Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 808: Screen Dominance Project!

While the players fell into feverish anticipation, the game media also became excited.

In the past week, many game media were overwhelmed.

Obviously, Chang'an started a closed beta test, but they couldn't get any game screens, so they could only report in words.

As for written reports, the effect is too poor.

It's not that the players aren't interested, it's just that compared to Pokemon, which has pictures, videos, and hot spots, the popularity is far worse!

The editors can also understand this. After all, if they were themselves, they would also like to see hundreds of different soft and cute pets, the expressions of the players when the star ascension ceremony failed, and the joy of fighting in the tavern and kindergarten , and the owner of the spirit beast shop with all kinds of strange things...

Instead of looking at dry words such as players attacked Jinwu Prison and were surrounded and imprisoned collectively, players worked with peace of mind, and the crime rate in Chang'an City decreased.

Fortunately, this dilemma is finally ushering in a change today.

Let's have a picture!

The first thing: Collectively forward the Chang'an trailer.

The second thing: take advantage of the popularity of the trailer to give Chang'an its own pre-score.

——Before this, there were not many media that pre-scored Chang'an.

One is because there is no trial play, and the other is because the popularity is not enough, and the media have no motivation to do so.

Also the well-known Yunmengchuu and Game Base, pre-scored early, and scored a high score of [9.5] with extreme confidence.

So many players and peers asked them: Did Yunmeng secretly give you a trial game?

Editor's reply: no.

The players and colleagues were shocked: Then you guys dare to score so quickly? Are you using your reputation to endorse Yunmeng?

Game Base replied: The signature of [Yunmeng] + the theme of [Prosperous Tang] is at least worth this score.

This answer stunned the questioners for a moment, and then they felt: It seems... makes sense!

Yunmeng hasn't made a bad game yet, and the golden signboard is almost flawless.

As for the theme of Tang Dynasty + chivalrous men, who wouldn't look forward to it for any big summer player? Who doesn't want to play?

Thinking about it this way, there seems to be no problem with this score.

But it's impossible for them to follow up immediately. What's the point of not getting the pre-score of popularity? Might as well cover Pokemon.

But now it’s different, everything is ready now, it’s time to give your own score and show your presence——

Game Frontline - [9.0]

Player Tribe - [9.5]

Game Research Society - [9.0]

Player World - [9.6]

Gamer's Haven - 【8.8】

《Digital Playground》——【8.5】

Gaming Universe - 【9.0】


A family of game media has sent amazingly high pre-scores.

Even if more than half of the games are released, the official score will be lowered on the basis of the pre-score, and the domestic average pre-score of 9 or more is still quite amazing.

What's more interesting is that a large number of overseas game media have also emerged to participate in this grand event.

However, the overseas media's pre-scores are generally more conservative. I don't know if they failed to participate in the closed test, or they are too unfamiliar with the history of Daxia-although in their own opinion, it is already too high for the pre-scores to be so high. Very outrageous thing.


The final average score of the pre-scoring will not be available until the next day.

Before that, another group of self-media people were also excited by the trailer—historical science bloggers had a collective climax and began to analyze the pictures in the trailer frame by frame.

They can't wait to dig out the clothes worn by every passer-by, every shop sign, every piece of jewelry worn by a lady, every sword, every official... in the trailer, and analyze them all. A flower is coming.

Under the analysis of this group of people, Chang'an is of course not impeccable, and soon some imprecise details were discovered——

The commonplace silver currency, the accents of NPCs, the obviously unreasonable and rich dishes, the horse-drawn carts and bullock carts that almost become public transportation on the streets...

However, these popular science bloggers are tolerant of this. When they point out these unreasonable things, they will mention a sentence: Considering that Yunmeng is making a game and needs to consider the player's game experience, these changes are also understandable. .”

In fact, these changes are all to improve the game experience, and Yunmeng understands these details that are inconsistent with history better than anyone else.

As soon as the development of Chang'an started, Yunmeng recruited Tang history experts as consultants, and not just one or two experts, but a consultant group composed of twelve experts!

In addition to answering the developers' questions, these experts spend the rest of their time wandering around Chang'an, looking for any unreasonable things.

Once a flaw is found, as long as it is not related to the player's game experience, it will be corrected immediately.

And if it involves the player's game experience, it will be brought up for discussion, and Lin You will decide whether to retain or correct.

Therefore, all the obvious mistakes left behind were deliberately left by Yunmeng.

Without exception.


While the outside world was frenziedly hyping up the enthusiasm, inside Yunmeng Company, the remaining 18 employees in the operation department were also holding a small meeting. The content of the meeting was exactly the promotional plan of Chang'an.

This is their last job before the holiday. After completing this vote, they will be disbanded collectively, and they will go home with overtime pay to celebrate the new year.

Shen Ping caressed the table with one hand, and issued a domineering declaration: From now until the game is released, I want Chang'an to always be at the center of the topic!

Now, start the first step!

Everyone here quickly got up and started to take action. The specific actions are as follows:

Post another video!

After registering, I was always in a state of lying dead, and I occasionally posted some development daily Chang'an official account. In just one hour after the final trailer was released, the number of fans directly increased by 20 times! It rushed to 8 million followers in one breath.

And these 8 million fans saw the brand new promotional video for the first time——

【night rain】


A bolt of lightning pierced the night sky, thunder billowed, lead clouds covered the moonlight, and after a while, raindrops fell from the sky.

The sound of rain changed from sparse to dense, and soon, there was no other sound besides thunder and rain.

Until there is a cry of pain—


The camera also seemed to be attracted by the sound, quickly drilled into the rain curtain, and flew over the eaves of each house until it rushed into a forest.

Those were five masked men in black, besieging and killing a man and a woman.

Among the masked men, one is holding a long-handled axe, one is holding a long sword, one is holding a knife, and the other is holding a paper package of powder or quicklime. Finally, there is another person standing twenty steps away, holding a bow and looking for opportunities. .

And the man and the woman are all holding swords in their hands, but the sword in the woman's hand is particularly short, and it doesn't look very convenient.

Judging from the figure of the woman with a big belly, the two should be husband and wife.

But the five masked men in black showed no mercy, and they were merciless in their attacks.

It is very inconvenient for the woman to move. Thanks to the hard work of her husband, she can barely maintain it.

But her husband's skill is extremely terrifying, even if he was besieged by three people at the same time, and was stared at by archers from a distance, he did not show defeat.

His speed was astonishingly fast, the sound of knives, swords, and axes colliding and sparks splashing were almost non-stop, and his figure was constantly moving around, seemingly completely unaffected by the muddy ground.

And his opponents didn't look inferior either, they advanced and retreated very methodically, always keeping them firmly in place.

Go away! The woman urged the man to leave.

But the man remained silent, cold light flashed across the sword as he swung it, and the rain was slashed like sword energy from the sharp slash.

The bow bearer finally found a chance, and the arrow shot out, drawing a straight path in the air, breaking through the rain, and hitting the man's right eye.

And the man just blocked the quick sword of the man in black with a sword, stomped on the ground and flew backwards, slashing straight down with the vertical sword in the air!

In slow motion, the sharp blade sliced ​​through the metal arrowhead, and split the arrow shaft and arrow feather into two like a bamboo.

Fine sawdust flew by the side of the eye, knocking a few drops of rain into pieces!

But the man didn't blink because the second and third arrows followed.

The man swung his sword again, and once again staged an astonishing operation of cutting arrows, but he failed to succeed with the third arrow at the end, and the arrow was just bounced out.

But the next scene made the audience realize that it was not a mistake——

The arrow that was bounced shot directly between the eyebrows of the man in black with the knife! It forced him to stop and wave his knife to separate the arrows.

Without his cover, the man successfully broke through the interception of the long weapon and rushed towards the man in black with the sword!


Another bolt of lightning suddenly fell, and this lightning was so close that the camera was shaken.

What sounded the next moment was not the sound of long swords colliding, but the voice of the man holding the sword——


Without the slightest hesitation, the pregnant woman sprinted in an instant, protruding and surrounding her!

Her speed was so fast that even the arrows of the man in black with the bow were left behind, and the man in black with the long-handled ax immediately broke away from the battle group and chased after her.

——Because the man holding the sword had already been pierced through the shoulder by the man in black, and was holding his opponent's sword and arm tightly at this moment.

But the sword in his hand was inserted behind the opponent, the left chest of the man in black who was holding a paper bag and throwing medicine powder and hidden weapons from time to time.

At this moment, the man vomited blood, knelt down on the ground weakly, and was silent in a blink of an eye.


Lightning reappeared.

The man is violent again!

It was obvious that he was hit by the sword in his shoulder and was at a disadvantage, but at this time he launched an attack again - one hand was still holding the sword firmly, and the other hand had already slammed heavily on the opponent's sword-wielding hand.

This is to grab the sword!

Only by grabbing the sword can we deal with the swordsman in black and fight for a chance of life.

But the next moment, the man in black did something amazing——

He actually pulled out a dagger from the hilt again!

It was a mother-child sword!

In the next instant, blood splattered!

A thick touch of blood turned into pitch-black ink in the rainy night, painting the whole picture into pure black.

Amid the rapid drumming, the white ink quickly wrote two large characters on the pure black paper——

night rain!


The last drum beat finally fell.

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