Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 155: Tonight

In the conference hall of the Achmara Order Institute, a large group of magicians were gathered who were not readily available.

In addition to some of the special services magicians at one level with Lester and Donna, there are even big figures at the highest trial level.

Even King Senator Angel, who presided over the opening ceremony of the national competition, could only sit on an equal footing with these figures.

“Are you sure it's Tias? ”

“When Renault was killed, he was secretly stamped to death, and it was certain that Tias was the number one offender in the Secret Service's first file. ”

“According to reliable information previously available, Tias is already one of the thirteen bishops of the Evil Dragons, and his personal strength is sufficient to pose a threat to every team of magicians in the Special Services Office. ”

“Tias is the son of Vichberg, who was once one of the best craftsmen of the Achmara Refurbishment Society and who presided over the construction and renovation works in much of Achmara, so he is extremely familiar with Achmara. ”

“Tias' strength and identity are not what they are today, and this time he reappears in Akimara, not as simple as trying to kill some enemies. ”

“Bring in members of the First and Seventh Technician Squads of the Secret Service, who have battle experience with Tias. Be sure to find Tias before he commits any conspiracy. ”

“Don't let things get bigger, the game goes on and if it causes chaos and panic, it will give them more chances. ”

Though there were many dignitaries present, the whole process was very concise.

Pamel, one of the oldest presiding judges of the Order, finally looked at everyone with a dull eye and concluded: “This is a war, success and failure, all a crucial turning point. ”

“Group 1 of the First Half: Dragonbreath College, Hellfire College, Seven College, Adventurer College”

“First Half Group 2: Abel College, Fearless College, Alchemy College, Volcano College”

“Group 3 of the First Half: Silver Trout College, Saint Dawn College, Cross Sword College, Salt Armor College”

“Group 4 of the first half: River Bay College, Harvester College, Ionian College, Tourism City College”

“Group 1 in the second half: Golden Buck College, Eagle Moon College, Lake Onion College, Oakmont College”

“Second group in the second half: Winter College, Fence College, Raven City College, Cajo City College”

At a time when such a clandestine meeting was taking place in order, such as the fiery Star Warrior Cup National Competition, only the last two teams in the second half of the district were left to compete.

In the residence of the team at Saint Dawn College in Player's Village, there is a Brace painting next to Professor May, featuring a more detailed introduction to the teams.


The knocking sounded.

“Come in. ”

Professor May closed a giant copper cover classic that had been turned over on his hand and said unemotionally.

“Professor May, Miss Kate said you wanted to see me? ”

After the door opened, Erin walked in, looking forward to asking: "Is there any more technique to teach me? ”

“Have you mastered the two techniques I gave you last time?” Professor May glanced at him and asked.

“This... huh...” Erin smiled embarrassingly and shrugged her head. “It seemed too difficult to learn only one thing, and the other one was still unnecessary for now. ”

“Have you mastered one? ”

Professor May's pupils suddenly unconsciously slightly contracted, "Which door? ”

“is a very powerful dragon scale absorption technique.” Erin is a little depressed, "Actually, I practiced a little more in the eyes of the Goddess of Darkness, but somehow, instead, the only technique I could learn was the beating. ”

“Learned first, is it dragon scale absorption...”

Professor May's eyes didn't even blink, but his pupils continued to contract, contracting into a line.

“If the eye of another Goddess of Darkness has not learned yet, why have you been running to the arena for two days to see the game?” He looked at Erin and continued to ask.

“'Cause, Professor May, didn't you tell me to focus on improving my self-study skills?” Erin looked at Professor May, who was very old-fashioned, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of cunning: “I went to the game to learn someone else's technique. ”

Professor May was silent for a moment, “Can you learn? ”

“If someone happens to repeat a technique more often and less complex than dragon scale absorption and the eyes of the Dark Goddess, they will learn.” Erin looked at Professor May with a smile, "Professor May, I just learned a very good technique. Would you like to see it? By the way, it's definitely not going to damage the books. ”

“What great technique?” Professor May also had some curiosity.

“Skunk Summoning! ”

Looking at Professor May's agreement, Erin's hands bounced for a moment, and a shadow immediately appeared in the air in front of him, forming a skunk covered in black and white stripes.

“Summoning spell? ”

“What kind of technology is this? ”

Professor May had not seen this technology at all, because he felt that the weasel did not seem to have much powerful technical power, and could not think of any use of this technology, so he was somewhat confused and approached, and wanted to study it.


And that's when the skunk's buttocks were filled with yellow fog.

Professor May's face suddenly turned green.

“Erin, you bastard, is deliberately wrong! ”

At the next moment, Professor May rushed out of this room.

His scolding sounded.

“Ha ha, Professor May, it's unhealthy to stay in the house and not see the sun. You should come out and get some sun.” Erin had already gone outside and laughed with her stomach.

Professor May, with a green face, feared that his books would also be fumigated, and he couldn't help scolding Erin, a strange whirlpool of suspended water appeared in his room, sucking in all that smell, and then a strange vanishing in the air.

“This guy...”

Professor May, who couldn't help but drown twice, looked at Haha laughing at Erin, silently and in an unintelligibly complex shock, but full of his body.

“It's really that unique bloodline... this guy is really the heir of that bloodline...”

“Erin. ”

After a long period of uncertain emotion, the face of the wrinkled old professor calmed down. He looked at Erin, who still wanted to laugh, but was ready to be punished, and said slowly: “You have to understand that for a college as old as Saint Dawn College, there has never been a lack of all sorts of skills. But for a surgeon who opens only one door, many techniques are simply not available. ”

“Professor May, I see what you mean.” Erin nodded immediately thinking, "Are you saying that it's more important to me now than learning more technology, but that you should open more doors so you can pick more, more powerful technology for me? ”

“Training should also have a focus, as long as you understand the focus.” Professor May looked at Erin and warned him solemnly: "Some talented magicians are often ruined by the freshness of mastering new technologies. They have lost themselves in learning and mastering the skills of one door to another, but they forget the significance of technology to fight, to defeat their opponents. Some people have learned dozens, if not hundreds, of techniques, but have wasted so much time that they have weakened their granules. ”

“I've figured that out too.” Erin laughed with some pride, "so the next thing I know, I'll have Charlotte help me train, fight me. ”

“Professor May, don't worry, I will never be a technology-only, combat-free magician.” He waved his fist at Professor May.

“Looking for it, I actually found such an heir... but it's really weird... The shadow of the dragon is over Doraster, the dragonists who fought so hard to meet this guy in the future...”

I don't know why, when I thought of the weasel summoning that almost smoked me, Professor May suddenly couldn't help but laugh a few times.

“Professor May, what are you laughing at?” Arryn stood still.

Professor May had already smiled and looked unemotionally, “Do you? When did I laugh? ”

Erin almost fell straight to the ground, "Just now. ”

“Must be your illusion.” After saying this, Professor May turned and walked towards his room.

“Am I really mistaken?” Erin grabbed her head and really suspected herself.

“Lord Tias! ”

A dwarf, only half the height of a normal person, pays a respectful tribute to a shadow.

This is a gorgeous underground wine cellar with beautifully carved embroidery on the surrounding walls, in the hands of a raised mermaid stone carving, holding a burning torch.

The fire caused that tall shadow to flicker a little and flutter.

“Pilo, my old friend, let the plan begin tonight.” Wanted in the search for the most powerful team of magicians in countless kingdoms, with a crystal glass, shaking a bloody glass of wine, said with a smile.

“Starting tonight?” The dwarf raised his head in shock.

“They must have noticed the Rotung Squad, right?” Tias nodded with a smile, "they must think I put Rotung in this game, they want to borrow the game, bright and big to kill some brilliant future magicians. They must think the longer I keep Rotung, the better, so that as the game progresses, Rotung could kill more people. So let's start now, and they'll probably be surprised. ”

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