
Anna Joyce grabbed Ren Xiuyan's arm and whispered: "Xiuyan, a major incident has recently happened in country A, which is related to the future and life and death of each of us, and I want to talk to Feng Xian alone, it may take two or three hours." You arrange for the sisters to rest first, and after talking about business, I will let Feng go back to accompany you first. "

"Does it have anything to do with Feng Xian?" Ren Xiuya asked with a suspicious expression.

"It's not directly related, but Bong has a way to use his energy and benefit from it. "

"Oh. Ren Xiuya handed Lu Fengxian to Anna Joyce and told him.


In the 520 business suite on the podium of the Lakeview Hotel, the experimental foursome of Lu Fengxian, Ma Yanni, and Yang Yixin returned to a familiar place, and they couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

"Anna, should we ?... a different place


"What do you want? just talk here, don't go anywhere. "

Anna Joyce helped Lu Fengxian sit down, and together with Ma Yanni, reviewed the chat with Baro Augustin and Jean Felix, focusing on important information such as e-cigarette pneumonia, virus leakage at the Fort Dirk biological and chemical weapons research and development base, and the continued spread of the flu epidemic.

"Virus leakage, chemical and biological weapons, Fort Derk biological and chemical weapons research and development base, super flu, respiratory infectious diseases?".

Lu Fengxian closed his eyes and quickly thought about the connections between each key word vocabulary, the dangers and business opportunities hidden behind the words.

"Virus leak at Fort Decker Biological and Chemical Weapons Research and Development Base?".

Lu Fengxian opened his eyes, shook his head, and said, "Fort Dirk is the largest and highest-level biological and chemical weapons research and development base of the military of Country A.

Based on my understanding of the security systems and measures of the military's biological and chemical weapons research and development bases, the possibility of negligent leakage is almost zero.

If a leak occurs, there is only one possibility, and that is a man-made leak. "

"Who is so mad? Isn't he afraid of hurting himself and his relatives and friends?"

The "man-made leakage" mentioned by Lu Fengxian made Ma Yanni feel scared, her scalp was tight, and goosebumps appeared on her neck and ears.


"There are many possibilities for man-made leakage, the first one may be related to population regulation and the drug industry chain.


bigwigs who control the political fate of country A come from all walks of life, including pharmaceutical giants.

The biggest beneficiary of man-made virus leakage and disease transmission is the leading enterprise that develops and produces special drugs. "

Yang Yixin and Anna Joyce looked solemn, and subconsciously clenched Lu Fengxian's hand.

"The second possibility: the staff of the R&D base themselves or their families have encountered social injustice and cannot vent.

They deliberately leaked the virus to vent their personal hatred. This situation is often the case in country C and in the Middle East, where country A is bullied. "

"The third possibility?".

Lu Fengxian hesitated for a moment and said, "It should be done by an undercover agent lurking in the Fort Decker biological weapons research and development base, and I personally prefer the third possibility." "

"Why?" Yang Yixin asked.

Lu Fengxian smiled bitterly: "Intuition." Human society is far more complex than we see and think, most people know less than 1% of human society, and there are many sectors, business forms, ecology, and countless places outside the law that we cannot touch.

Jungle society is like countless pyramids, large and small, and only a few live at the top of the tower.

At the national level, country A and developed countries are at the top of the pyramid jungle, while the developing celestial empire and underdeveloped countries and regions are at the middle and bottom of the pyramid, respectively

At the ethnographic level, the fair-skinned population of country A lives at the top of the pyramid, while the other color-colored people live in the lower middle class;

The same is true when it comes to faith, where the war in the ideological field never stops;

In terms of social governance, many people are above the law, using the law to protect vested interests and bully vulnerable groups;

Outside of civilized society, there is also a dark world that is outside the rule of law. In the dark world, there is no royal law, no civilization, only the animal world.

Groups or individuals living at the bottom of various pyramids are in a state of nervous tension and fear for a long time, and their thoughts are easily distorted.

When an oppressed community is unable to contend with its oppressors, they may use every opportunity to infiltrate the core of the oppressor and wreak havoc. "

"It's terrible!" Ma Yanni trembled and fell into Lu Fengxian's arms.


"Living in a complex human society, in the face of various dangers, we can only face them calmly, or eliminate threats, or pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages.

What are your thoughts based on the virus leaking and the flu spreading?" Anna Joyce asked.

"Whether it is the development of biological weapons or the deliberate spread of viruses, they are all sinners of human civilization, and once I have the opportunity, I will use my means to show my attitude.

However, it is imperative to find drugs or solutions that can curb the spread of the virus and stop the spread of the virus. "

"Have you thought of a way?" Yang Yixin saw Lu Fengxian's energy and believed that he had the ability to restrain the virus.

"Everything is symbiotic and co-prosperous, and any kind of virus has its nemesis.

I need to look at more detailed and specialized information to determine how to suppress this virus.

If I can find a formula to suppress or even eliminate this virus, I will have a way to implement ......."

Lu Fengxian thought of his "upgraded mining plan", and planned to take advantage of the spread of the flu to design a product or solution to carry out a wealth hunt operation against the families of the powerful and elite in country C.


"What to implement?" Yang Yixin caught the abnormality in Lu Fengxian's eyes and words, and asked.

"If we can find a solution, we can increase our financing efforts and attract more capital to invest in our other projects.

You turn on the computer, and I'll look up some information first. "

Yang Yixin opened the laptop and handed it to Lu Fengxian.


"The virus leaked from the Fort Decker biological and chemical weapons research and development base is a coronavirus, and the original strain came from the largest virus research institute in country C. "

Lu Fengxian logged on to the medical information retrieval platform and found more shocking information.

"The virus leaked from the Fort Decker Biological and Chemical Weapons R&D base originated in the city of Xia in Country C. How so?

How could the virus samples or genetic sequence information of country C end up in the hands of the military of country A?

Why did the Fort Decker Biological and Chemical Weapons R&D Base study the virus strain found in Country C?

Once the Fort Decker Biological and Chemical Weapons R&D Base develops a virus weapon against Country C, the consequences will be unimaginable. "


Through the search engine, Lu Fengxian found a report that the largest virus research institute in country C cooperated with a university laboratory in country A to study a coronavirus.

These bastards, who don't know how to live or die, actually shared such important virus research data with the scientific research institutions of country A for the sake of 800,000 US dollars in scientific research funds.

If the compatriots of country C are attacked by a virus that has been processed by the military of country A, the 4P Virus Research Institute of Xia Cheng in country C will be the sinner of history. "


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