appeared and dived into the sea!

Amidst the huge sound of entering the water, the majestic huge waves rolled in, covering the whole picture.

After a short one-second empty shot, in the middle of the screen, large white characters appeared on the waves——

January 13


Internal test without deleting files

Officially opened! 』


Huge waves swept past, the screen disappeared, and the promotional video ended.

But Yunmeng's actions did not end, and the official Pokemon followed closely, releasing the news again——

[On January 13th, the internal test without deleting files will start. Players who experience it in advance can retrieve the lost spirit beast according to the clues. 】

[On January 13th, [Legacy of the Ancestors Mountain and Sea Scroll] officially opened! 】

【January 13, [Battle for the Monster Tavern] officially starts! 】

[For players in overseas countries who have not yet purchased [Bafang], please don’t worry, after the game’s public beta, [Legacy of the Ancestors] will return for a remake. 】


As long as Yunmeng doesn't move, it will definitely attract the attention of everyone.

Bian Xiao immediately sent an open letter to all the management: [The short spring is over, get ready for the impact of winter. ]

The game media immediately forgot about Desert Island's Tekken and new game development plans, and started to follow up all Pokemon related news at the speed of light.

Even the overseas game media have paid attention to it and reported it as soon as possible.

But overseas players have a different mood. If you briefly describe it, it is probably:

'Don't worry about your mother! I'm dying in a hurry! '

'Public beta? Encore? Back to the fart! I must get it as soon as possible! '

A large number of overseas players took out their mobile phones to book air tickets on the spot and flew directly to Xiajing!

Just 5 minutes after the trailer was released, all air tickets to Xiajing from Central Asia, Europe, and America were sold out in the next three days.

In another 10 minutes, the air tickets to Shanghai, Yangcheng, and Hong Kong were also sold out.

A large number of overseas users searched for routes to other cities in Xiajing, while complaining on the Internet that they could not get air tickets.

This terrible influence not only shocked the game media, but also a lot of mainstream media.

And at this very moment at Xiajing Airport, Turner is wearing a [Bafang] headband, holding a selfie stick and broadcasting live.

He said happily to the more than 800,000 viewers in the live broadcast room——

Arrive in the strongest competition area in the world—Big Xia!

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