Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 44: Fall

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!During the time Mal'Ganis was thinking about, Arthas had already knocked down the last undead. He took the warhammer from his back and threw it on the ground.

"It looks like I underestimated your ability." Mal'Ganis was a little curious at this time, how did a mere human become so powerful?

Except for a very small number of ethnic groups, the upper limit of the strength that most mortal races can reach is very limited, and may be the strength of the ordinary legion demon in their lifetime.

Of course, outstanding ones can be born among these mortals, who can easily deal with the main battle demon of the legion.

However, apart from the magic users among them, few wanted to suppress the senior generals of the legion by close combat.

Because the physique foundation of the demons is much stronger than that of any mortal, unless they are hit by those powerful warriors or assassins, they are almost the highest combat power that ordinary entities can withstand.

For example, Anniheran, commonly known as [Abyss Lord], these terrifying demons described as "engines of destruction" can even tear apart dragons with their bare hands. Each abyss lord can defeat thousands of mortal armies. .

Facing the Burning Legion whose strength far exceeds that of any mortal civilization, most of the time, the feats of mortal heroes are only the last elegy of civilization.

But Mal'Ganis did feel a little threat from Arthas, but the proud dreadlord only admitted that little bit.

"Come on, release your anger, and face your heart."

Mal'Ganis's whisper echoed in Alsace's ears, and the voice was full of dark magic, trying to further lure Arthas into the abyss of corruption.

Unfortunately, Arthas was not degenerate at all, and the whispers of the Dreadlord could not affect him at all. While Mal'Ganis was casting the magic, Arthas's sword was lowered, and traces of soul were stricken from the surroundings. The corpse rose.

The rune on the Frostmourne Sword is lit by the power of the soul. When the soul is used as fuel, this rune sword can show its true hideous features.

When the remnant souls of the surrounding undead were swallowed up by Frostmourne, Mal'Ganis gradually realized that something seemed to be something...wrong?

'This kid already knows how to drive Frostmourne to devour the soul?'

Mal'Ganis was the god who walked for a while because of this problem, and Arthas had already rushed to him with his sword.

'Move so fast!'

The dreadlord's huge bat wings slammed, and his body moved backwards, but the blade of Frostmourne had left a smooth sword mark on his rune breastplate.

If he retreats a little bit slower just now, maybe this sword mark is a huge wound to tear the breastplate.

Arthas, who had not succeeded in one blow, was not discouraged. It seemed that everything was in his expectation. His boots stomped on the ground and made a sound of "Qiang". The dreadlord's figure was not completely stabilized. One sword has followed one after another.

Mal'Ganis had no choice but to raise his right arm, trying to strengthen his arm with magic, trying to block Alsace's attack.


Demon blood splashed, and the sharp blade easily pierced the fel magic and rune armor, but the two layers of protection still allowed Mal'Ganis's hand to be preserved, leaving a bloody wound.

The dreadlord was furious, and just about to get into trouble, a rune on Frostmourne suddenly went out.

At the same time, Mal'Ganis felt the pain of tearing his soul burst out from the inside out, his eyes protruding, and a big mouthful of blood spit on the ground, forming a rune.

"This is... the power of death?"

Mal'Ganis looked at Arthas in disbelief. He finally understood that this guy is no longer a Paladin!Look at the book novel website www.khshu.com

Before Mal'Ganis could take any other actions, the second rune went out, which caused his legs to sink. He looked down and found that two chains of shadows were firmly holding him. Legs.

The dreadlord's claws swept out quickly, and the two chains seemed to be cut off very fragilely, but Mal'Ganis staggered and half-kneeled on the ground before he took his steps.

The shadow chain that was torn by him quickly formed under the condensation of a black mist, and even extended a new chain to wrap around his waist and arms.

Arthas sneered and held up Frostmourne, the power of the soul just gathered all exploded, and the sharp chains flew out of the surrounding dead bodies like lightning, and easily pierced the wings of the Dreadlord.


Mal'Ganis let out a painful roar, his eyes were red, and the corners of his mouth still had blood stains. He couldn't believe that he, who was good at using necromancy, was actually overshadowed by Arthas with these low-level cannon fodder bodies!

The remains of the undead are the flashpoints of the shadow chains. They have been tortured, and the souls that have not rested under the control of Arthas violently rushed to avenge the perpetrator!

"You... was Ner'zhul taught you this?!"

Mal'Ganis realized that he and other Nathrezim had been deceived by the Lich King like the prisoner!

"This question, wait for you to think about it slowly in Frostmourne."

Arthas held Frostmourne obliquely, holding the hilt of the sword backwards, and slamming forward, the blade pierced Mal'Ganis' chest without hindrance.

Mal'Ganis showed a disdainful smile. Although the prince defeated himself, he didn't know whether the weapon made by Nathrezim could not hurt... wait!

The dreadlord roared in pain, and he was horrified to find that his soul was being ripped apart and absorbed greedily by the rune sword. His filthy soul was the best delicacy in Frostmourne's eyes!

Like the souls of saints, the evil souls of the fallen are also the delicacy of Frostmourne.

Mal'Ganis's eyes were about to split. If this goes on, not to mention the death and escape, he will not even have the opportunity to return to the Twisted Void to resurrect, and his soul will turn into the nourishment of Frostmourne!

"No, it's impossible... it shouldn't be like this, this sword, no--!!!"

Accompanied by a screaming scream, Mal'Ganis' body softened, the bat's wings slumped weakly, and the pale skin became paler, as if the statue had lost all vitality.

Without the support of his soul, his body became very fragile, and coupled with the physical planet's rejection of demons, part of Mal'Ganis quickly turned into fly ash and dissipated in the north wind of Northrend.

When he died, Mal'Ganis didn't want to understand why Arthas knew how to use the power of death to be able to display all the characteristics of Frostmourne; why can't hurt Nathrezim's magic sword and be able to reverse their casting By.

His plan to use Alsace to swindle his death fell through. Mal'Ganis, the soul of the master who tried to guide Alsace on the path of the fall, will be imprisoned in Frostmourne forever and tortured. And plunder.

Arthas used the breath of death to retain Mal'Ganis' head, threw it into his own space package, and walked to the side of the warhammer, holding the handle of the hammer with one hand, the power of holy light shone out, purifying Everything around.

Under the impact of the holy light, the tall psychic tower soon began to fall apart, and the rubble and crystal fragments peeled off little by little. Arthas turned around without any remembrance and blew a whistle, as if calling something.

The ethereal neigh of "Her Lü Lü" echoed on the ice field, seeming to be responding to Arthas's call, and the skeletal war horse burning with blue soul flames ran out of the mist.

Its body changed from emptiness to solidification, leaving a long-lasting blue flame mark on the ground. Arthas stroked the skull horse head close to him, "Long time no see, invincible."

"Invincible" snorted softly again, it was responding to its master's words.

"Your form is more perfect, let's go, let us take something that should belong to us."

Arthas put Frostmourne back to his waist, turned on his horse, and held the reins of the invincible. He didn't need to give more instructions at all. The horse raised its front hoofs high and took its owner to Northrend and ran further north. go with.

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