Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 668: Evil Dragon King Breakthrough!

Saint Dawn College Medical Clinic.

A female medical magician stood in front of Murphy and looked at him with apologies and said softly: “I am so embarrassed that Murphy's acting leader, we have tried our best to follow the medicine and rehabilitation methods left by Dr. Songgart, but... Dr. Songgart will be here today, he may have other options. ”

Compared to before, Murphy's skin was pale. Patience listened to the woman medical technician, looked at the woman medical technician with an apologetic look, shook her head, “It doesn't matter, it's incredible that my injuries can be brought to this level, even if my physical condition only allows me to do it once… at least it helps. ”

The female medical magician opened her mouth and wanted to say something more, but at this time, a huge shadow covered the entire medical facility.

“What is this? ”

Many students at Sunrise College looked up at the sky with horror, and their shadows were overshadowed by the falling shadows in the sky.

Flying over their Academy of Saint Dawn, it turns out there are three giant spaceships.

“Empty Demon Crystal ferry? ”

When Murphy stepped out of the infirmary and saw three giant ferries in the sky, she was stunned.

Though I had heard that Songgat and some special services magicians had arrived to rendezvous with Arryn and others, the use of this means of transportation… even the Empty Magic ferry of Al-Quds had flown directly over, and the battle was too astonishing.

But it is also true... if this battle is not won, the Empty Crystal ferry and the Holy City will surely cease to exist, right?

The Evil Dragon King was defeated in the Great Dragon War and finally in Akimara, and if he finally wins this battle, he will never allow the Holy City to continue to exist.



“What happened to them? ”

Erin's hands were curtain-like, covering the sun while looking at a few white spots in the sky.

The Cursed Ghost Regiment, which migrated along a straight path, has entered the territory of the Elf Kingdom during the Great Dragon Wars and is now filled with numerous traps and killer plants.

Those white dots in the sky are frozen Aaron scouts of Frost Tooth Peak.

After Erin et al. started following this Legion of Cursed Ghosts, the two Legions of Frost Tooth Peak Fortress and the Legion of Orcs began to follow closely, just because they could not march as continuously as the Legion of Cursed Ghosts, they are now more than a decade away from each other.

These scouts in Frost Aaron are responsible for the alarming speed of Frost Aaron's flight, keeping him on alert at high altitude, and sending messages to the regiment behind them.

Aaron and the real dragon are just one more word for "sub”, but regardless of the combination of physical and technical strength, there is a difference from the real dragon. Especially the Frost Aaron on Frost Tooth Peak, its own body is a little unbearable in the warm environment. After flying out of the cold northern Dowa kingdom, its body is weakened a little, even the white scales show grey spots.

In the past, the arrogant King Storman, the orthodox and ancient lightning giant, Auroses, must have looked down on these dragon warcraft and scouts, but now they're different. They're facing the evil dragon king, always flying in front of the team, and serving as scouts itself requires all the courage to sacrifice, because the scouts in the front are closest to death, and there's a good chance that the evil dragon king can let these scouts die with a random ban.

“They seemed to see something shocking and panicked. ”

So just moments after the sound of a voice like Erin's, countless lightning beam currents erupted, and the figure of Oroces was already wrapped in lightning currents, rapidly facing the frost of Aaron's scourge in the air.

“What's wrong? ”

Because there was no change in dragon morphology, Auroses landed directly on one of the frost dragons and quickly asked the scouts on the frost dragon.

“Senior Orosses...”

The scout on the back of Frost Aaron was not even afraid to die, but at this moment he was nervous enough to say anything completely, only to make a gesture against Auroces with a large scope fixed on Frost Aaron.

There is a clear green light on the lens of this large viewing mirror, because of the clear crystal layer, and the lenses polished with this clear crystal can see moving objects even through the cloud fog, and even in the dark, those objects that heat up will reflect blue light.

“Something! ”

Just leaned over and looked at this large clear crystal viewing mirror and Aurors' face completely changed.

In sight, there is a huge iron gray cloud.

That cloud cover is the center of the sleeping demon forest, where the 400,000 elf magicians of the Alf kingdom died in battle in the past.

That huge iron-gray cloud is made up of countless dusty iron-gray mists, just a little higher than the tip of the forest.

And in the dust fog, there are obvious cocoons that hang countless people tall.

The cocoons could not have been seen in dense black jungle, but at this moment, because an object was being drilled out of the cocoon, it was discovered by these scoundrels.

At this time, the glittering figure even flashed, and Arryn and others had flew up by technology, clumping onto the large sight mirrors on the backs of Frost Aaron.

“What the hell are these things? ”

Arryn screamed out in surprise, and he saw that what was coming out of those giant cocoons was a giant monster with half a human bat and a pair of short horns on his forehead.

“It should be forbidden by the Dragon King! The Dragon King is here!” Charlotte immediately thought of those giant green hairy spiders in the sewer.

At Fort Fierrozer, they also witnessed the formation of many giant spiders.

Obviously, evil dragon magic changed the shape of those spiders, but that kind of evil dragon bishop-level field forbidden magic power is simply not comparable to what they see in their eyes right now.

Unbeknownst to the iron grey fog of the forest, it is filled with such a changing cocoon, not knowing how many!

Seems like that whole giant iron gray cloud, that's a giant field.

Only evil dragon kings can possess this power.

“It's definitely in there. It's definitely where the Dragon King chose to fight us.” Chris frowned, "but we have to wait for him to break through, the forest is too big... even if we know he's in there, he won't break through, and we can't find him if Chiro can't determine his exact location. ”

“is an evil blooded batman.” Jing Ka Ming's voice suddenly sounded.

“Evil blooded batman?” Everyone turned their heads and looked at the loud Jing Ka Miao, “Jing Ka Miao Do you know what this is? ”

“It has been documented in the Green Dragon Shrine that when confronted by the last 50,000 elite artists of the kingdom of Alf, the Evil Dragon King used such a ban to create countless evil blood batsmen in the outpost forests of the kingdom of Alf. ”

Jing Ka Jiao looked at Erin and others and took a deep breath, slowly said, “This evil blood manta man is indeed the original manta in this forest, and this evil dragon blood forbidden form the bat man, inherited the strong resilience of evil dragon king flesh, they will not have any technical skills, no technical skills, but their own power and speed are amazing, and will fly, as long as not heartbreak, some serious injuries on the body, will soon recover. ”

“Like barbarians, purely by physical strength?” Erin was stunned.

“So much…” Merale suddenly thought of a little bit, a shock, a shock, a shock, “Erin, so that even if you want to completely destroy this forest to find the Dragon King, you can't do it. Because these guys don't have the skill to let you draw. ”

“It really is! ”

Erin stared wide-eyed and screamed.

He just had the idea of constantly burning the entire forest.

But neither the Legion of Cursed Ghosts nor these Bats can draw his magic skills, so that he cannot fight endlessly.

Even if Chris and Stingham and others around him provide him with technical skills, it is impossible to burn out such a large range, and if Chris and Stingham and others run out of technical particles, he will have no help against the Dragon King at all.

The Dragon King summoned the Undying Curse Legion here and used the forbidden technique to create countless batsmen like this. It was totally against him!


And it was at this time that they were in sight, and the whole forest of iron and grey fog shook.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of batsmen, like the birds of the bow, can't tell the difference, fly in horror.

The whole forest seemed to burn, flying out of countless black ashes.

At the same time, all the iron grey dust fog, all converged like a place in the heart of the forest.

These iron grey dust mists twisted in the sky and quickly assembled, forming a huge cloud of iron grey evil dragons with open teeth dancing claws.


A strong surgery shockwave, rushing out of the forest, spreading rapidly outward, forming an astonishing circle of wind, and countless deciduous leaves dancing and spreading like tides.

And in the sky, the evil dragon cloud with its fangs and claws, it was like engraving in the air, and it never broke apart.

Everybody's breathing stopped at this moment!

Evil Dragon King has officially opened six surgery doors, breaking through!

This is a powerful surgery shockwave that everyone can be sure of.

But the most appalling thing is not this, but the evil dragon king has no hidden breath at all!

The evil dragon shadow with its fangs and claws was obviously deliberately formed by the evil dragon king!

This is a demonstration, like telling everyone: I'm here, you come in and beat me up!

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