Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 807 Watching Movies Leeuwenhoek Style

"Chapter one? In other words, there will be chapters two and three?"

"My God, Yunmeng will count to 2!"

"It's no wonder Yunmeng is so eager to release it, and it's no wonder Lin You regards "Chang'an" as a New Year's event! It's so lively inside!"

"Shouldn't it all be as rich as equestrian gameplay? That would be great!"

"January 17? Xiaonian? Why not tomorrow?!"

——This world does not have the Great Qing Dynasty, and naturally there will be no change in the north that combines Xiaonian and sacrifices on the same day. The Xiaonian in the whole Great Xia is still on the same day.


After watching the trailer, the players cheered almost immediately.

The bustling city of Chang'an in the trailer is full of lively activities, which is really suitable for the atmosphere of the New Year.

Even for many players, the Chinese New Year in reality may not be as lively as in the game.

After the cheers, everyone immediately replayed the trailer, and from the time the camera left the character, the speed was slowed down to 0.5 times.

When I finally started switching between game activities, it slowed down to 0.25 times the playback speed.

Just to see every picture as clearly as possible.

And every time they watch it, they will get excited and leave more barrage and comments.

The slogan "Celebrating the New Year in Chang'an City" began to be shouted.

But Super Tomatoes didn't do that.

He dragged the progress bar to the frame where the emperor appeared, and watched the emperor in Chinese clothes standing on the high platform and waving red silk with one hand, the more he looked, the more confused he became——

Why did the emperor wave red silk?

Why did Yunmeng deliberately put such a picture in the trailer?

Are you implying something?

Super Tomato tried to search the Tang calendar in the Tianbao period to see if it could find relevant records.

According to the information obtained by the players, the current time in the game is the eleventh year of Tianbao, and Super Tomato will first search for the important events that happened in this year.

To his surprise, it was easy to find——

"Old Book of Tang Biography of Li Linfu": Lin Fu was already sick in bed. In October of that year, Fuji Cong Xinghuaqing Palace, and the drama increased in a few days. When Wu Yan saw the difference between the saint and the congregation, the emperor wanted to see it, and advised him to stop it. It was Lin Fu who came out of the court, went up to the Jiangsheng Pavilion and looked at him from a distance, and held up a red scarf to comfort him.

To put it simply, Prime Minister Li Linfu fell ill, and went to Huaqing Palace with Tang Xuanzong in October, and his condition worsened.

The wizard said that as long as he saw the emperor, his condition would improve, so Tang Xuanzong planned to go to see him, but was persuaded by his courtiers.

So Xuanzong asked people to carry Li Linfu to the courtyard, and he went up to the Jiangsheng Pavilion, raised a red scarf and waved his condolences. However, Li Linfu was very ill and could not get up, so he had to ask his family to pay homage to him.

After reading this passage, Super Tomato was stunned again: Li Linfu is terminally ill?

He quickly flipped down the timeline, and immediately saw a line:

"November, Ding Mao, Lin Fu died."

further down-

"Yang Guozhong pays homage to the prime minister."

The moment he saw this line of words, Super Tomato suddenly felt an electric current rushing through his body, and instantly got goosebumps——

Because Yang Guozhong's worship of the Prime Minister is a landmark event, which means that the countdown to the Anshi Rebellion has started.

And the Anshi Rebellion was the turning point of the Tang Dynasty, which was prosperous to the extreme, and was rapidly heading for decline!

If the timeline in the trailer is the same as in the game, then Li Linfu will die in one month from the game time.

In another year and two months, An Lushan entered Chang'an.

In another three years, the Anshi Rebellion.

"So..." Super Tomato guessed boldly again, "Chapter 2 of "Chang'an": Anlu Mountain enters Chang'an. Chapter 3: Anshi Rebellion?"

He felt a surge of emotion, and immediately began to edit the news, and wanted to share this guess with others.

Prior to this, players have always had different views on the plot of "Chang'an" after its official release.

It is mainly because of the eleventh year of Tianbao, which is really difficult to judge-this is why Lin You accepted Qin Songyun's suggestion and moved the game time forward by two years, from the thirteenth year of Tianbao to the eleventh year of Tianbao.

Because players were not fools when they entered the game in the thirteenth year of Tianbao, they immediately thought of the Anshi Rebellion that would follow, and logically inferred that the game content was also this.

But the problem is that the content of "Chang'an" is really not like this - at least the first two chapters have nothing to do with war.

The Anshi Rebellion is at least the third chapter of the story.

If players keep thinking about "Anshi Rebellion" in their minds, they will have a strong sense of "not meeting expectations" when playing the first two chapters.

This is not good news for the game itself.

So in the end, the time when players entered the game became Tianbao's eleventh year.

Players will still think of the Anshi Rebellion, but after all, three years later, it's okay to think about it, and it won't produce too strong psychological expectations.

So after the closed test started, the opinions of the players were also divided into two factions——

One school of thought: the game was chosen at this time because it happened to be the most prosperous period of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, and it was more convenient for players to experience the atmosphere of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

The other faction believes: "It's the Anshi Rebellion, it's the Anshi Rebellion, I don't care, it's the Anshi Rebellion anyway!"

And now, Super Tomato thinks it has discovered key information.

It's just that Yunmeng's magical operation of releasing the game in chapters makes this evidence support the views of the two factions at the same time...

Three minutes later, Super Tomato posted a news——

"Brothers, I may have guessed the titles of the later chapters of "Chang'an"!

Chapter 1: Grand View

Chapter Two: Anlu Mountain Enters Chang'an

Chapter Three: The Anshi Rebellion"

The three accompanying pictures are the scene of Tang Xuanzong waving the red scarf in the trailer, the screenshot of the corresponding content in "Old Book of Tang: Biography of Li Linfu", and the screenshot of the timeline of the Anshi Rebellion.

Two factions of players immediately appeared and poured into the comment area to express their opinions:

"I knew it! It's the Anshi Rebellion!"

"Use your brain! Let's not say whether this is really the case, even if it is true, the Anshi Rebellion is a matter of the next version, so excited."

Passerby players also showed up one after another:

"What a Leeuwenhoek! Please analyze who is the girl who is hanging in the air and playing with ropes? I have learned the technique of ropes when I was studying abroad in Izumo, and I have the confidence to save her from suffering."

"Delete it quickly! Delete it quickly! I don't want to know the following plot so soon!"

“ @Yunmeng, @Linyou, is it true?”


Of course Lin You will not appear.

He had already put down his mobile phone, entered the centrifuge with the mentality of seeing death as at home, and began to challenge the most painful training for astronauts-overweight endurance and adaptive training.

Under the high-speed rotation of the centrifuge, the people inside will bear the weight several times their own body weight.

Professional astronauts can withstand 8 G of gravity, which is equivalent to pressing 8 themselves on their bodies.

It was Lin You's first training, so he didn't need to be so brutal, and the intended goal was only 3 G.

In the words of Deng Chunyi: "Let's have a shallow feeling first."

But with the previous experience of vomiting in a swivel chair, when Lin You entered the centrifuge, he directly brought a vomiting bag.


Neither Lin You nor Yun Meng showed up, which disappointed the players.

But soon they were excited again:

"Since "Chang'an" is released on Friday, and the closed beta will end on Thursday, can't you just mess around on the last day?"

"Anyway, no matter what the crime is, the file will be completely deleted after the test is over, and it will not be brought after the release."

Thinking of this, many people immediately turned their heads.

At the same time, a large number of players who indulged in sub-professions and made a lot of money also took action-they had to finish their work and spend every penny before the end of the test.

Otherwise it will be wasted.

On the other hand, among Ah Yi's fans, they also began to plan the last big move: to kill a Jinwu guard patrolling the city.

The players discovered something on the second day of the test: Yunmeng added [Revenge Mechanism] to the game—the name was created by the players themselves, and there is no official title.

The specific mode of operation of this mechanism is: every time an NPC kills a player, it will become stronger. This kind of strengthening seems to be endless, and no upper limit has been seen so far.

This enhancement will not disappear until the NPC is killed by the player, and it will return to the initial strength after it is refreshed again.

And because in the closed test, the players are ordinary people, they have almost no power to fight back against the soldiers, which has led to the breeding of a large number of law enforcement NPCs with explosive strength.

Even if players get weapons one after another, arm themselves, and try to form a team when doing things.

But law enforcement NPCs can still easily suppress players, even with one against ten!

——This is not an unarmed player, but a thug holding a weapon and fearing life and death!

This is also an important reason why the law and order in Chang'an City became better and better.

The Jinwu guard patrol captain who hacked to death A Yi at the beginning, when he shot last time, was so outrageous that he could cut off the solid wooden gatepost that two people embraced with one knife.

A Yi was very skeptical, so if he continued to raise him, this guy could split the city wall with a single blow!

Therefore, he must be killed once!

At the same time, Yelang had the opposite idea:

If you pick an NPC with the most terrifying strength at present, and then call on the players to act together and feed him hundreds of thousands of lives, how strong will he become?

Can one person destroy the entire city of Chang'an?

Even more outrageous, such as——

The sword opens the gate of heaven or something?

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