Qiangzi kept his composure, and Jack turned to look at the man behind him: "Missed? Bloodline extinct? What the hell is going on?"

At the moment when his identity is about to be revealed, Jack suppresses his inner fear and wants to urgently seek answers.

about his own identity.

"That's what it means literally." The man who arrived was slightly dark skinned, wearing a jet-black holy robe, with a ferocious smile on his face: "So, you were a baby at that time, so you must have an impression of being pregnant.

"I killed all your clan, and I am Yudu of the Dark Canis."


Feeling the astonishing malice from the Dark Canis in front of him, Jack couldn't help but want to run away

However, there is no escape.

Jack knew he was too weak compared to these monsters with small universes.

"However, now it feels great to be able to survive the next one."


Jack was stunned by Yudu's words, and at the same time uneasiness rose in his heart.

"Go and smash that mask." Youdu gave an order coldly: "This can only be done by the Death Queen Island family."

Listening to Yudu's words, Jack suppressed the fear in his heart and stimulated his brain to think.

Since the mask is so dangerous, can these guys in the dark be defeated by using the mask?

"I advise you not to think that way."

The Dark Canis seemed to be able to understand Jack's inner thoughts and said, "If that mask is not in Death Queen Island, it will lose its original effect."


Jack is puzzled. My thoughts have been read?

"That's what it is." The Dark Canis smiled and said, "I have some experience with the method of enlightenment, so I know all about your current affairs and your disguise so far, such as "Could it be that... "

Jack suddenly realized something.

Then an invisible attack fell in front of her.

This attack didn't hurt her, but gave the powder the white shirt inside the black coat in front of her.

It was broken in half, and then the fair skin was exposed. Although it was not completely shattered, from the tattered shirt, you could barely see the elastic white circle.Although young, but Jack already has a certain heart.

He's not a boy, he's a girl


Astringent, Jack immediately squatted down and hugged his chest, blocking the leaked spring light.

"There are no lies in front of me, come on, break the mask so you can return

to the usual living area. "The Dark Canis continued to bewitched.

"Ordinary life?"

Jack suddenly recalled, what was his usual life like?

After all, can the dark words be believed?

Forget it, no matter what, I can't resist anyway.

Trembling, Jack stood up and went to get the mask on the wall.

The Dark Canis has been reading Jack's heart, seeing that she is struggling, and her attitude is biased.

To my own inducement, I nodded very satisfied and then I just need to destroy the mask, but...

"Who will listen to the dark words!"

The moment he touched the mask, feeling the warmth it conveyed, Jack suddenly made up his mind

After making up his mind, he immediately picked up the mask and put it on his face, "Damn it!"

The dark dog's face stiffened, and then the small universe condensed.

But at this moment, Jack in front of him also burned the small universe, guided by the mask

, the necklace around her neck glowed, and then her little universe became extremely powerful, and released "What?"

Due to being naturally restrained, the Dark Canis suddenly felt the strong light hitting him, and immediately

The dark cloak on his body shattered.The next moment, the entire mansion exploded violently.

Bai Yunshen's treasure, the king's treasure, was already bombarded to the end of the night.

0235 Brick Hunting Dog

The collapsed mansion was under the control of Bai Yunshen. Only Jack and Aberfica were not affected. The rest, including the place where Manigot and the enemy leader fought, were also attacked indiscriminately.

However, Bai Yunshen injected the healing ball into their bodies before helping the three of Manigault to send their bodies to Huangquan Biliangpo.

In fact, there is no need to worry about the injury of the pure body.

With a figure like light, Bai Yunshen first came to Jack's location.

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