Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 117: Must Kill You Yourself

“Burning! ”

“How is that possible! How could you possibly use the burning technique only Donna the Fire Girl can perform! ”

McCarney screamed incredibly.

The burning, dark red vine he operated to form was cut by black ash floating outside Erin and Gaylan, dispersed into many flames and even ignited the surrounding trees, but was temporarily inaccessible to Erin and Gaylan.

Obviously, he was just a freshman who had just started school. In the competition with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Iron Forest College, he also showed huge defects in mobility. In a short time, however, the other party was even more agile than the magician who opened the two surgery doors, and used taboos such as "burning".

What a gift and speed of progress this is!

But such a shock only existed in his mind for a moment.

His entire body and consciousness were then completely occupied by the fear of imminent death.

“I don't want to die! ”

“I don't want to die here! ”

He turned around desperately and fled.

“Let him run.” Garland glanced at Erin, who was obviously waiting for her instructions, shook his head, "His wounds could not have healed... so that he could die in such remorse and fear without wasting any strength. ”

Erin watched McCarney escape desperately.

McCartney just took a dozen steps, and his whole body fell down like a suddenly falling wall, with no more sound.

Burning deep red vines withered into piles of ash.

“Won! ”

“We beat this guy! ”

Erin shook up and shouted happily.

“Moses, how are you? ”

“Why don't you talk! ”

After two sentences, his face was twisted with pain, and Moss' Erin shouted at him before reacting. Moss had been strangled with purple hair and was dying.

“You're such a fool. ”

But while helping Moses get rid of the vines, Erin blamed Moses: “You're so big, you're strangled like this, you can just get rid of it if you're so small. ”

“You think you can say big and you can say small!” Moss had a momentary impulse to fight Erin, but the next moment he almost cried out, "We actually beat such a powerful guy? ”

“Yeah.” Erin laughed and grabbed her head, "but as if you hadn't helped much, you were strapped right here! ”

“Erin, will you die if you don't say one word?” Moss really cried this time.

“Haha, don't be discouraged, even if it is the same team of magicians, there will always be people who are the best, there will always be people who are not that good.” Erin patted Moss' shoulder comfort.

Moses screamed in the dark, desperately: "Erin, are you comforting me or are you trying to strike me? ”

“Haha, of course I'm comforting you, I'm just being honest. ”

“Erin, you disgusting bastard, I must surpass you! ”

“Mr. Garland! I can't believe you're so good, in which case you beat this guy.” Irene looked at Garland with admiration, even though he was about to vomit blood, and shouted, "But how could this guy be so powerful, how could he use such strange techniques? ”

Erin feels like shouting like this, and the pain on her back is easier to bear.

“McCarney is not an average opponent, and he also has the title 'Master Ghost Vine' in the world of magicians.” Galan looked at Erin and Moss, explaining: "He had some elf blood, and it should have been the blood of the elf 'jungle tourist’ at that time, so he was also very specific in his technique, all of which was in the form of elemental mutant plants that could exert the power of his blood. Previously, when he was on the S.H.I.E.L.D. team, he was in the top eight teams in the National Series. ”

“Guys who have fought together for the title of 'Warrior Under the Stars' and already possess such strength have yet to choose to invest in evil forces.” Erin glanced at McCarney's body, despising and disgusting.

“Erin, Moss. ”


“You have all done well, and this battle has far surpassed your own mission, and if you have not performed well, I would have paid a heavy price if I had won him. ”

“Where, compared to Teacher Garland and this guy, doesn't know how much of a gap there is, and if he matches this guy alone, he can't resist either of his skills.” Arryn said this with some frustration, but immediately aroused herself and waved her fist, "so more effort is needed to practice! ”

Moss rolled his eyes.

“Mr. Garland, what did he mean when he said you were a group of six?” Irene couldn't help but ask, “What did he mean by assassinating your Lord Diaz at first? ”

“Lister, me, Asher, Rui, Ming Lu, Kate, were one of the strongest teams of magicians in all the colleges at the time. Although we competed in the Star Warriors Cup Academy championship, we eventually lost to Donna and her River Bay Academy, only to take the runner-up. But that's just because of the race, because the opponents we met in the previous game were too strong and too much to lose. We have always been invincible in confrontations between college teams. At that time, we also loved to mess around, and because of some inconsistencies, we would go to other colleges to play other college teams, and there would be many college teams coming to challenge us, but the end result would basically be us sweeping across. So all the school teams at the time called the six of us the Six Villains of the Holy Dawn.” Galan looked quietly at Erin and Moses and said: "Perhaps it is because the wind is too strong that we are also being targeted by the Holy See of the Evil Dragon and are thought to be targets for early eradication. So shortly after that year's competition, a five-man assassination squad came to us, and it was the dragonist named Tias who led the squad. ”

“That battle… we were not their opponents, and eventually Ashu used the 'tidal vortex’ to attract all their technical skills to him. We fought back at that moment, killing four of them, and that Tias alone escaped, and Ashu, who had suffered the injuries of five of them, also died in that battle. ”

“It's this guy named Tias who thought he could kill you at will, but didn't expect to be nearly killed by all of you. One of the people he was carrying was his own brother, so now he has become a powerful figure among the Dragonists and wants revenge on you.” Looking at Calm Garland on the outside, Erin can feel her deep sadness. He looks at the red scarf surrounded by Garland and says softly: “So Teacher Garland... are you wearing this red scarf also in memory of Teacher Ashu, who died fighting for you? ”

Gaylan nodded and took a deep breath, looking out into the distant sky.

Even after so long, it seems that she can clearly see Ashu in front of them.

“The darkness before dawn covers the world, the power of the evil dragon gradually spreads, the perishing crisis is alive and well, and the candlelight of hope is about to extinguish. Fight, warrior! Brave fight! Warrior, for life and home! Fight hard! Warrior, for friends and family!” Ellimo remembered the song of the Academy of Saint Dawn, and he couldn't help but sing softly at this time.

The song of the Academy made him feel more meaningful when he thought of the teacher Ashu, who had never seen it before but was definitely in front of his companions.

“Mr. Garland, I didn't think you were strong enough to sweep other colleges at that time.” Erin suddenly raised his head again and looked at Garland, "but we have a very evil group of six. ”

“You guys?” Galan stunned.

“Chris, Moss, me, Bello, Stingham and Lynn Lorraine, if we were a team of six, we would be very strong in the future. It's going to be a six-man group just like you.” Erin grabbed his finger and said seriously.

“Finally count me in.” Moses sighed relieved, feeling proud and greasy.

“That Moses was a little weak, only strong. More practice.” But Erin said it again immediately.

Moses couldn't bear the dark in front of him anymore, choking Erin's neck and yelling, "Erin, will you really die if you don't say one word? ”

“Are they really going to be a new group of six? ”

Seeing Moss and Erin, the grief in Galan's heart dissipated rapidly, and her mouth couldn't help but smile.

“Even our group of six evil people have not been able to get rid of us yet, there is a new group of six evil people, and what will the evil dragonists look like? ”

She smiled, but there was another strong sentinel cold war in her heart: "Tias, have you become a bishop of the Holy See of the Dragon? I will... I will kill you myself! ”

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