The thief had been on the prowl for several days and had already aimed at pomegranate's residence. There must be a lot of money in it.

He pried open the burglar door of pomegranate house with a screw driver first, and flashed into the house.

When he entered the room, he was startled. He thought that there was no one in the room. The light was on in one room.

He knew it was not easy to start. He wanted to leave, but suddenly he heard the sound of running water and a woman's song coming from it. Only then did he know that the man in the room was bathing and that he was a woman.

That voice is very clear, also very loud, with a smell of milk, a beautiful woman, in her twenties.

So he was so bold that he immediately became interested and wanted to see if the hostess looked beautiful when she took a bath.

Grandma, I heard that the women in the city are very white, different from the women in the countryside.

Rural women do farm work, a skin tan, like pig Bajie his second aunt.

And the city women have not seen the sun for many years, but also use a lot of skin care products, which must be different from the country chicks.

The thief didn't care to steal, which aroused a desire to peep.

He crept to pomegranate bathroom door, originally wanted to break into the door, but pushed did not push open.

The glass on the door is the kind of ground glass that can only transmit light, and you can't see anything inside.

The thief was so anxious that he felt as itchy as a cat scratch. Is it peeping or stealing money? His heart began to fight fiercely.

Peeping is enough. If the woman screams and she can't run away, it's better to steal money.

So he quietly went back to the living room and began to pry the drawer of his desk. The drawer opened. Sure enough, there was a thick stack of bills inside.

The thief was very excited. This time he really didn't come in vain, and the harvest was not small.

He put the money into his pocket and was about to leave when suddenly the big thing went wrong. The woman inside took a bath, opened the door of the bathroom and walked out of the bathroom.

Pomegranate out of the bathroom when the water has been wiped clean on the body, the body approved a pajamas, her head also tied a flower handkerchief. Because her hair was wet after the bath, she was afraid of catching cold.

Pomegranate out of the bathroom the first action is to press the switch of the headlight in the room, click a light, the room is a bright, the shadow immediately appeared in front of her.

Pomegranate was startled. He saw that the shadow was black, wearing a black hat that could cover his face together. He stood in the hall with a screwdriver in his hand.

At the first sight of the shadow, pomegranate was scared out of her wits and screamed. I was shaking.

Then, she immediately realized that the person in front of her was a thief, so pomegranate's cry was even louder: "catch the thief - help me - come here --"

such a cry from pomegranate scared the thief out of his wits. As soon as the boy turned around and opened the door, he would run out of the corridor.

I didn't know that the door had just opened when I ran into a man.

Is a woman, that woman's chest is very big, soft, like two springs, suddenly the thief bounced back, the spring on the ground.

Before the thief got up, one of the women's feet arrived, and she stepped on the thief's chest with a bang and a bang.

The woman is not big, but she is very powerful. She only tramples on the thief and can't move.

"Vanilla The pomegranate howled and rushed over and held the woman in her arms.

It's vanilla who bumps into a thief.

Vanilla to find pomegranate to talk about work, did not enter the door, heard pomegranate inside shouting to catch a thief.

Xiangxiang is a city dweller. She knows that a thief has entered many people's houses to steal things. The thief is not lucky to bump into her hand, because Xiangcao was in the seventh section of Taekwondo when she was at school. Many men can't beat her.

She first bumped him with her chest, knocked him to the ground, and then a flying body stepped on the thief under her feet, and said angrily, "dead thief! Fight with your aunt! You're impatient to live. "

The thief howled, "spare me, spare me, I dare not, never again."

Pomegranate asked: "vanilla, you can come back, now what to do?"

Vanilla said without hesitation: "what else can I do? Tie him up and send him to the public security bureau!"

On hearing this, the thief was scared to cry and begged for mercy: "elder sister, you let me go. This is the first time. I dare not, I really dare not! Don't send me to the Public Security Bureau, or I will be finished. "

Vanilla said angrily, "no way! Who let you be a thief, give your money! Come on

Even pomegranate can't imagine that vanilla has such a good skill. She is more robber than robber, and she doesn't know who is robbing who.

Vanilla opened the thief's pocket and took out all the money in his arms. And a rope to tie him up.

The thief was so frightened that he knelt down.But what he knelt on was not vanilla, but pomegranate. He hugged pomegranate's legs and begged bitterly for mercy: "pomegranate, I beg you pomegranate, let me go, I'm really the first time, and I'll never dare again."

The thief even knew pomegranate's name. Pomegranate was stunned for a moment, and suddenly pulled off the hat on his head. Pomegranate chuckled and said, "Zhang Erdan, how could it be you?"

Yes, this man is Zhang Erdan. Zhang Erdan's head is best recognized. He is born with Riley's head. His head is like a big wax gourd with peeled skin, which can be recognized by pomegranate at a glance.

As a matter of fact, Zhang Erdan also recognized pomegranate. When the light in the room was on just now, Zhang Erdan was shocked and saw pomegranate's face.

He had heard that pomegranate and Zhao Tiezhu were good again, and the two people got stuck together. Zhao Tiezhu also bought a house for pomegranate, which is very popular in the village.

In short, Zhao Tiezhu has taken care of pomegranate, and the woman has become his concubine.

At the beginning, he didn't believe it, until today he came in and mistakenly broke into pomegranate's room.

Pomegranate once glared big eyes, almost did not believe their own eyes, surprised for a long time: "Er Dan, you how How did you become a thief? In this field? "

Vanilla is also surprised. She hasn't seen Zhang Erdan, because when she married, Zhang Erdan had been away from the village for more than half a year.

Vanilla asked: "pomegranate, you know him, who is this boy?"

Pomegranate sighed and said, "hooligan in our village, Zhang Erdan!"

Zhang Erdan's life is really embarrassing. He has to be a thief.

Half a year ago, Er Dan had an affair with su'e, a widow in the village, and was caught in bed by sun Yizi's younger brother.

In his anger, he beat Zhang Erdan. He had no choice but to run over the wall.

It was spring when Erdan escaped. At that time, the wheat seedlings in the field had just turned green, and the wild flowers in Qingshi mountain had just opened.

He didn't even bring his luggage with him, but he had a few hundred yuan in his pocket. Knowing that the pillar was waiting for him at the door with a knife, he turned into the field outside the back wall and ran to Qingshi mountain all night.

There are two roads in Qingshi mountain. The first one is the one under construction. Unfortunately, it has not been repaired. The people on the road are working on it. The construction site was ablaze with lights.

This road can't be taken by Er Dan, because Zhao Tiezhu had to consider the problem of saving money when building the road, so he chose the shortest road, but it was also the most dangerous. There were cliffs on both sides, so the road was blocked and people could not walk at all.

The second road is the lonely road around the mountain outside the village. Er Dan chooses that road.

In fact, as soon as he left the village, he regretted that he had never walked out of the village or seen the world outside the mountain. As for the path, he did not walk through it.

Like a headless fly, he circled the hillside and soon lost his way.

The night was already deep, not far away came the bleak cry of the wild wolf of the bluestone mountain. The standing strange stones seemed to be the devil's claws stretching out from the hell, as if to pull him into the hell.

Erdan walked and stopped, panting, thirsty to drink mountain spring, hungry to pick the roots of plants in the field to eat. Hunger and fatigue soon eroded his body. He was tortured to death.

But he didn't want to go back, and he didn't dare to enter the house again. At the beginning, the pillar dared to cut Wang Changshui's buttocks into two sections with one knife. He didn't need to ask, he would also cut his buttocks into two sections.

The pillar is the kind of Lord who dares to fight with others in order to protect his brother's dignity from being violated.

He regretted having an affair with sister-in-law su'e and offended the pillar for a moment's pleasure.

Later, he wanted to go home and couldn't go back because he couldn't tell the direction.

Green stone mountain of the original forest lush, so that he can not understand the north and south.

He was very tired and sleepy, but he did not dare to sleep because he was afraid that he would fall asleep and be besieged by wild wolves in the mountains.

He insisted on not falling down, leaning on a crutch, and his clothes were dirty and worn. He walked and endured.

When he walked out of Qingshi mountain, it was seven or eight days later. At that time, Zhang Erdan was half dead and his eyes were empty.

He had a dirty face and a long beard, as if he had been living in the virgin forest all his life.

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