Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 45 Crypt Lord

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Sassarian was wrapped in a thick cloak, and riding a war horse alone, he searched for Alsace on the ice.

It stands to reason that he shouldn't leave the army so recklessly. He knew that he didn't have the personal strength of His Royal Highness, but Arthas had a life-saving grace for him after all, so it was impossible for him to retreat with the army.

So he gave up his chance as a major of the First Legion and chose to search for Alsace in the Northrend Icefield.

Not only to make up for Alsace's life-saving favor, but also to avenge everyone in the 13th Battalion.

The tragedy of the 13th Battalion has become a nightmare in Sassarian’s heart. During the week he was recuperating in Lordaeron, he would be haunted by nightmares every night, and everyone killed by Mal'Ganis belonged to him. shadow.

If he couldn't see Mal'Ganis dying personally, he would definitely be disturbed for a lifetime.

"I hope His Royal Highness can forgive my recklessness..."

Thassarian had decided that when this matter was over, he would leave it to Arthas to deal with whether he was alive or dead. After all, he had violated the regulations of the First Army by leaving the army alone.

But the fire of hatred was burning in his heart, and the young soldier could not swallow this breath.

It's just that the Dragonblight Wilderness is too vast, and he can only search in the approximate direction where Arthas and them left before. This is a rather time-consuming task.

But in the eyes of Sassarian, who is quite proficient in various skills, this is not an impossible task.

Walking on the vast ice field, Sassarian felt lonely for the first time. He trudged silently in the snow, looking for any clues.

Time passed quickly, and Sassarian searched for an open high ground and cleared out a small cave to use as a camping place tonight.

He found some fairly dry firewood and lit it with flint on his body. Thassarian removed his weapon and shoulder armor and sat by the campfire to keep warm.

Just a few minutes after sitting down, Sassarian suddenly noticed some strange green light spots in the dark distance. He was very puzzled, but he didn't plan to investigate at night. Instead, he noted his position and prepared to wait for the day. Go and check again.


Alsace rode invincible across the vast ice field and ran along the river to the higher ice cap glacier. The Skeleton Warhorse stepped on the cold river water but did not sink, but ran on the river.

The area passed by is the Crystal Song Forest. The trees here have all turned into arcane crystals because of a huge arcane magic explosion several centuries ago.

As he walked up the river gradually, the pollution of the river became more and more serious, and Alsace could clearly feel the plague and death breath contained in the river.

When the surrounding crystalline forest gradually receded, the blue-black plateau frozen soil began to come into Alsace’s eyes. He looked up, and a black high wall was erected between the natural barriers formed by the peaks on both sides. Here It was originally the place where the river flows into Jingsong Forest.

But now, the tiny water flowing from under the black metal high wall that resembles a dam and a city wall is no longer the cradle of life, but full of filthy poison.

If it weren't for the crystalsong forest full of arcane energy and all kinds of wonderful creatures, I am afraid that the lower reaches of the river would have been dead for a long time and become a hotbed for the undead.

The Lich King must have wanted to use this method to expand the power of the undead natural disasters to the more southern areas of Northrend, so that the long-term pollution continues, even if the Crystalsong Forest is magical, it is difficult to escape the bad luck of pollution.

And under the high wall, there were already "people" waiting for Arthas.

"Stop, death knight, you can't go any further."

A huge beetle creature stands under the city wall, his deep purple carapace is covered by a considerable amount of blue metal, and a variety of ancient insect man runes are also engraved on the top.His mouthparts were constantly moving, and he could even speak the lingua franca of humans.

However, this language is not actually a lingua franca, but directly allows Alsace to understand it through soul communication.85 novel www.book85.com

Arthas looked at the crypt lord for a while, and pointed at him and the undead troops behind him with Frostmourne, "Who are you?"

"I am Anub'arak, the king of the ancient kingdom of Azjol-Nerub." Anub'arak's voice was low and majestic.

Arthas smiled and nodded, "Ah-I see, you are the servant of the Lich King, the rebellious king, right?"

"Your Majesty is right. You got rid of control, but it doesn't matter. Soon, you will rejoin us."

Anub'arak was not stimulated by Arthas' words. He waved his sickle-shaped front paws, and said solemnly, "Knight, I will make you die in pain."

With an order from the Crypt Lord, a large number of undead rushed towards Arthas in a black pressure, but Arthas didn't care about these ordinary undead, he snorted coldly, and Frostmourne drew an arc.

"In front of your king, kneel down!"

His voice was like the edict of the emperor, and almost all the low-level undead slammed on the ground. The slightly better middle and high-level undead could barely resist Alsace's deterrence, but they could not move or cast spells at all.

Even the evil stone statues of the undead and the gargoyles fall from the sky like rain.

Anub'arak's heart was shocked, although he did not directly surrender to Arthas because of the support of the Lich King, but his movements were slightly slowed for a few seconds.

"I was worried that there was no army to command, so Ner'zhul gave me his soldiers." Arthas drove the horse through the formation of the undead, only a few meters away from Anub'arak. "Now change me. I'm here to ask you whether to obey or die."

The original death power is not just high-intensity energy. Under the use of Arthas, it is a personality gap that almost all undead cannot overcome.

Just like the guardians cast by the Titans could not dare to act on their creators, Arthas only exuded majesty, and the low-level undead who were not directly protected and manipulated by the Lich King immediately stopped their activities.

And those psychics who practice undead spells have difficulty casting spells in this situation, and have no effect at all. Most other undead puppets or creations also face this dilemma.

Even the powerful Crypt Lord Anub'arak will be affected, but the most intuitive reaction is what happened next.

"Human... Can you shake his power?"

Anub'arak did not attack directly, his movements stiffened, like a puppet resisting the manipulation of silk threads.

Arthas raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. "Your connection with the Lich King has weakened?"

"He can still control my body, but my mind is temporarily liberated-be careful, humans, my body will not show mercy to you."

Anub'arak's stiff movements began to become normal. He showed a speed that shouldn't belong to that huge body, and he almost crossed a distance of more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.

The sharp front paws of the Crypt Lord raised and fell high. His target was not Arthas, but his mount.

But how could Invincible be an ordinary war horse?The reason why Arthas hadn't rode it for so long was because Arthas sent it into the shadow world to transform into a dark ritual.

Invincible snorted contemptuously, and the blue flames gushing out of its nasal cavity became more intense with its breathing, forming a flame barrier.

Anub'arak wanted to ignore the flames and resist the damage with his hard shell, but the flame did not damage his gorgeous shell at all, but made his soul feel the scorching pain.

The manipulation of the Lich King caused the Crypt Lord to quickly move away from Arthas's mount. He twisted his head, "Be careful, I can manipulate the power of the earth elements-even after I die."

His tone became much smoother, and it seemed that the flame just now weakened the control of the Lich King.

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