Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 156: Chaotic Nights

At night, Captain Joyce of the Sea God Squad walked in the player's village with a lunchbox.

He had just completed a large group of exercise training, sweated a lot, took a good bath, and now, although his muscles are a little sore, the feeling of comfort should be felt by every energetic young person.

“Joyce," suddenly he heard someone shouting at him.

“Audrey? ”

He turned his head and stunned.

Audrey, tiny but very queen-hush, walked right behind him, her white hair dancing slowly like sheath, and two fine eyebrows like two tiny daggers with an English aura.

“What, you haven't eaten dinner yet?” When Joyce was a little stunned, Audrey spoke voluntarily.

“I've eaten, it's just that I have a good relationship with the Volcano Academy guys, their lead teacher Slovan is a foodie... the halogenated venison made is especially famous in their city, so I went to dash a little.” Joyce said with some embarrassment.

Audrey nodded and honestly said: "Volcano gastronomer Slovan, I've heard, but I've heard that his barbecue and halogen seasonings are some kind of snail and vanilla leaf shredded mucus, much like blue nose. ”

Joyce sweated a little, and suddenly had a nasty stomach, bitter face said: "Audrey, could you change your metaphor... by the way, are you passing by or looking for me? ”

“I was passing by, but when I saw you, I thought I was looking for you.” Audrey looked at him and said, "We haven't had enough fun in the game, shall we? ”

“I guess I'm still uncomfortable with losing to me in the game.” Joyce said with a bitter smile, "It turns out to be, as legend has it, a private covenant queen. ”

Audrey looked impatiently glanced, “Well, do you want to fight? ”

“Fighting the Ice and Snow Queen, who calls herself the strongest girl, will surely make a great deal of progress.” Joyce looks serious, "I can't ask. ”

“Let's go. ”

Audrey nodded with satisfaction and turned to walk forward.

On the quiet green grass road, there are only two shadows, one tall and one short.

Joyce looks at Audrey walking in front of herself, and she's in a mood, "Audrey, do you think people would think we were a couple if they saw the two of us walking like this? ”

“It won't.” Audrey's expression hasn't changed much, "and no one else will think so after she punched you in the nose and swollen face. ”

Joyce is speechless… The player village is large and well equipped, with a number of open training areas simulating various terrains in addition to some large public fitness halls, as well as a number of closed battle venues.

Nor do these training and battle venues ordinarily specify which team they are intended for, generally consciously following the first-come-first-come-first-served principle, or if someone already uses them in a nearby venue, then go to another venue. Most squads will not engage in intense combat before the game to avoid injury, so there will basically be no shortage of venues.

“Someone already? ”

Audrey just randomly searched for a battle venue outside of which neither she nor Joyce heard anything, nor saw any team members guarding against leaks, but when she pushed the door in, she suddenly saw two people already standing inside.

“Psst... Psst? ”

As soon as one of them saw pink hair that was noticeable, and one of his eyes was also a strange pink color, Audrey and Joyston were stunned.

“The S.H.I.E.L.D. costume… is Captain Ivan of the S.H.I.E.L.D. team? ”

“Chiro, Ivan, how could you be here? ”

Although unfamiliar, they were all contestants in the past year's national competition, and Audrey and Joyce immediately identified the other person.

“Nothing, just pulled over, ready to do some training for a guy. ”

Jiro still looked calm, lightly said.

“A little training for a guy? ”

“Which team has such a big face? ”

Joyce looked at the two people in surprise, and although Iron Forest College and S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't do so well, as long as they weren't the ones with the winged eyes above their heads, it was clear that Cherokee and Ivan were definitely the same big guys, especially since they weren't a team yet.

“It's only possible that St. Lauren came out of the team, and good or bad grades are at stake for the whole of St. Lauren's reputation.” I don't know why, the first time Joyce and Audrey came to mind, they were all shadows of Erin.

At this point, a footstep rang behind Joyce and Audrey.

Joyce and Audrey turned their heads and stunned again, walking in with some muscular men of great stature.

“Is this Audrey? ”

“Joyce? ”

“Erin's such a big face? How could you invite Ice and Snow Queen and Sernon to train with him? ”

Several muscle men could not help but mumble as they saw Audrey and Joyce.

“It's Erin! ”

Audrey and Joyce looked at each other and thought flashed in their hearts.

“Where are Erin and Charlotte? ”

Qiuluo looked at several muscle men and asked.

“How come it's not here yet?” Among several muscle men, Wilde looked at the venue with surprise, "clearly they left before us. ”

“Boom! ”

And at this point, in the distant sky, as if thunder had struck, there was a tremendous roar.

Player Village's ground trembled like an earthquake.

“What happened? ”

“What's going on? ”

Wilder and others were frightened and by the time their subconscious turned, Audrey, Joyce and Chiro, Ivan, had also swept outside the venue door.

In the western sky, there is a distinct patch of flaming light.

“Strong surgery fluctuations! ”

“Such a sense of power and vibration at such a distance, what happened? ”

Audrey and others can be sure in the first place that there's definitely more than one magician with more than four open doors and a real taboo technique in the fight.

“At least a team of magicians at the Special Office level at the Order Institute.” Ivan's cold voice sounded, "something definitely happened. ”


Also at this time, in the distant skies of the South, there was a sudden, even more massive, roar.

“Sand... sand... sand...”

Shortly after the loud roar, there was a storm, and on the ground of the player's village, in the bushes, there was a sound of sand, with tiny pieces of debris falling.

It gives the impression that something huge explodes suddenly in the dark painted air of the South.

“What exactly happened? ”

At this time, there were shouts from all over the player village, and the whole player village appeared to be in chaos.

“On special occasions, the Athletes' Village was temporarily closed and all teams were not allowed to leave the Athletes' Village without authorization until the incident was brought under control. ”

A sound of alarm and a loud whistle also sounded.

On the outskirts of the contestant village, several exits were quickly blocked by figures that could not be seen at all.

“How could there suddenly be such a level of battle and such a special event when this period was the time of the highest number of teams of great magicians in Akimara? ”

“Could it be the Dragonists? ”

In an unsurpassed shock, Ivan and others staring closely at the distant sky suddenly drank such a sentence at the same time.

“Where are Erin and Charlotte? When they were separated from you, what route did they take to us?” The murky voice also sounded immediately.

“What exactly happened? ”

“Fearing chaos and attack, even the contestant village is temporarily closed? ”

At this time, Erin and Charlotte were on a remote path in the players' village, and both had a stunned look.

A very dead building in the dark next to the two is the exhibition hall in the players' village, which contains paintings and palm prints of each championship team for decades, as well as game uniforms for championship teams from all periods.

“What are you doing here? ”

A harsh voice sounded and a black figure appeared not far from Erin and Charlotte, “There was a special emergency, and everyone outside had to identify themselves before returning to their unit as soon as possible. ”

“is a member of the team of inspecting magicians in the contestant village.” Erin immediately saw that this was a middle-aged magician with a goat's beard, dressed in a pure black magician's uniform, and he immediately saw the sword shield mark on the black magician's uniform representing the villager's guard, so he immediately sighed and said this quickly to Charlotte, and immediately looked at the magician and said: "I am Erin of St. Dawn's College, she is Charlotte of S.H.I.E.L.D. ”

“We're here because we're tracking a suspicious person. ”

As soon as she identified herself, Erin lowered her voice and lit up the showroom next to her, "The suspicious person entered the showroom as if into the sewer beneath the showroom. ”

“Suspicious person?” A cold light flashed in the eyes of a middle-aged magician who kept a goat's beard.

“is a replacement for Eagle Moon College.” Erin nodded for a while, "we thought it was suspicious before. Today we saw him walking in a creepy hurry, and he followed us. Now he is alone in the sewer beneath this showroom, not knowing what to do. ”

“Really? ”

A red flash suddenly appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged magician who kept the goat's beard.


Erin and Charlotte suddenly felt deadly, but it was simply too late to react with two willow-shaped red lights falling silently on their chests.

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