He slowly opened his eyes and said lightly, "So that's it, where is the location?"

"Alegre, I'm leaving first, and I'll come to you later. In the meantime, prepare your things first."

Bai Yunshen looked at Alegre who was healed again and said.

"Yes, I will act according to your order.

Facing Bai Yunshen, Alegre did not dare to resist, and had to choose to obey Bai Yunshen's orders.


Nodding slightly, Bai Yunshen opened a different dimension space on his body.

If you already know the enemy's base, then you can directly break into the enemy's base camp.

Manigault's actions were a little too reckless, but it didn't matter, he could act as a back-up.

The figure entered a different dimension, and Bai Yunshen instantly came to the dark headquarters, outside a very luxurious looking mansion.

Standing above the sky, I felt this mansion carefully.

Bai Yunshen suddenly felt that there were several small universes fighting fiercely in it.

"Well, there are some problems with the structure of this mansion, and it is a bit risky to break into it directly."

Bai Yun felt deeply and found that this mansion seemed to contain a lot of souls. This was a favorable battlefield for the saints who used the corpse gas. It was suspected that the leader of the dark saints in the later period of the first sense had already been in such a favorable location. It can be compared to the peak of the seventh sense, which is equivalent to the level of the three giants of the underworld.

"Then let's destroy the land first."

Bai Yunshen made a decision, and behind him, countless circles of light appeared

That's one of the items checked in in the Moon World, the treasure of

Chapter 0234 Bombardment and Jack's Identity

The King's Treasure, a Noble Phantasm from Gilgamesh in the Moon-shaped World.

The treasure of the king signed by Bai Yunshen does not contain any Noble Phantasm.

However, Bai Yunshen made a second creation through other special abilities he signed in, and constructed it into a treasure of the king that belongs to Bai Yunshen.

First, Bai Yunshen transformed the bricks into a Noble Phantasm (A rank) through the ability of [Knights Don't Die Unarmed] signed in Xingyue World, and then filled the Noble Phantasm bricks with microcosms of various characteristics and the power of killing gods, and then Fixed and placed in the King's Treasure.

After repeating this, Bai Yunshen found that the brick Noble Phantasm he had created had a hardness close to that of a bronze holy garment.

Because the treasure of Wang Zhi is obtained from the system check-in, it has a certain upgrade compared to the original version, that is, the speed of projection is related to Bai Yunshen's strength.

This also means that Bai Yunshen can manipulate the bricks in the treasure of the king and throw them at the speed of light.

And because of the coverage of the small universe, there is no need to worry that those slabs will vaporize and disappear halfway.

Countless apertures emerge behind the deep white clouds, and bricks emerge from the aperture

These slabs all have the characteristics of a small universe, with hurricanes, some with lightning, and some with high temperature

A total of eight bricks flew out from behind Bai Yunshen first.

Looking for the location of the attack, suddenly, the bricks flew.

Eight light-speed lights and shadows instantly bombarded the mansion in front of Bai Yunshen.

Suddenly, a roar resounded.

Flames, storms, lightning, water, etc. suddenly filled the entire mansion.

Under Bai Yunshen's surprise attack, although the entire mansion was attacked with an incomparably astonishing corpse gas for defense, Bai Yunshen was superior in that the raid was fast and powerful, and the defense of the corpse gas was quickly broken through. The entire mansion collapsed in an instant.

"Oh, this is?"

After Bai Yunshen destroyed this mansion, the conflicting universes also changed their own way.

Except that Manigot still seems to be fighting the enemy's exaggeratedly powerful microcosm, Aberfica seems to have solved the opponent, but in the other direction, there seems to be a new microcosm. It reached an extremely exaggerated level in an instant, and then slowly disappeared.

The owner of that little universe seems to be, Jack?

Contemplating, Bai Yunshen went in this direction.

Time moves forward a little.

In Manigot, he brought Abfica and Jack to this dark mansion, but because of Avid's trap, the three were separated.

Among them, Jack walked alone in this dark mansion.

He walked, with a little panic on his face.

Without a destination, he had to keep walking, the dark environment made him feel uneasy and frightened.

I don't know how long he walked, and suddenly he saw a mask hanging on the wall at the end of a corridor.

The peculiar mask almost scared Jack.

He touched his chest and let out a light sigh of relief: "Scare me, what exactly is this mask, it seems to be a little different from the carnival mask, what a strange mask."

Saying this, Jack found that his eyes couldn't take off the mask. His face that pretended to be laughing slowly faded, and turned into a very serious expression: "No, I know this mask!"

"This mask is the mask of the Dark Saint Cloth of the Surveillance Seal on Queen's Island, which is dead under the equator. We killed the man who guarded the mask and wiped out his bloodline, and took away the mask, but it seems that Seems to be missing one.

An icy voice came from behind Jack, and the trembling feeling of being stared at by a vicious dog rose in his heart.

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