Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 58: Undercurrent Surging

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Alsace, you are late." Uther stood at the gate of the city, welcoming Alsace's arrival.

Due to some delay in the Bronze Dragon Vision, Arthas arrived in Andorhal later than expected.

"Sorry, something happened on the road-how is everything in Andorhal lately?"

Uther didn't ask much what happened to Alsace, "It's pretty good. We checked all the levels and eliminated many cultists. Everything went as usual, and the plague did not break out again."

"What about the orcs in the south?"

"They have disappeared in the forests of Tirisfal and Alterac for a long time. The scouts we sent went deep into the mountains, but we couldn't find them."

"It's just that, on a coast in the Silverpine Forest, our spies found traces of large-scale orcs activities, but they don't seem to be there anymore."

coastal?The orcs of the Eastern Kingdom have indeed left for Kalimdor-I hope they can survive the Maelstrom and the Endless Sea.

The huge vortex left by the explosion of the Well of Eternity lay in the middle of the ocean. Without a nautical chart, it would be easy to fall into this terrible trap.

Alsace could have predicted that the sailing journey of the orcs would definitely not be so smooth. Their perception of the sea would still stay on the normal ocean.

Even the Kul Tiran people who are known for their sailing and shipbuilding industries rarely try to cross the endless sea. Most people think this is a stupid thing that outweighs the gain.

In addition to the deadly trap of the Maelstrom, the naga and murlocs in the depths of the sea, as well as the large sea monsters they raise, are also a nightmare for all navigators.

Relying on the rough sea ships of the orcs, in all likelihood, they will suffer great losses before landing. This is also a plan to reduce the strength of the orcs in Alsace.

"Regardless of those green-skinned barbarians, we have more important things to do." Arthas temporarily gave up thinking about the fate of the orcs. His current task is to find the Dreadlord hidden in the Eastern Kingdom.

"I understand, but this time I may not be able to go to Dalaran with you. There are things on both sides of the Silver Hand and the Royal Capital for me to go back."

Uther told his students that after the death of the archbishop, Uther, as the first paladin, took on many tasks for the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Holy Light Church.

Uther's busy Alsace can also understand, "It's okay, teacher, as long as you leave me a few more powerful colleagues."

"Of course it's okay. Mograine is also in the city. He can take you to Dalaran instead of me."

"Can you transfer this high lord away?" Alsace was afraid that taking Mograine away would cause Andorhal's internal defenses to become empty.

"Don't worry, Gavinrad will hand over Andorhal's defenses to me-from now on he will be the knight commander based in Andorhal."


"It's nice to meet you, Your Royal Highness Arthas." Alexandros Mograine gave a chivalry to Arthas, and they were about to set off for Dalaran.

"Me too, Your Excellency Mograine." Alsace greeted him, "Excuse me, please run with me, this time the mission is very important."

"I understand, and it's my duty to eradicate all evil, and it's not troublesome." Mograine is now in his prime of life. Although he is not a prestigious "Ember Messenger", he is also a powerful Paladin.

Mograine's strength is also ranked top in the entire Silver Hand. Whether he is fighting skills or his perception of the Holy Light, he is at the top level in the church.

With his assistance, Arthas is undoubtedly more confident in tracking Tichondrius and his subordinates.

In the face of demons and undead, the ability of the paladin will have a great advantage. Some demon spells that can be concealed from the mage cannot be concealed from the power of the Holy Light of the paladin and priest.

Except for some hunters and assassins who have carved hunting skills into their souls and instincts, sending a Paladin to track down a demon is a good choice.

However, if Tichondrius is really hidden in Dalaran, then his disguise must be foolproof, otherwise he would have been picked out by the wizards everywhere in Dalaran, and be given away by violent magic. Boom into dross.

Arthas originally wanted to bring some troops, but he thought that facing the Dreadlord, the threat mortal army could pose to him was very limited. Instead, it would become a means for the Dreadlord to escape and countermeasures, so he and Mograine were simply determined. Just go.

Anyway, Dalaran has plenty of mage power, and he can also call on Kael'thas to help, after all, there is no shortage of high-end combat power.

"Let's go quickly, every second wasted, Azeroth's situation is dangerous."

Two powerful paladins rode out of Andorhal and drove along the road to Dalaran.

While Arthas was tracking the whereabouts of Tichondrius, another evil force at the southern tip of the continent was about to move while Varian was not in Stormwind.

The Countess Katrana, the black dragon princess Onyxia's slender fingers exploded with amazing power, the glass wine glass broke into a pile of glass ballast in her hand, and the scarlet wine flowed down her arm.

"Trash! Did you really let Varian's ship reach Kalimdor so safely?"

The masked black subordinate replied tremblingly, "I...I'm sorry, ma'am, but...the ship is also the Archmage of Dalaran, and our magic cannot be hidden from her eyes and ears."

"Then you guys do nothing and watch Varian step on the land of Kalimdor with his legs soundly?"

The black-clothed subordinate wanted to explain something, but Onyxia would obviously not give him this opportunity. The fiery flames from the inside out swallowed him, but for a moment, a scorched corpse fell on the luxurious carpet. on.139 reading network www.139ds.com

"This expensive carpet serves as your shroud-Howard, get rid of this waste."

The silent knight expertly packed the scorched corpse out, leaving Onyxia alone in the room.

"Damn it... the secret whistle raised by those nobles are at this level? They can't do even a little bit of trouble."

Dissatisfaction and anger surfaced on Onyxia's face. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity wasted by those incompetent guys. She had known that she should send her own dragon guard to do this.

But the opportunity had been missed, and the forces of Countess Katrana could not penetrate into the city called Theramore, which was a fortress city stationed directly by the First Army of Lordaeron.

The next situation is that she will become blind with both eyes, completely unknown to Varian's itinerary; and this shrewd king has realized the risks within the kingdom, and his wife and son were sent to Lordin by him. Lun "vacation".

This is just an external excuse, Onyxia certainly knows that this is one of Varian's methods to avoid risks.

Although she had already communicated to the king and queen through the Grand Duke Balwal that "you don't need to go so far, you can go to the suburbs of Irvine Forest for a holiday" suggestion, but Varian didn't care about this and sent them away directly.

And Lordaeron actually sent someone to pick it up, making Onyxia unable to put her eyeliner in.

"It seems that the king has some doubts about my identity." Onyxia's silver teeth clenched her teeth. Her hard work for many years was disturbed by the large amount of funds that did not come from a few years ago.

Many aristocrats think that Onyxia's vision has problems, and they are no longer willing to unconditionally fall to her side, and the contradictions between the nobles, kings, and the populace that were supposed to be provoked are smoothly resolved.

Now it became just a wrestling between the king and the nobles. The useless nobles were of no use except to make Varian a nausea on the council.

Saying that they are rubbish is considered to be flattering. Onyxia felt that if I saw their stupid behavior a few more times, I was afraid that I would be so angry that I could not use the magic magic well, and I would be angry back to its original form.

If the nobles are unreliable, the other forces in Stormwind are a real threat. The military forces in Stormwind are basically under the control of Varian. Onyxia has been in business for many years and only arranged some middle and low-level personnel.

The military power of Stormwind is still firmly in Varian's hands. This is why the nobles only dared to do something to make Varian feel unhappy, but did not dare to do too many times.

That's because if Varian is really pressed, he is not a polished commander, he can really cut all the nobles with a knife, a serious king!

Onyxia has long been impatient with the senior military officers. She has lost most of her patience. Who knows how long her father will be able to heal?

If that time comes, if she hasn't achieved any deeds, she will be the first one to be unlucky!

Moreover, her brother, the crazy experimental monster dragon who inherited Deathwing's character, might be happy to acquire an adult female black dragon as a "little mouse".

Thinking of the possible end after the failure, Onyxia felt that her scales were about to stand up, and she quickly arranged her dragon guard to inform the Blackrock Orcs who were loyal to the Black Dragon Legion.

That was the only orc power left in the second orc war after being captured by humans and returning to the gate of darkness.

Black Rock Mountain was once the city of the Dark Iron Dwarves, but these dwarves cursed by the Fire Lord were also attacked by orcs in the Second War, and even the city was taken away.

And Blackrock Mountain is now the laboratory of Nefarian, and it is also the arsenal of the Black Dragon Legion-this crazy black dragon drove all the Black Iron dwarves from the Blackrock Tower, occupied their city, and enslaved the orcs of the Blackrock clan.

The Dark Iron dwarves who were enslaved by the Fire Lord returned to the abyss city deep in the Black Rock Mountain after repeated attempts to take home to the garden.

The upper layer of the Blackrock Tower is the Black Dragon’s Lair named [Blackwing Lair], and the lower part is the [Blackrock Abyss] where the Black Iron Dwarves live, and there is connected to the depths of the earth veins, the sleeping place of the Flame King [Melting Heart of Fire].

It is definitely one of the most dangerous places in the world right now. You may encounter crazy black dragons, bloodthirsty orcs, and cursed black iron dwarves in the hollowed out mountain.

And, once sealed by the guardian of the Titans, but because of the arrogance of the Dark Iron dwarves, he was re-summoned to the material world, the Lord of the Balrog, Ragnaros.

He is the incarnation of all the flames on Azeroth, the god of fire, the original elemental god on Azeroth, and just summoning him will make the thousands of miles between Dun Morogh and Elwynn Forest The mountains and plains burned to the ground.

There is now a new name, Burning Plains and Searing Gorge.

A towering volcano unplugged under the mighty power of the Flame King, and after cooling down, it became the current Black Rock Mountain. The arrogant dwarves paid the price for this, that is, being cursed and enslaved by the power of the Flame King.

Even Onyxia didn't want to be too close to that place. The black dragon did like a dry and hot environment, but that did not include the flames of the Balrog King.

Even her father, Deathwing, did not dare to underestimate the power of the element lord, and her strength must be far inferior to her father.

Even if what is sleeping in the veins under the Blackstone Mountain is only a projection of Ragnaros's power on the material plane, the cautious Onyxia is still reluctant to go to that ghost place.

"I'm not the utter lunatic Nefarian..."

Onyxia whispered while conducting magical messages. Although she was affected by blood, she felt that compared to her father and brother, she was already quite normal.

At least she didn't understand why Nefarian chose such a ghost place as his experimental site. Isn't he afraid that someday the moody elemental lord will erupt again and make Blackrock Mountain an instant volcano?

Madmen... are all lunatics. Onyxia shuddered. Her power was weaker than her father and brother, but it also made her less affected by the ancient gods. She is an evil black dragon. But it is definitely not a monster without reason.

She didn't want to be like that either. Unfortunately, as the Black Dragon Princess, the choice of fate was not in her hands.

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