Surrounded by the "flowers", the seven men from the Jinwei Biotechnology R&D Center, the Marketing Department, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Registration Department were in high spirits and tried their best to please the beauties in front of them.

Baro Augustine, 28, who comes from the R&D center, rarely has access to beautiful women due to his work, and he doesn't know which topics are easy to please women, so he chatted with Ma Yanni and Anna Joyce about topics related to his research.

“...... I don't know if you have noticed, but recently there are more and more people suffering from the flu, and the mortality rate is getting higher and higher, you girls must pay attention and try not to go to crowded places. "

"There are quite a few people here, what should we pay attention to?" said Ma Yanni smiled, revealing a pair of charming dimples.

"Pay attention to food hygiene, wash your hands frequently, and wear a mask when going to crowded places. "

Gene Felix, a researcher in the marketing department, took over the topic and said: "The situation seems to be getting worse and worse, I read a paper that in August last year, 2,000 people across the federation contracted pneumonia due to e-cigarettes.

At first, some experts believed that e-cigarettes would cause damage to the lungs, causing smokers to contract pneumonia. However, some experts have questioned this, because in Europa, Asia, and South America, where the penetration rate of e-cigarettes is high, there are no cases of pneumonia due to e-cigarette smoking. "

"Recently, a reporter dug up a report from August last year, suspecting that the 2,000 e-cigarette pneumonia patients were not infected by e-cigarette smoking, but because of the virus leak. "

"Virus leak?".

Ma Yanni frowned and looked at Balo Augustine with expectant eyes.

Balo Augustine's face flushed, and he said excitedly: "I have a classmate who works in the largest biological and chemical weapons research and development base in A, and because of the virus leak accident, he was transferred to New Jersey, so I still remember last year's virus leak incident vividly. "

Jean Felix took a sip of red wine and said, "Well, it's the Fort Decker Biological and Chemical Weapons Research and Development Base, I seem to have seen the news of their accident." "

Baro Augustine looked at the beautiful and delicious Ma Yanni, swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and continued to reveal the secret.

"My uncle is in the Federal CDC and his news is absolutely reliable. There was indeed a virus leak at the Fort Decker base, and the CDC sent a team of experts to take over the Fort Decker biological and chemical weapons research and development base. "

Ma Yanni's face changed slightly, and she said, "The virus leak is a serious quality accident, how serious will the consequences be?"

Barlo Augustine's face was solemn and said: "Judging from the current situation, e-cigarette pneumonia and sudden surge of flu are very likely to be infectious diseases caused by virus leakage.

I've read several papers, and this virus is extremely contagious, spreads quickly, and is characterized by fever, fatigue, and dry cough.

A small number of patients have symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and diarrhea.

Severe patients often develop dyspnea or hypoxemia one week after the onset of the disease, and severe cases rapidly progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, metabolic acidosis that is difficult to correct, and coagulopathy. "

Jean Felix said: "I read a paper published by a team of experts from Mount Sinai Medical Center, and they believe that this virus is more likely to be artificially modified, this virus is based on the influenza virus with the gene fragments of Ai Zhi disease and Ebola virus, which can deceive the white blood cells in the human body and enter the human respiratory tract and alveoli unimpeded, and the existing medical methods are extremely difficult to cure." "

"This is a typical bioweapon, not like a naturally growing virus. "

"It's terrible, why are the federal authorities researching these lethal weapons to destroy humanity?" said Ma Yanni indignantly.

Baro Augustin smiled bitterly: "In this world, there are many perverted people, and anything can happen. "

"No one can control him with this super virus?" asked Ma Yanni.

Baro Augustus shook his head and said, "I heard that the company is developing a specific drug against the virus, and the results of the experiment are relatively optimistic. "

Ma Yanni breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "With the special medicine, the situation is not so bad. "

Jean Felix waved his right index finger and said, "Experiments and putting them into use are two different things, drug experiments need to go through multiple rounds of expert review, and a large amount of experimental data is needed. It takes at least nine months for a drug to be tested before it can be put on the market.

What will change in nine months?

Nine months later, there is uncertainty about whether this special drug can still fight the virus. "


When Baro Augustine, Ma Yanni, and Gene Felix were discussing the topic of the virus, Anna Joyce always kept smiling, not saying a word, and listened carefully.

She had already noticed the flu outbreak that was ravaging various parts of country A, and if the outbreak was related to a virus leak, the situation would be more serious than she thought.

Enterprises, research institutions and individuals related to the epidemic will definitely benefit if they can intervene in the prevention and control of the epidemic in a timely manner and find effective drugs or methods to solve the problem.


"He's so capable, there must be a way. "

Anna Joyce thought of Lu Fengxian, she got up and walked outside the box and answered Lu Fengxian's phone.

"Fengxian, I want to see you, 100,000 urgent. "

"Oh, 100,000 urgent? pregnant?".

Lu Feng drank two glasses of red wine first, and when he talked to Anna Joyce, he was a little carried away.

"yes, why don't you come and stay with me?"

Lu Fengxian stood up, walked to the bathroom, and whispered: "Won't it? How can it be so coincidental? The 100,000 urgent thing you said is a pregnancy thing?"

"Fool, have you drunk too much? how can it be so fast, it is more urgent than pregnancy. "

"Can you wait a little longer? Today is my first meeting with my Venerable Beings and Lecturers, so I can't leave too early. "

"What Venerable, Lecturer, what tricks are you playing?"

"Oh, I can't tell, I promise you, in forty minutes, I'll see you. "

"Okay, see you at the old place. Oh no, I'll reopen a room. Open the room and send you the room number. "


Anna Joyce hung up the phone and turned around, startled.

"Yixin, you... You scared the hell out of me. "

Yang Yixin took Anna Joyce's arm and said, "Anna, you also scared me." Are you going to open a room? I'll go with you. "

Anna Joyce smiled awkwardly, shook her head, and said, "I'm joking with him, don't open it." "


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