Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 578: Scoring Seconds

“Hurry up! Don't lazy! ”

“You filthy bastards, keep up! ”

“ …… ”

A wave of rude screaming and whipping continues to sound in a dark red tidal regiment.

“What a strange legion and strange leader...”

Moses looked silently at Erin, not far from him, and behind this legion.

Now all orcs riding on trolls make their own long whips, beating trolls and surrounding orcs infantry from time to time.

Speaking of copyright, I'm afraid no race can compare to Orcs.

But in this high-intensity march, the nature of the Orcs' extreme suffering and endurance is also completely fulfilled. Even those Orcs' infantry who are occasionally whipped have no complaints, they are just angry and afraid to be beaten again, immediately follow closely.

So there is no need for any special command at all, and the march of this regiment is actually very orderly.

As for Erin, he was actually vibrantly teaching a dozen Orcs some close combat skills.

“Would it be useful to teach these guys martial arts, with their cowardly personality, even if they mastered some close martial arts, they wouldn't dare to rush into battle when confronted with powerful enemies...” Moses couldn't help but whisper.

“Erin taught these guys to fight, not to let them fight on the battlefield.” Chris, hearing him mutter, looked at the dozen orcs selected by Erin and turned around and said to Moses.

“Not to let them fight on the battlefield?” Moses is stunned, "then why? ”

“These Orcs taught by Erin would have felt higher than the other Orcs... and if they had been stronger, they would have bullied the other Orcs, and the other Orcs would have been even more afraid to resist.” Chris said.

“To make all these orcs bully their own people more powerful?” Moston was silent.


Bello snorted coldly beside him.

“These Orcs are not useless, they do not have to be bothered at all, and only such regiments can go where they eat and survive without bringing military food. Locusts, like locusts, are marching at such speeds. ”

“What is that? ”

Just as Bello spoke, Shanna and others, who were scouting ahead, suddenly shouted.

Instead of obvious enemies appearing, a layer of clouds suddenly flew fast in the sky ahead.

As the sunken cloud rapidly approached, everyone saw the light flashing in the cloud, and the rain generally fell on things.


A giant creature suddenly burst into the air, smashing heavily onto the ground hundreds of meters ahead of Erin and others, spurting a wave of dirt.

“What is it? ”

At a time when shock had just erupted in everyone else's mind, Arryn had shouted in surprise, and her entire body flew out like a meteorite, hitting directly where that huge thing had landed.


Erin has a bit of a silly eye.

Sloped into the mud pit in front of him was actually the top half of a house.

The roof of this house is a strange light blue glass tile that fits very tightly, even if it falls like this, it just drops a small part.

“How did the house fall?” Stingham is stunned.

“This is the only building near the Royal City of Dova.” Murphy's figure flashed next to Erin, and he just glanced at the broken house and said for sure.

“Dova Royal City? ”

Lynn Lorraine and Chiro, among others, had a fierce glimpse of their eyes.


At this point, another heavy object fell close to the crowd.

“It's not raining, it's actually raining fish? ”

Sting Han shouted in surprise again.

The one who fell to the ground was actually a silver belt fish over five meters long.

“What the hell! ”

Stingham wanted to get a good look at it the first time, but that's when a black object made a sharp crackling sound and fell just over ten meters in front of him.

In the moment of clarity, Stingham jumped backwards in horror.

It was a black claw, not knowing what the limb of a giant beast was, six or seven meters long, a piece of black scales sparkled the light of the forest cold, even though the cracks in the flesh had clotted blood, there were still hidden surgical fluctuations wrapped around it.

“What kind of monster is this, a claw that big?” Erin exclaimed in surprise.

“What is that! ”

Charlotte and Merale shouted simultaneously.

In the overwhelming clouds, there is an extraordinarily striking glow falling.

That brilliant splash of water technology is like a waterfall through the clouds.


Countless fountain-like waves wash up on the ground.

As these waves fall, the figure of Erin and others has appeared in the center of this glorious fall.

“Is this... an authentic dragon? ”

Erin and Chris and others were all shocked.

The center of a giant crater like a meteorite crater, a completely silver-white body of adult dragons, emits a strong and pure dragon breath, powerful pressure is suffocating.

“Even dragons like this have been killed...”

Everyone is a little numb.

This is the middle part of the body of a giant dragon, no matter how powerful the dragon's life force, the body is cut out of such a section, it is simply impossible to survive.

“Valeria… this is Valeria, the guardian dragon of the Tyrell family… Only the Tyrell family has such an authentic water dragon…” Charlotte's voice has changed.

The clouds of incredible speed in the sky have swept over their heads at this moment, and behind them the Legion of Orcs has rioted.

There are more things falling like rain, hidden in the limbs of giant monsters and giant beasts, the corpses of magicians, and some broken magician weapons.

Was the war this intense?

There is still a long way from Dova Palace, and the fluctuations in tactical power on the battlefield have brought these things here.

Erin took a deep breath and couldn't help gripping his fist.

“Legion Leader Mulder, do we need to split into two parts? Do some of us have to get there first? Otherwise, I'm afraid the war will be over by the time we get there.” He turned to look at the ink flute and his eyes glowed.

“Too far.” Murphy shook his head, "even with your strength, he ran for at least three or four consecutive days. ”

“Even the existence of this peak is dead… that level of fighting, even if we go there, can't be decisive?” Stingham looked at the limbs of the giant dragon in front and said with a white face.

Lynn Lorraine and others are speechless.

Stingham is usually stupid, but there's no denying that he's right now.

Even the mightiest dragon of the Nine Kingdoms, the kingdom of Aki, died in battle… the fierceness and cruelty of the battle is beyond everyone's imagination.

And the strength of the Dragon Corps is certainly stronger than everyone imagined, and the Corps of the Kingdom of Aache will not necessarily be able to win.

“Only proceed as originally planned, while waiting for messages to be delivered on the battlefield ahead.” Murphy also took a deep breath and calmed down his mood.

But at this moment, Murphy suddenly raised her head.

“Is there a magician? ”

“Is it the enemy? ”

Erin and others also felt a different smell, and at the moment of his rise, a jumping group of light had fallen sharply from the sky.

Murphy felt a familiar fluctuation in his surgery and his eyes lit up.

“Uncle Cold Moon! ”

Erin's eyes also opened suddenly, and he felt familiar surgery fluctuations, shouting out surprises.


At the moment when the light falls, it becomes innumerable streams of water that spread across the ground.

A heavy cold moon appeared in front of Erin and others.

“It's really you, Uncle Cold Moon! Didn't you go to Frosttooth Peak Fortress? ”

When she saw that it was the exotic traveler's cold moon, Erin immediately screamed.

“Can you send us to the battlefield? ”

Jing Ka Miao, more familiar with the cold moon than Erin and others, looked directly at the cold moon and asked calmly.

Cold Moon swept the Legion of Orcs behind Erin and others.

His vision was complicated and he obviously had no idea that Erin and others would gather such an army.

“Yeah! Uncle Cold Moon, you have a unique technique, you can fly at high altitude, and you can have a field where you can hit people elsewhere. Can you use that field to send us to the battlefield?” Jing Ka Miao's words also shocked Erin. Without waiting for Cold Moon to answer, he couldn't help crying out loud.

“You can bet. ”

Cold Moon's mood was obviously not calm either, and he took a deep breath and said.

“What bet?” Sting Han waves the Green Dragon gun in his hand, "Will you send us to the battlefield? My Green Dragon Gun is amazing now. I'm sure there will be many young magicians on the battlefield! ”

“Idiot!” Lin Lorraine's blues on her forehead all burst.

“It's just me and I don't have enough power to send all of you and this legion near the battlefield.” Nor did Cold Moon ignore Stingham, clearly explaining: “At such a distance, I can only open half a space channel and issue a calibration, like sending a request. If there's a strong man on the battlefield near the Dowa Palace who's familiar with this kind of space field ban, and has enough power, he can use my calibration to capture exactly where you are and open up half the space passage over there. Then we will summon you to battlefield. But if such a strong man doesn't exist on the battlefield over there, then my front-line surgery will be completely wasted... opening half the space passage like that and issuing the calibration will drain all my strength, and I won't even be able to make it to such a war. ”

“Failure is equivalent to losing a strong man on the battlefield who opened six surgery doors… but if we succeed, can we and this legion of Orcs get to the battlefield soon? Let's make a bet, Meredith.” Erin did not hesitate to look at the Murphy screaming in the middle of the war.

“It's probably too late. Let's go. ”

Murphy nodded at the cold moon without any hesitation.

With the almost convergence of the strong across the continent, the battlefield is likely to be as strong as Cold Moon called it, but the fighting has intensified to such an extent that, if not sooner, the strong could also die.

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