Create a sandbox world

Chapter 264 - Designing a promotion sequence

As this tribe of elves watched, when the flames were extinguished, the thundercloud dispersed, and the stone statue, wet with rain, was no different from the countless days of the past.

No, there should be, except that it is not the stone statue itself that has changed, but those gazing at it.


The "miracle" continues ......

In order to carry on this simple primitive worship, Lin Tuo turned on the map running mode.

Select those requests that can be satisfied, with the help of the "server" and the base station connection, jump to the corresponding area, and show power, every place, caused a big wave.

The western mountains, a certain mountain blocked the rain orc tribe in the day of the ritual, the idol of the gods of light, huge mountain peaks rose up, disappeared.

Eastern plains, a certain barren tribe food cut off, with grass and leaves woven animals held a sacrifice, the idol vibration, the sky has unknown food fall.


Piece by piece, one by one.

These "prayers" do not happen at the same time, if there is no suitable choice, Lin Tuo will try to speed up for a period of time, and then be suspended, and these are still in the barbaric life issued by the prayers are mostly easy to achieve.

Repeatedly tossed for a long time, Lin Tuo finally performed "miracles" at most of the idols, and some, either in the wilderness, no one prayed, or what was requested, difficult to achieve.

And those who have shown the tribes, visible to the naked eye, the frequency of prayer increased significantly, and began to appear some scattered, odd requests.

Begging for wealth and power not to mention, Lin Tuo even received a number of begging the gods to give a wife ......

Let him quite depressed, this bunch of primitive people are not simple at all!

Similar to this simply do not answer.

In addition, to say that there is something special, is from the sirens, or still called the sea race.

This group of beings is also very strange, other races, different areas of the tribes of each other's language are different, the name of the stone statue also varies, but the sirens are not so.

Although they are also scattered in the various seas, but its name for the stone statue is surprisingly similar: roydex!

At first, Lin Tuo thought that this word had some special meaning, but when he looked closer, he found that it was not the case at all, but that creatures like the sea people would use this word to refer to everything that amazed and admired them.

For example, seeing a sunrise, one would say, "Roydus! It's so big!"

When they see a school of fish, they say, "Loides! There are so many!"

When you see a human being, you say, "Rhodes! So ugly!"

And so on and so forth ......

Anyway, it is like foreigners shouting "ohmygod" ...... Lin Tuo even once suspected that this word is the sea language "crap" ... ...But the original sea people of the second sandbox also did not have this foul ah.

As for why the unity is this word, he suspected that the vocal structure of this life is related.

It's like the pronunciation of "mom" is similar across the human race ...... physiological structure determines that the word is easiest to say ......

If this uniform name is nothing, then the real headache for Lin Tuo lies in the content of the "prayers" of these creatures ......

No, he even felt that this is not "prayer" at all, more like a broken heart.

For example, a few randomly selected from the base station in the sea mantra, are similar to.

"Loides, the sun is not warm at all today, so annoying!"

"Loides, the patriarch scolded me again, not happy!"

"Loides, do you think it will rain tomorrow?"

"Loides, I like the white baker, don't you?"


What the hell are you doing?

How do you answer?

Say you like pink? Is that right?

Anyway, the prayer is so different from other races that Lin Tuo highly suspects that these creatures are treating their idols as tree holes ......

The "whispering" is here, right?

Repeatedly extracted many times, are this kind of non-nutritious topic, he later simply also completely give up in the ocean "manifestation" ...... anyway, since they like to talk about, then let it go.

On the other hand, it is also good, do not have to do anything, you can collect spirituality through the broken thoughts, if the other races are also like this, then he can save his mind, and do not need to engage in this set of gods and goddesses.

Anyway, when the work is easily completed, Lin Tuo finally let out a long breath, put the sandbox aside so that its own derivation, occasionally a few hundred years, thousands of years of "holy" a wave, to maintain the image can also be.

As for his work, the focus shifted to the design of the spell system.

The left half of the server has already started trial operation, but the right half has not yet started.

According to his idea, in addition to the stone statue as a collector, to collect "faith", another important role is to provide transcendent power terminal.

Mount Sinai's idea of a "professional" transcendentalist promotion system was of great interest to Lin Tuo.

As Mount Sinai described, instead of letting everyone figure it out on their own, sum up their experience, learn, and pass it on ......

The large number of spells will be integrated, classified, and divided into a clear path in order from low to high, so that those who come later can advance in a step-by-step manner, which will undoubtedly greatly improve the efficiency of evolution.

First choose a "career", then the first level to learn what skills, the second level to learn what ...... so all the way up, it is very clear.

It's like an online game, where the player character just concentrates on leveling up, to a certain level, comes near the stone statue in accordance with the established process, and directly learns the skills in seconds, instantly mastered.

This is much stronger than the bitterness of a little bit of grinding skills.

Lin Tuo is ready to design such a set of promotion system.

It is also considered an experimental project.

But this system also has a few points to note.

"Since the choice of specialization, the promotion path must be strictly fixed, that is, a person chooses a certain path, it can not be changed, here can be done with the 'engraving machine'.

At least until one reaches the non-human stage, the evolver cannot know the specific rune for acquiring the ability, nor can he pass it on to others.

The problem is that a verification method needs to be devised to confirm that the prayer promoter acquires the correct ability ......"

"En, a double verification method can be utilized here.

That is, firstly, to detect the Etheric reserve in the evolver's body, whether it meets the requirements for acquiring higher level spell abilities, and then, to detect whether he has mastered the previous level spell of the path he belongs to ......

This can be decided by prescribing a specific promotion ceremony."

"Through double judgment, errors can be avoided, in addition, there is a need to develop different 'password' for different levels of abilities and write them to the server in batches ......"

"Also, since the ability is to be obtained from the base station, the consumption in the process of bestowing the ability by the base station can also be borne by these people ...... This will also save me the trouble of needing to recharge the base station every so often ......

One could add a clause to the promotion ceremony that requires them to touch the stone statue, such as the Ether before being promoted."

"But that would create another problem, the strong would likely monopolize the right to touch the stone statue, thus blocking the path to evolution for those outside the system ......

There are pros and cons to this, but the overall benefit should be greater.

According to logic, the control of the stone statue must be the state or large churches, although these organizations will also be inappropriate, but at least to maintain stability, not so that criminals can be promoted at will."

This is like the Earth, although there is a "social martial arts" existence, but the evolution of the core of the martial arts, and the most elite part is still in the hands of the government, there are disadvantages? Yes.

But if completely free results will be better? Not necessarily.

Lin Tuo weighed the situation and decided to arrange it this way.

Besides, the 108 idols, many of them are still in extremely remote places, all over the races, it's not as if all the organizations holding the idols are rotten, completely monopolizing the evolutionary path, right?

If the situation has really fallen to this point, Lin Tuo in the "macro-control" is not too late.


After thinking about the relevant settings, Lin Tuo retracted his thoughts, picked up a pen and paper, and looked at the dense magic books on the desk.

He began to carry out the most important work, that is, to select the appropriate spells from these, sorting and arranging them into a "promotion path".

This work took him three days.

When another morning came, Lin Tuo put aside the prayer candle held in his left hand, and put aside the ball point pen in his right hand, and held up the thick stack of papers.

Organized by page number, then exhaled deeply.

"Finally, it's done!"

It took three days and nearly no sleep, Lin Tuo finally designed the whole promotion system.

A total of 14 paths, each path is divided into nine levels from low to high.

The whole is divided into two categories.

"orderly" nine, "chaotic" five.

"Orderly" means that the entire path belongs to the same category, such as level one to level nine, all of which are healing-related spells, or paths composed entirely of fire spells.

There is a clear delineation of attributes that belong to a particular area of specialization.

If you're a fire spell at level one, you're still a fire spell at level nine.

The opposite is true for "disorder", which is a patchwork of spells that are difficult to develop into separate paths.

For example, many spells are very special, there are only three or five of the same type, or less, even nine can not be put together, let alone follow the "low to high" order.

This part will be disorganized and put together haphazardly.

The disadvantage is that some of the spells may not be compatible with the evolver's own talent, even if they are forcibly branded into the soul, the spell casting effect will be poor, in contrast, the evolver who chooses to "keep the order" can choose according to their talent, with half the effort.

The advantage is the variety of means, nine levels, each level can obtain a varying number of different types of abilities, than the single means of "order-keeping" evolutionary stronger than a chip.

In addition, in terms of naming, the naming of the orderly path is more in line with the properties of this path.

The order of chaos is haphazardly put together, so Lin Tuo in the name, simply to the first starting spell properties to call, and not limited to the ability of the pathway range.

Turning the paper, with the help of the sunlight pouring in from the window, Lin Tuo confirmed it one last time.

Guardian order.

1, the cleric path (to healing spells and some light spells mainly): Level 1, healing spells, pure light; Level 2, light blessing ......

2, druid path (covering deformation spells, part of the manipulation of plant nature-based spells, part of the healing spells): Level 1: deformation spells ......

3, Shadow Path (covering perception, stealth, evasion, control spells, and part of the close combat spell increase) ......

4、Warrior path (covering range increase, boiling blood and other spells to enhance their own state, part of the control ability, a large number of battle spells) ......

5, flame spirit path (fire element spells comprehensive)

6, the ocean path (water element spells comprehensive)

7, elemental warlock (the rest of the elemental spells comprehensive)

8, shield path (a variety of individual, ranged defense spells, control spells, their own increase ......)

9, alchemy path (elemental sensing increase, insight and other abilities, you can get part of the alchemy knowledge, can be taught)



1, puppeteer (level 1: master the ability to make low-level puppets ......)

2, beast master (level 1: beast affinity, a certain degree of manipulation ......)

3, alienation (a level: can make part of the body to achieve special alienation ......)

4, the occult (composed of a variety of special spells that sometimes work and sometimes don't)

5、Wish Master (Remarks: Special. Only the initial level, can not be upgraded.

Ability: can use prayer to 'gods' wish, prayer statements are different from the next person, issued a wish has a certain chance to attract the attention of the 'gods', "may" in "(Within a certain number of years. ......)


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