Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 118: National Competition, Begin!

“Garland, you're still stronger than I imagined, and I didn't expect you to kill McCartney in that situation. ”

Still on the old small building opposite St. Dawn's Hospital, with thick bandages wrapped around his hands, Calan, sitting quietly, heard the voices of the voices and Donna behind him.

“Ho!” “Ho! ”

When Galan turned around, two slight sounds through the air rang again. Donna's got more Ming Lu and Ray around.

“You're back, too?” Galan chuckled quietly, "What do you say? ”

“It was a well-designed multi-conspiracy, and Murray, the owner of the goblin shop, and the evil dragonist named Paddinson all fled.” Donna looked at Garland and said, "But Johnny from Iron Forest College went online, and from McCarney, she also identified several magicians who secretly assisted the evil dragonists, and one of the key figures was Matthew from Golden Lion College. ”

“Storm Walker Matthew? ”

Donna nodded, "A powerful magician of the same weight as McCarney, but he's gone. Though not able to capture Merck and the man named Paddinson, their purpose this time should be to distract me and Lester's team of magicians and assassinate some of the people on their list. You take Erin and Moses out on a mission, and you will be their ultimate target this time. But the end result is that you survived, and McCarney, who was responsible for the final acquisition of the subject matter, was killed by you. His exposure also led to the exposure of other important figures. Next, the forces around St. Laurent should be completely dismantled, so this battle, we still won. ”

“When it was carefully designed for a long time, and the last time the fruit was picked, it was even the person who picked the fruit who put it in. I think the guy named Tias must have been frustrated.” After a pause, Donna looked at Galan and said the same thing.

“The last reason I chose to target you was because you were leaving St. Lauren's with Erin and Moss alone. And most importantly, Tias should also know that you are among us, the closest to Asher. You're the most important person for Ashu. And in his opinion, it was precisely because of Hugh that his brother was killed by us. So you're probably the first person he's going to hunt, and you're not going to take it lightly.” Ray looked at Garland and said seriously and slowly.

He's not good at speech, he doesn't talk much, but this time he talks a lot abnormally.

“I will never be out of St. Dawn's until I get better. Since he has always wanted revenge on us, the more discreet I am, the less chance I give him to kill me, the easier it is for him to make hasty mistakes and the easier it is for him to pay the price.” Galan said quietly, "One day I'll kill him myself. ”

“Erin, that guy, he really just used the burning technique?” Donna nodded and looked at Garland and asked in an incredible tone.

“He was destined to be a kaleidoscope.” Garland laughed with unspeakable confidence in his face: “And his body was stronger than that of a kaleidoscope of any era on the continent. ”

“Not that I'm strong enough to kill McCarney in that situation.” After a slight pause, she said warmly, “I was just lucky enough that there were two students who could stand in front of me like Asher, and I couldn't keep up with McCarney from the start if it wasn't for their restraint. ”

“Connecting Ivan, Erin, this guy has been the equivalent of two assassinations of evil dragonists in a row.” Donna couldn't help shaking her head. “The key guy is never satisfied. Let's start training again...”

After the Great Dragon War, peace was restored throughout the entire continent, and in the years to come, the magicians of all nations and the evil dragonists lurking in the shadows did not know how many big and small battles had been waged.

Fortunately, this battle in Windy Canyon ended with the victory of a righteous magician.

St. Dawn's College, a library that hasn't opened yet in the afternoon, is covered in sleepy sunshine.

As soon as Lester walked into the library door, Professor May, a not-so-astonishing librarian, appeared on the smooth stone floor of the library hall, just like a precise clock pointer.

Professor May still has a classic in his hand that doesn't close.

The book is entitled "Rare Magician's Blood Studies," by Urgris, one of the legendary magicians of the Dova kingdom who participated in the Great Dragon War.

“Senior, do you have a clue about Erin's blood?” Lister glanced at Professor May's book and asked politely. ”

“No." Professor May, super chatty in front of ordinary students, answered Lister very simply.

Lister laughed lazily, “I do have something I'd like to ask Professor May for. ”

Professor May didn't look at Lester much, “What is it? ”

“In a few days, our Saint Dawn College team will be leaving for Ichimala City.” Lister looked forward to looking at him and said, "Seniors, you should know what happened these days. Eileen has destroyed two of their assassinations in a row, with Eileen's performance and the consistent style of those evil dragonists, who are in danger even if they go to such competitions. But I'm going to stay here for a while and deal with a few things to prevent evil dragonists from assassinating young geniuses in Galan and St. Lauren's, so it's not going to be enough to protect them, and I want you to follow them to Ichimala and protect them. I think the ability of my predecessors, if evil dragonists really wanted to target Erin, would have died a terrible death. ”

“No problem." Professor May nodded, responding simply.

“Ah?” Lester was a little surprised and couldn't help but touch his chin.

I can hardly imagine a senior who loves books like this ever left the library.

Is it because Chris is also a student?

“Just take all the books from the fourth floor of the library with you.” Professor May looked at Lister and said.

“Ah, the whole fourth floor?” Listerton was a fool.

“What?” Professor May frowned. “Can't you? ”

“It's a little troublesome, but moving some books with you is not something you can't do.” Lister laughed twice, "and in that case, I asked someone to prepare some more luggage trucks. ”

“To find someone who can be absolutely reliable, the giant beast who pulls the car better use the unicorn kind of gentle, otherwise if you lose one or two books, you know the consequences.” Professor May said with no expression.

Lister, who walked out of the library, wiped a sweat and said to herself in agony: “I want you to protect Erin, but I want someone to protect your book. Is this about protecting people or protecting books...”

Secret Training Ground.

Erin and Lynn Lorraine are pursuing as they did in peacetime.

But unlike before, the pursuit training of the two now takes place in the barbed woods.

This is a dangerous pursuit.

If your eyes accidentally hit a spike, it's not just pain.

But the two men are not just chasing, they are even like the former human magicians who were breaking into the barbed woods on the outskirts of the Elf Kingdom, fighting with the elf magicians.

The two men also tried to attack each other in any way while avoiding each other's attacks.

Physical and spiritual depletion is extremely intense in the pursuit of this spirit, which must be highly concentrated at all times, and in a battle that is totally close to reality.

Two people have been trained for a long time.

In some cases, it is difficult to avoid them both being stabbed elsewhere by hardwood in a way that protects their fragile parts.

So there were a lot of stabbings and scratches on both of them.

The footsteps of the two seem extremely light and ingenious, and even in this apparent absence of a path, in a long, dense and intertwined jungle, they are as ingenious as butterflies passing through the flowers.

But when each step falls, the body of both will splash with sweat.

Eileen has never been able to truly haunt Lin Laurent, let alone defeat Lin Laurent directly.

He was already extremely tired and even had the feeling of falling asleep directly into the jungle.

“It's really hard to deal with, it's a tough fight...”

Erin said that in her heart, but when she thought of the battle in Windy Canyon, thinking that it was precisely because of her battle that Teacher Galan had not paid a heavy price, there would be a new force in his body to keep him going.

“This isn't the limit yet? ”

“How could this guy be so much more powerful than the other day, if it weren't for this terrain... in the giant woods, I'm afraid he would have beaten him already! ”

Breathing is already as heavy as the wind in the pump, and Lin Lorraine bites her teeth and refuses to admit to losing.

“These two guys, almost...”

Kate, who had been staring at the two for a long time, exhaled softly, several landings and appeared beside the barbed woods.

“Mr. Kate, what are you doing here?” Eileen and Lin Lorraine both stopped in the barbed woods, and Eileen was the first to scream.

“I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving for Ichimala tomorrow to prepare for the next national competition.” Kate said gently.

“We're leaving tomorrow, and the national competition is about to begin?” Erin couldn't help but jump.

“Ahhh” screamed, he was accidentally stabbed several times by the spikes around him.

Kate nodded with a smile: "Yeah, it's still going to be a few days from here to Edgemara City, and probably the next day we get there, the group will draw lots and announce it. ”

“Well...” Erin suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Lin Laurent.

“Lynn Lorraine, come with me.” Without waiting for Erin to say anything, Kate has looked at Lin Laurent and said seriously: “It doesn't matter if you don't want to join the college team, but you can still help train Erin. ”

“Go, go, go!” Erin nodded at Lynn Lorraine immediately: “I heard Mr. Garland say that there are a lot of strange magicians in the National Competition. Elsewhere, you will never see so many types of magicians in your lifetime. It's going to be particularly interesting. ”

“Okay.” Lin Lorraine hesitated for a moment, nodded.

“Great" ”Erin jumped happily again.

“Ahhh!” Another scream rang.

“Why don't you remember?” Looking at Erin being stabbed again, Kate couldn't bear laughing out loud, not even Lynn Lorraine, who had always been cold, couldn't bear laughing out loud.

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