Create a sandbox world

Chapter 263: Prayer

"Whew." When Lin Tuo placed the last stone statue, he finally straightened up.

The doppelgänger was in the palm of his hand, and roughly speaking, the ring-shaped continent in front of him did not look different, even if the stone statues were extremely large compared to the races, but on the scale of the sandbox was as small as dust.

However, when he drew closer to his vision, he clearly saw the base stations that were rooted in the earth and the sea like a "starburst".

This scene suddenly reminded Lin Tuo of the chess board.

Most of the "pawns" are located near the intelligent race gathering area, according to logic, as long as the subsequent years do not occur huge migration changes, many of these directions will evolve into the future of the city.

Of course, some of them were also placed in the wilderness in order to maintain "even distribution".

"Looks like they are surprised," Lin Tuo observed the earth's creatures with interest, "then it's time to wait."

One is to wait for them to worship the idol and develop early religious rituals, and the other is to wait for the arrival of the "upgraded Star Ocean Server".


And the next development did proceed as Lin Tuo had envisioned.

For a group of out of the cave not long ago, just to establish the first social form of life, from the sky, the great, mysterious stone statue is undoubtedly deeply shocked their hearts.

Soon, Lin Tuo noticed that these races and tribes began to hold rituals around the idol, whether human, elves, or orcs in general.

They began to clean up the environment around the idol, and even build its fence or stone wall to isolate it from the wilderness.

They will regularly carry "offerings" to the idol with a variety of strange and bizarre self-created rituals to express submission and reverence.

They gradually evolved their own unified name for the "idol", and in the rituals, the collective cry, and because of the geographical barriers, coupled with the absence of racial barriers, they have different names for the idol.

Lin Tuo is not surprised, just patiently observe, wait until the evening, the moon tribe once again sent a message: "Star Ocean server debugging is complete.

Star Ocean server debugging is complete.


The upgraded version of the server is much larger than the original version, but also changed a shell, rough look, very much like a computer case.

There is a switch at the top, and a status light will light up when it is turned on. With specific steps to open the snap, you can find that the interior is divided into two pieces, left and right.

According to Qingkong, this design refers to the Moon people's left and right brain subdivision ......

The left side simulates a prayer candle, which is responsible for receiving one hundred and eight base station signals, reading, transforming, and accumulating spirituality.

The core part is a smaller version of the "forbidden cage", a container similar to a bottle gall.

The right side contains the original "Spiritual Network" module, as well as a large number of slots, which is an instrument built in accordance with the system for the promotion of transcendents envisioned by Mount Sinai.

The core part is the "engraving machine", also connected to the base station, but because Lin Tuo has not yet written the "spell sequence", so this part is not yet working.

As for the energy source of the server, it was also replaced with "Ether Pool", that is: a "battery" that can temporarily store Ether energy, which can be used many times, and is one of the most important inventions of the Moon alchemical civilization.

"The next step is to try to run it." Lin Tuo fiddled with it for a while, exhaled a breath, and looked towards the fifth sandbox with some anticipation.

However, it could not be run yet, because the "password" had not been written yet.

So, next Lin Tuo used his doppelganger to run through all the idols that were worshipped and visit the tribes of various races with the invisibility effect on.

Because their language system is not yet mature, so the "Tongue" is limited, the group of people to exchange information to a large extent still rely on physical movements ...... but this does not affect Lin Tuo to achieve the purpose.

He just had to observe the rituals of these primitive beings and record the pronunciation of the words they called "base station".

This job was more troublesome than he expected, and it took a while to succeed.

When Lin Tuo retracted his doppelganger again, the body woke up from the closed-eye state and raised his hand to press the "Star Ocean Server" switch.

"Buzz ~" the top of the instructions rune quickly lit up, Lin Tuo hand into the left part, try to touch the rest of the writing, and then began to word correctly recite dozens of different "call" out.

Next door.

In the room, Hua Xi and Hathaway were arguing about the design details of a compound of the Li Shan Sword Sect, when the two suddenly turned their heads in the direction of the study, listening to the bytes rattling around inside, and looked at each other.

"What is Lin Tuo doing again." Hathaway asked.

Hua Xi sniffed: "I do not know."

"Surely asking you is a mistake, cut, nothing." Hathaway said disgustedly.

Hua Xi looked straight at her: "You say again try?"


Five minutes later, Lin Tuo withdrew his hand and exhaled a long breath.

"Finally, the input is finished."

"This way, as long as these tribes chant the corresponding name + specific content in the base station coverage area it will count as a valid password, and all I have to do is to satisfy the prayer a few times now and then, thus deepening the concept of 'God'."

Thinking, Lin Tuo pressed the second button again.

Thus, a faint aura overflowed from the server and swept across the entire sandbox.

With the distance drawn closer by the sandbox, at this moment, the base stations deep inside the one hundred and eight stone statues simultaneously emitted a slight click and began to operate.

Immediately after, Lin Tuo restored his hand on the corresponding area of the server, and began to meditate on the internal changes, not long, he was pleased to see a very light, very fine points of light into the sandbox out of thin air.

They were really tiny, much dimmer than the ones that came in from Earth on the night of "Night of Dreams", and their number was unmatched.

However, under the effect of time acceleration, the light dots accumulated over the years still gathered into a thin stream of information.

Lin Tuo try to touch, vaguely can sense the content of their prayers, generally nothing more than about drought and precipitation, food harvest, disease and suffering, and so on and so forth ......

It is understandable that the primitive people at this time probably do not pray much.

Even if they did, they would often just recite the name given to the "idol" without mentioning the specific needs, but where there were, they were mostly produced during the tribe's giant rituals.

"It's really possible! It's just that the amount accumulated is so pitifully thin that I can't even absorb it."

Lin Tuo lamented and discovered another problem.

That is, under the environment of time acceleration, he received the "prayers" and the actual time there is a large error.

For example, a tribe prayed for rain, the result when Lin Tuo received the password, the sandbox are several years past ...... this is very bad.

Thinking, Lin Tuo raised his hand to pause the acceleration, that the influx of light points also quickly thinned out.

A glance, only a few scattered, Lin Tuo is not disappointed, meditation and wait for a while, to a new piece of dull light point influx, he immediately tried to read:.

"Great Mars ...... please send down your divine grace, exorcise the disease and redeem the warriors of the tribe ......"

If it were a prayer candle, such a slightly vague prayer statement might not be successfully converted into a spell, but for the Star Ocean server, there was no such problem.

It was originally an empty shell, and whether or not it could be satisfied was completely dependent on Lin Tuo.

"Disease? ......" Lin Tuo's eyes moved and used the server's connection to the base station to reverse trace the source of this message.

Quickly, he located the base station.

The sandbox quickly expanded, under the Eagle Eye magic augmentation, Lin Tuo also saw the scene on the ground: the

A human tribe, people clad in animal skins fell to the ground, or moaning in pain, or coughing drowsily, and some of the tribesmen who had not yet contracted the disease tried to use some herbal remedies, but to no avail.

And the tribe's elderly priests with a few people, the tribute placed in front of the statue of the gods in the tribe, kneeling down and can not stop praying.

Lin Tuo retracted his eyes, thinking briefly, raised his hand and threw the doppelganger into it.

In the blink of an eye, open invisibility spell Lin Tuo appeared at the head of that idol.

After many years of wind and rain, the surface of this stone statue is becoming more and more blurred, there are many vicissitudes, Lin Tuo leaned down and listened to the painful moans below. The painful moaning, suddenly tapped on the surface of the stone statue.


The next second, in the group of primitive people's horrified gaze, the "sleep" of countless years of the idol around the bright generous, halo dyed with a blinding light, people dare not look directly.

At the same time, Lin Tuo figure floating down, in the mind outlines the model of the healing spell, and then will be a mass of "healing light" thrown to those sick humans.

About ten seconds later, the "illumination" dissipated, the stone statue restored as before.

The panicked priest carefully raised his head and looked around to see the tribe shouting in surprise as the feverishly unconscious patients rose to their feet almost simultaneously, their expressions dazed, only to feel the pain fade away.

They then looked at the stone statue with increasing awe, and unanimously shouted.





In the north of the Ring Continent, in the dense forest, a forest fire is spreading rapidly, and thick black smoke rises along with the fire.

The animals in the forest scattered and fled in panic.

In a certain tribe of elves, large groups of slim and athletic primitive elves guarded the tribe's fence with pale faces, desperately watching the mountain fires getting closer and closer ahead.

Some of the elves dragged their backpacks made of animal skins or grass and leaves, but were reluctant to leave.

Suddenly, several elves cried out and ran to the foot of the stone statue next to the tribe, jumping on the "robe" of the statue full of signs of wind and rain, chanting words of prayer.

"Almighty Armis, please save our home!"

Next to them, the rest of the elves stared blankly at the scene, and at the shout of the patriarch began to drag their packs and form a line, slowly leaving in the distance -

Must go, or wait for the mountain fire to burn close, the smoke will take their lives.

And at that moment, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the sky, the huge mysterious stone statue suddenly swept away a strange aura, surrounded by white light, releasing a sacred aura.

Following that, a rainstorm fell with a bang, extinguishing the burning mountain fire.

The elves carrying backpacks stopped in their tracks and looked at the scene in shock, their eye holes, full of surprise and awe.

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