Dawn of Lordaeron

Chapter 59: Two-pronged approach

You can search "Lordaeron's Dawn Search Novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!If possible, Onyxia would also like to escape and find a place to hide. However, her father was once called the "guardian of the earth" and had a very deep connection with the earth, as long as she was still on Azeroth. , There is nowhere to hide.

The blood and power of the Black Dragon Legion originated from Deathwing Neltharion. When he went completely mad, the entire Black Dragon Legion was inevitably contaminated.

Onyxia knew that the root of corruption was hidden in her body, but it was not as obvious as her father and brother.

If she really wants to hide, she must be sheltered by the strong and eliminate the source of her corruption.

But on Azeroth, who would risk angering Deathwing and accept a pure blood black dragon?The other four guardian dragon legions may have this ability, but they will not tolerate the black dragon legions that have made big mistakes.

From the moment of birth, Onyxia’s fate was doomed, she was only a tool of the Black Dragon Legion, and as a female dragon, she was a heir of Deathwing bloodline, her value was far greater than that of ordinary giants. The dragon is much taller.

She just wanted to complete the task her father gave her, and find a place to hide safely before the world fell into darkness.

"Oh..." The countess thought of this, and she leaned weakly on the cushion, with her slender palms leaning against her face.

Some savvy guys in humans have already realized that there is a problem with her identity, but they have not connected her to an obviously unconnected creature like the black dragon, and they think she may be a spy sent by some country or force.

If it weren't for Stormwind's wizard system to become much weaker than before after a huge change like Medivh, she would not be able to hide it now.

The black dragon princess can live for so long without being killed by other guardian dragons who hate the black dragon or dragged back to forcibly purify it, which is inseparable from her caution.

She realized that Stormwind was not as safe as it was when it was just rebuilt. At that time, the whole country was busy repairing the wounds caused by the orc wars, and there was no time to pay attention to the small actions of a countess.

But now, the situation in the Kingdom of Stormwind is much better, and King Varian has gradually begun to focus on the nobles of Stormwind.

This is why Onyxia is eager to get rid of the king. If the king can't be killed, or if he can't return to Stormwind City for a while, she will definitely be completely exposed before long.

It’s just that she didn’t expect that the rubbish nobles who took refuge in her would be so stupid, she let Varian run to Kalimdor without incident, and even his queen and son ran to Lordaeron. Vacation".

This is simply an evacuation move that couldn't be more obvious!Didn't those guys realize that when Varian comes back, they will be attacked?

Varian is now in Dustwallow Marsh. Although there are some dragon soldiers hidden there, they still do not show up if they want to solve the entire legion of human soldiers. They can only choose a better solution.

Onyxia decided to do both. In addition to letting the Blackrock Orcs send troops from the Burning Plains to attack the Stormwind forces in the Redridge Mountains, they had to seize Varian's only weakness.

——His wife and son.

"I have to go to Lordaeron myself... to make sure nothing goes wrong."

If you can control Queen Tiffin and Anduin, Varian, who loves his family so much, will inevitably reveal flaws, allowing Onyxia to find a chance to solve the trouble.


"Are the mages in Dalaran stupid to learn magic? This kind of emergency situation, we have to hold a meeting to discuss it?!" Mograine returned to the hotel where he was staying, with a look of indignation and confusion. He and Al Seth hit a wall at the Kirin Tor.

Alsace didn't say a word, frowned, as if thinking about the problem.

"His Royal Highness, we should have led the army from the beginning and forced Dalaran to open the door and let us check."

Mograine's attitude is very tough. He didn't like the pedantic old mages in Dalaran at first, and he thought their long lifespan made them all alive!Literary Theory www.wenxueda.com

"Calm down first, Mograine, if that happens, it may cause a local war. That's what the demons want to see."

Arthas persuaded the angry high lord, "Dalaran has adopted their parliamentary system since its establishment. The six-member assembly at the highest level manages the entire city."

"Although we have already informed of the hidden dangers of demons, it is quite a tedious project to investigate the entire mage kingdom, and they are not very happy and normal."

"Give them some time, just to take advantage of this opportunity, we can secretly investigate whether suspicious phenomena have appeared recently."

Mograine wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The door opened, and a handsome high elf man in a magister's robe walked in with a smile on his face.

"Long time no see, my friend."

"Long time no see, Kael'thas, thank you for coming to help us investigate the suspicious time," Arthas greeted an old friend and introduced, "Mograine, this is the prince of Quel'Thalas. , Kael'thas Sunstrider."

Mograine made a simple chivalry to Kael'thas, "Good day, your highness, I am Alexandros Mograine of the Silver Hand."

"Good day, Your Excellency Mograine." Kael'thas smiled like a spring breeze, "You were mentioned in the discussion in the Council of Six just now."

"I don't think it's sarcasm and sarcasm: look at these two arrogant Paladins, they think they know better at detecting demons than we do? How can demons sneak in in Dalaran?"

Arthas followed the old mage's tone and said decently, making Kael'thas helplessly defending, "I admit that our current system has a little bit of problem, but the six-member council's great mage They are still very fair."

"Perhaps, but we should focus on the case now. The mages are temporarily not cooperating with us in conducting large-scale investigations, so we can only investigate ourselves. Do you want to join us, Kyle?"

Alsace spread his hands, who cares how fierce the six-member council argues in the meeting?Anyway, the stubborn old man Antonidas will stick to his own opinions in the end. Who calls him the speaker?

"I really want to join your work, but there are still some things I can't get away from," Kael'thas said apologetically. As a member of the six-member council, his work is also very busy. "But I sent another archmage to assist you, Arthas, you should also know him."

"The archmage I know?" Arthas recalled a little in his mind. He knew so many archmages, it was difficult to guess which one it was.

But they will definitely not be members of the six-member council, and they will not personally get involved in this kind of things that may damage Dalaran's image-except for a special presence in the middle.

Kael'thas pretended to be mysterious and said, "Tomorrow morning he will be waiting for you at the fountain in the center of the city. Then you will know who it is. His strength and knowledge will help you."

"I understand, but Kyle, I must remind you one thing, Quel'Thalas is most likely in the same situation."

"Quel'Thalas--? Isn't it possible? The Bantinorel enchantment itself has a repelling effect on demons. He can't sneak into Silvermoon City swaggeringly."

"Don't underestimate a dreadlord. You have the Sunwell. That is the best choice for the Burning Legion's portal. I am very worried that the devil will look at it." Arthas said solemnly.

"I understand. I will make Silvermoon City pay attention to the guards of the Sunwell." Kael'thas finally responded under the repeated emphasis of Arthas.

Hearing this, Arthas understood that this was the best Kael'thas could do, and besides that, it was difficult for him to shake the position of the nobles and council in Silvermoon City.

"Then, I wish you good luck."

"So are you, Kyle—and, be careful of people around you who behave suspiciously. It's very likely that the dreadlord has invaded the body."

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