Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 577: The Strong Are Little Bitter Wars, Kate's Bitter Voice

Dova Royal City.

Looking down from the sky, the former Dova Palace area has completely turned into an evil nest.

In addition to the original four evil dragonbones, dozens of purple-red altars have been built in the Dova Palace.

The surgical power flowing out of these purple-red altars condensed a slippery layer of purple-red mucus on the entire floor of the Dova Palace inner city.

A strange thing, like a giant coral, grows out of these mucus to a height of hundreds of meters, and the top of this giant coral thing produces a strange dusk halo, forming a dusk light bulb more than ten meters in diameter.

On the outskirts of the Dowa Imperial Palace, there are five regimental barracks.

The barracks of these five regiments were either covered with hidden halos, or surrounded by a large number of strange plants, or covered with invisible fog, emitting surgical fluctuations that even allowed a space to solidify, reflecting a crystalline glow.

These five regimental barracks are completely connected in one circle, placing the entire Dowa Palace sanitation inside.

Nine flood-like regiments of magicians are rushing from all sides to these five regimental barracks!

The earth was trembling, and a horrible burst of noise shook in the air.

This is a true epic level picture.

The legions of the Nine Great Families of the Kingdom of Aache and the various colleges have finally come together, the magicians and legions from all over the Kingdom of Dowa have been integrated, and the Dragon Legion has made a fierce attack on the Dowa Palace!

Lister, Ray, Garland, Ming Road behind Kate's back, and Donna and others are also in the middle of an army right now.

Towards their Evil Dragon camp, completely obscured by a giant mushroom-like plant.

Mushroom-like plants with strange red circles, tens of metres high, dense and numb, obscure all their sights.

A strange metallic vibration fluctuated.

Hundreds of all-metal tanks were pushed to the forefront of the regiment, and hundreds of them were followed by thousands of magicians riding on a strange troll.

The trolls look like a giant snail, but there are always ten crystalline water balloons suspended half a metre in diameter.

And there seems to be a constant flushing of water underneath them, making them travel much faster than the average troll.


The hundreds of metal tanks in front suddenly deformed sharply, and a piece of clear crystal popped out of the tanks, but for a moment, a giant round lens was erected in front of them.

Through these immense lenses, the sunlight forms a burning beam that shoots forward into the Evil Dragon Legion barracks.

Large chunks of mushroom-like plants were pierced, cut, and knocked down by burning beam holes.

All of a sudden, the eyes of most of the magicians in this regiment where Lester et al. were solidified.

Some fast-moving evil dragon magician figures and three metal statues emerge simultaneously.

All three metal statues have the shape of elf magicians, all with harps in their hands, all made of black metal.

In a strange intraoperative fluctuation, the mouths of these three statues of two meters or so tall actresses simultaneously twitched.


An invisible fluctuation that spreads from before them at an alarming rate.

“It's the Black Elf Spirit! ”

“Terrible Spiritual Impact Artist Weapon! Get out of here! No hard connections! ”

A sharp, horrific scream sounded, but it was a little late, and the magician in the direction of the three statues brushed down a piece.

Hundreds of fallen magicians, all trembling like sheep, gazed hollow.

The three horrific spiritual impact weapons of the Dragon Legion also existed for only a moment.

In the middle of this regiment, where Lester was in the midst of hundreds of men who could not escape the fall, a river bay college magician with a stream of water swept forward with an extremely ugly look on his face.

He flew out of a square white gem box in his hands.


The white gem box disappeared into countless particles the moment it opened.

But a clear mermaid appeared in the air in front of the magician at the River Bay College.

The clear mermaid started singing in the air, no one heard anything, but a bunch of naked sound waves struck the three black elf goddesses thousands of meters apart.

The Statue of the Three Black Elves vibrated horribly in an instant and then collapsed into countless pieces of collapse.


The sky in this area is shaking again.

All the giant mushroom-shaped plants withered suddenly, while countless colorful rays surged into the sky.


A huge Rainbow Bridge draped from the air, and at the end of the Rainbow Bridge at high altitude, a huge space passage emerged.

Countless bodies seem to shine with starlight, half like mantis, but half like strange giants of man, falling like rain, along the long bridge of the rainbow.

“The Rainbow Nightmare Star Beast Summons… It seems that Bishop Evil Dragon is not the only one we know of who can use such forbidden techniques. ”

On the back of Ming Lu, some hard-eyed Kate said to a middle-aged man with a golden rose pattern on a magician's robe beside her: "Summon with the sea of your heart. ”

The man nodded.

His heart began with a drop of bright blue water beads.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of magicians riding on trolls and all the trolls beneath them surged to blow up a lap of water.

Strange currents of water were dancing in the air and the concentration of hydrology reached unimaginable levels.


The sky, which has been ravaged by all sorts of technical forces, is once again in shock.

A deep blue, spatial passage of more than 100 metres in diameter is generated in mid-air.

As a wave swept out, countless ocean-specific beasts and trolls swept into the battlefield.

With the withering of all the giant mushroom-like plants and the creation of these two vast space corridors belonging to the two camps, the full picture of the Legion of Evil Dragons in front was also thoroughly revealed.

In the middle of this Legion of Evil Dragons stands a huge building with a volcano mouth appearance.

The surface of the building is haunted by a blue flame, the entire surface of the building looks like a hard yellow ceramic, engraved with a pattern of mysterious stars, strange surgical forces flowing, forming a fast flowing image on the surface of the whole building, an iron gray dragon, spraying strange red light in its mouth, red light, bathing the figure of many magicians.

“Tower of Eternal Trial! ”

Lester could not remain calm, and all his eyes flashed with shocking light.

It is also the weapon of the legendary Evil Dragon King, which can keep a large number of Evil Dragonists in a state of total fanaticism as long as it is continuously distributed.

This state of total fanaticism is even more powerful than the fanaticism of an animal, and will be the complete lifting of the technical particles and body, totally equivalent to a substantial lifting to repair.

Since the beginning of this Dark Elf Statue of the Dragon Legion, the powerful forces of both sides have been constantly displayed… In this level of battle, even strong men like them are vulnerable.

“It's probably a good thing they're not here right now, Erin. ”

Kate gently coughed, looking at the "Tower of Eternal Judgment," and couldn't help but notice a bitter taste in the corner of her mouth.

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