Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 667: Erin also has secrets

Shining starlight shines on Whirlpool Island.

Whirlpool Island is a huge island in the waters close to the kingdom of Aache. It is also home to numerous teams of bandit magicians and a refuge for countless exile magicians.

Previously, Baratheon's strongest team of magicians, the Vortex, practiced on Vortex for a long time.

In the heart of Whirlpool Island, two Baratheon storm magicians twinkled with a dull halo in their eyes, their long purple red hair swinging violently with the wind, and as they chanted, the horrible clouds formed a giant whirlpool that drowned directly from the sky onto the ground.

“kā kā kā kā... ”

The pitch-black stone ground in front of them suddenly cracked, revealing a ray of red light.

Then a red flame gushed out of the crack.

With a loud bang, countless stones float outwards like wood floating on the surface of the water, and a huge figure rises in the flames beneath the ground.

It's a flame demon with huge horns.

Full of flames, only eyes gleam more than a meter long in golden glow.

“What do you want to do? ”

This giant flame demon appears to be no stranger to the Baratheon family, making a noise behind two Baratheon magicians and spraying a red flame in his mouth.

Terrible magic spreads like a tide, spreading a red flame lotus on the surrounding ground.

Behind the two Baratheon magicians, Baratheon's master stood still.

“I want you to provide 300 Whirlpool Diamonds, you should be able to do it in three days. ”

Looking at this fiery demon, Lord Baratheon said slowly.

“Three hundred vortex diamonds? ”

The flames outside the giant fiery demon exploded, “Are you Baratheon crazy? ”

“The late monarch, before us, Lord Baratheon, was in alliance with you, but not from now on.” The divine colour on the face of Lord Baratheon remains unchanged, with countless dusky winds rising from his surroundings, forming a huge dusky wind mass that excludes all hot breaths.

He slowly extended his hand toward the fiery demon, a dazzling red dragon crystal emitting dazzling rays of light in his hand.

“You only have two choices, one is to provide what I need, let me refine this dragon crystal into the magician weapon I need, the other is to reject it, and then I use this dragon crystal with you to get everything right. ”

“You are a naked threat!” The giant flame demon roared violently, and the flames on his body formed giant columns of fire that rushed straight into the sky.

“Nice, that's the naked threat.” Lord Baratheon's face showed a sarcastic glimmer, and he paused slightly, then looked at this hysterical monster of monarchy, and went on: "But as long as you agree to my terms, I can promise to give you this land permanently to keep you safe. ”


The Kingsley Legion has also begun to migrate.


Under a sleepless march, a Kingsley Corps magician could not sustain himself and fell down heavily.

But the surrounding Kingsley Legion magicians seemed to be used to the scene, and instead of the sadness of the rabbit's death, they lit the flame of excitement and greed.


As soon as the magician fell into a coma, many silk, purple and black filaments shot from the magician's fingertips around him and fell on him.

The magician's body withered like a petal and died.

And the magicians around him, they all took the medicine to make up for it, like, a spiritual shock.

Lilia is in the middle of the Kingsley Legion.

Such a picture did not cause any emotional fluctuations in her, because it was the rule she had set.

In such a continuous march, the surrounding magician can absorb his evil dragon particles using the evil dragon forbidden technique she teaches, whenever someone fails to support it.

In this way, not only can surviving magicians continue to grow in strength and become more high-ranking evil dragon believers in the blood, but they can also ensure that the Corps can always move forward quickly.

“It's a good idea that you didn't disappoint us. ”

A familiar sound that sounds as a black halo emerges.

“Fellerman! ”

Julia stood up suddenly in a chariot pulled by many magicians, and she was instantly nervous and her hands trembled slightly.

Her nervousness and anxiety stemmed not from the arrival of Fillmann, but from the life and death of Nelson.

As the figure flashed, she saw a tall, thin figure standing beside the figure.

“Nelson? ”

She couldn't help but scream once again, looking at a strange face but familiar drooping her head.

“It's me, Mother.” Nelson shrunk back like he was afraid.

“He foolishly thought he could kill Erin alone, and ended up in ambushes by the likes of Lawrence and Lester.” Fileman looked elegantly at Claire and said with a smile, "and then he was defeated by a man who lost his best body on the continent. ”

Her body was a little cold, but her breathing slowly returned to calm, as it was already the best she had expected.

“The showdown is imminent, there can be no more accidents, and I will hand him over to you so that he can no longer be out of your sight. Make him stronger as soon as possible.” Filleman looked at Julia and said with a smile.

Then his figure slowly faded in the air.

“Never make any mistakes again, or I will kill you myself.” Julia took a deep breath and looked at Nissan, a little trembling, coldly said.

Nissan took a step back in fear.

Julia is also the person he knows best in the world, and at this moment, he feels a real killing intent.

Without a doubt, Nelson is also Julia's most important relative in the world, and as for the Dragon King, there is only so much subjugation and fear.

She warned, just don't want to lose this son forever.

But at this moment, she didn't pay any attention to Nelson's expression.

Her thoughts were completely on Ferramant, who had just disappeared.

For her, Ferramant is an extreme mystery.

Before she became queen of evil dragon kings, she found the relationship between Fellerman and evil dragon kings strange, because Fellerman was beside evil dragon kings and did not shrink like other servants of evil dragon kings, even giving her a feeling of being very equal to evil dragon kings.

And just now, after practicing some of the powerful evil dragon bans that nature inherited, she felt a strange smell from the newly emerged Ferramant.

“You didn't disappoint us...”

Her mind echoed the first sentence that Fellerman said to her when he appeared.

She remembers that when Filleman used to speak of the Evil Dragon King, he seemed very fond of using both of our words.

“Ferramant, what is your secret? ”

Lilia took a deep breath, feeling more and more anxious in her heart, but her fists gradually gripped.


“The route these guys take is a complete straight line! If so, then their destination…”

Merale's hand swayed on the marching map, and she couldn't help but scream.

The Cursed Ghost Regiment migration route, connected on the map, is a completely straight line.


Bello snorted coldly.

“You...” Merale suddenly had some burns on her face.

Because from the eyes of those around them, such as Bello, they have long discovered this, and they are shouting like they have discovered a new continent.

Is it a straight line? Where will they eventually go? ”

At this time, Sting Harn's voice sounded.

As he looked ahead over the mountains and crossed the hills, he continued to migrate to the Corps of Cursed Ghosts, gathering up and looking at the map in Merale's hands.

Merale took a breath and finally there was one that she didn't find.

“Such a route… it is only possible to end up here, sleeping in the Devil's Forest.” Jing Ka Ming glanced at Sting Han and his fingers landed on the map.

It is the northwest of the kingdom of Archie, near a deserted area of the ocean.

“Sleeping Demon Forest? ”

Sting Han repeats these four words.

“In the years of the Great Dragon War, the territory of the Yalph kingdom, in successive battles, the 400,000 elf magicians of the Yalph kingdom eventually died. That jungle, because of the bans imposed by elf magicians in the Yalph kingdom in the battle, has also become a jungle of traps and killer plants, and no team of magicians will go deeper.” Jing Ka Miao explains slowly, "so it seems that the evil dragon king should have something in it, or hidden a lot of things. ”

“Four hundred thousand elf magicians died in there? If so, the Dragon King has the gateway to the rebirth of evil spirits, and he will summon countless skeleton warriors inside at least.” Sting Han said stunnedly.

“Nothing! We can let Orosses fly us in. Just kill the Dragon King and we can solve any problem! ”

Erin's thrilled voice rang out.

A group of people are utterly silent.

It seems that in Erin's eyes, there is no problem at all.

Especially when Oroces' face is dark again.

Has King Storm of his own house been completely reduced to a means of transportation?

“Erin, it must not be taken lightly, a negligence, not a matter of our death in battle, but of the entire continent of Doraster. ”

Charlotte cautioned softly beside Erin's ear, "You don't seem to have practiced much these days, don't let previous victories get you out of your mind. ”

“No, I've been studying what Tasina, the glorious priest, told me. There is also a banning technique.” Erin answered Charlotte.

“Senior Shining Priest Tasina gave you another forbidden technique? What kind of forbidden art is that?” Charlotte was stunned.

“Very, very powerful forbidden technique.” Arryn had a proud look on his face, and he squeezed his eyes and whispered a few words in Charlotte's ear.


Charlotteton's incredible eyes widened to the limit.

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