When he saw the road beyond the mountain, his eyes lit up and almost fainted with excitement.

He threw away his crutches and rushed to a roadside snack bar. He threw a bill to others. He grabbed the food and devoured it.

After eating and drinking enough, the spirit recovered a lot. Zhang Erdan and Ben have no place to go.

But he was reluctant to go out and make a breakthrough. Zhao Tiezhu, that boy, can be a man. Why can't I? I'm not worse than him?

So Erdan decided to go to the city to work, looking for their own future.

He can't take a bus either. After getting on the bus, the attendant who bought the ticket reminded him that it would cost him money.

Sitting on the bus, looking at the more and more distant Qingshi mountain, he secretly vowed that he would never go home until he broke into a personal style.

Zhang Erdan entered the city and got off the bus. He was immediately dazzled by the colorful world in front of him. He looked east and West as grandma Liu walked into the Grand View Garden. Feel fresh everywhere.

After the opening up, Z city is thriving everywhere, high-rise buildings everywhere, many people in the street, men and women.

Most of those women don't wear pants. They have white legs. They are really beautiful.

Zhang Erdan saw many women's legs, long and short, some wearing socks, some not wearing socks, some white, some brown, and some dark black.

Tut Tut, people in the city are open. If I knew there were so many beautiful girls, I should have left Qingshi mountain earlier.

Zhang er'dan walked from one end of the street to the other and from that end to this end. He didn't know what to do, where he would end up, or find a job to support himself.

He is that kind of clothes to reach out, eat to open mouth, lazy do not work people, from childhood was spoiled by grandma.

His only interest is to stand in the street every day and look at the legs of women, especially those in short skirts. They squint and see the roots of women's legs from women's feet That's a cool one.

Zhang Er Dan watched with great interest. After the sun set, he thought of eating.

There was no place to live at night. He lived in the bridge cave. He became a beggar completely.

It's been like this for half a month. Soon, the money in my pocket is at the bottom.

Zhang Erdan is so hungry that his stomach is growling. What should I do?

To rob? Timid, he dare not.

To steal? No way. What should I do if I'm caught and sent to the public security bureau?

There was no way out. Er Dan had to go behind the door of a restaurant to steal the swill there.

The swill in the big hotel is very delicious. It's more delicious than the stick rice noodles at home. It's the stuff that the guests can't eat and pour it out as hogwash. It's very oily and there's meat.

One day, he even found that the swill could not be eaten, because someone would come to clean up the swill in the big hotel.

Clean up swill is a little girl, not good-looking, first of all, eyes are not big, and then a skin is not white. His hair was thin and dry, like a feather duster.

That morning, Er Dan just saw the restaurant waiter bring out a bucket of hogwash, so he rushed over and climbed on the ground like a dog. He picked up his food and stuffed it up.

Who knows that at this time the little girl came again, picked up the swill bucket, poured it into the barrel of a tricycle, pushed up the tricycle and left.

Zhang Er Dan was very anxious and said angrily, "don't go. Why do you grab food with me?"

The little girl chuckled and asked, "you Eat this? "

Zhang Erdan said, "yes, I'll take this. What's the matter with you? Why rob me of my food

The little girl said, "you beggar, this thing is used to feed pigs, not for people to eat."

"Feeding pigs? You think of me as a pig? "

The little girl said, "yes, you are a pig. If you eat pig food, don't you admit that you are a pig? "Zhang Erdan felt insulted, so he came to snatch the tricycle with the little girl.

The little girl couldn't snatch him, so she yelled: "catch the thief, there's a thief robbing my hogwash - help --"

Zhang Erdan was scared and ran away and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The little girl looked at his embarrassed appearance and giggled.

In fact, Zhang er'dan didn't go far. After the little girl left, he followed the tricycle and chased the girl out of the suburb of Z city.

It turned out that the girl was not from the city, but from the suburbs. Her family raised several pigs outside the village.

The restaurant was owned by a relative of the girl, and the hogwash in it was specially designed for her to feed pigs.

He watched the girl pour the Tung hogwash into the piggery trough. Several pigs rushed over and began to eat.

After the girl left with satisfaction, Zhang Erdan could not hold on any more. He jumped into the pigsty and drove several pigs away. Then he went to eat the hogwash like the pig.Now, Zhang Er'an is extremely embarrassed. He has forgotten everything about his face and self-esteem. It is a big thing that he can fill his stomach.

When Zhang Er'an is full, wipe his mouth. The pigs look at him discontentedly and hum.

Zhang er'dan glared at some pigs and felt indignant. What kind of world is this? Pigs are better than I eat, I even eat with pigs.

Then he remembered the warm life at home, his grandmother, Qiaoying, widow Li, and sister-in-law su'e.

In my heart, I can't help but feel pity for myself.

Where is he sighing? Suddenly, his shoulder was patted, a warm white steamed bun was handed in front of him.

Er Dan turned around and saw the little girl smiling at him, holding a big steamed bun in her hand.

The girl said, "take it, eat it. Don't mention it

Zhang Erdan was shocked. He didn't know whether the steamed bun was accepted or not.

Seeing his hesitation, the girl put the bun into his hand and said, "I know you're hungry. Eat it, and you're ashamed?"

From the day he was born, Zhang er'dan felt the warmth of the world for the first time, and the warmth of his home for the first time, because a girl once gave him a white steamed bun when he was most embarrassed and helpless.

I don't know why, Zhang Er Dan cried. With tears in his eyes, he picked up the bun and bit it slowly.

The girl looked at him to eat, blinked her eyes and asked, "where are you from? Why do you come out to be a beggar?"

"I'm not a beggar," said Zhang Erdan

The girl said, "what's your name and how old are you?"

"My name is Zhang Erdan, 23. Live in Qingshi mountain. "

"Oh, you come from the mountains, no wonder? Haven't you been to the city? "

"No, the first time," said Zhang Erdan

"Do you come out to work?"


"You don't have any money? I didn't get a job, did I? "


The girl said, "well, you come here every night. I'll leave you a steamed bun every day. Don't steal food from pigs. It's not sanitary."


In this way, Zhang Erdan took the steamed bun and left with tears.

After that, he came here every evening, and the girls were waiting for him by the pigsty.

Every time, Erdan can eat the warm white steamed bread that the girl gave him, and sometimes the girl brought him some fried dishes.

More than ten days later, Zhang Erdan became familiar with the girl.

Once Er Dan asked her, "what's your name? Who else is in the family?"

The girl said: "my name is Xiaohua. There is only my father, my stepmother and my brother."

Zhang Erdan was surprised and asked, "are you Stepmother

The girl's face sank, nodded and said, "yes, my mother died early. My father found a stepmother for me. After the stepmother had a younger brother, she didn't want to see me.

I'm nineteen, because I'm ugly, no one can see me. I can see that you are also ugly. We are in the same boat. It's better to Be friends in the future? "

Zhang Er Dan nodded and said, "OK, you will be my girlfriend in the future."

In this way, Zhang er'dan meets Xiaohua. This is the first time Zhang Er'an met Xiaohua, and it is also the first time that he falls in love with him. It is also the first time that a girl likes him.

From then on, Zhang Erdan really tasted the moisture of love.

That night, Zhang Erdan also took Xiaohua to the bridge where he lived.

The bridge hole was dirty, full of smelly shoes and socks. Er Dan's sleeping place was on the floor. He only spread some hay on the ground. That's all. He didn't even have a quilt.

And the two ends of the bridge are ventilated. Although it is already spring, the cold wind is pouring in at midnight. He was shivering with cold.

Clean is a girl's nature, floret helped him clean up, said that Er Dan's living place was not as good as her pigsty at home, and said he should bring him a bed quilt.

Zhang Er Dan laughed. That night, Xiaohua took Er Dan's hand and said a lot to him. They talked very opportunely. They didn't leave until 12 o'clock in the night. Er Dan sent her to the door of her home, and the two people were reluctant to part with each other.

The next night, Zhang Er Dan was very unlucky. In the afternoon, it was overcast and drizzle began to fall in the sky. Later, the rain became more and more serious, reaching the level of moderate rain.

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