Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1162: Hot live

Everyone painted the ant's pheromone and successfully rolled into it. Although the body shape is quite different, the ants believe in the perception of the pheromone more than the vision.

So even if you see a few people, you still treat them as the same kind and let them pass.

This time the live broadcast room can be blown up. Just now everyone thought that this group of people was dead. With so many ants, the special forces may not be able to deal with it, let alone a group of explorers.

However, in the end, they turned around and they found a way out. This was more exciting than watching a TV series. After all, everyone knows that it was performed there, but most of it is true.

"Fuck! This is so special! It's awesome!"

"Who said the pheromone mentioned just now! The anchor quickly framed a fan-headed sign!"

"It's so exciting!"

"Hurry up and go back! The life you finally took back, don't let it go!"

"It's going to change what I'm already dead in!"

The barrage almost covered the screen for a while, and at the same time, a lot of people were drawn into the live broadcast room. No one has seen such a thrilling and exciting live broadcast just like the legendary story of Temo.

The popularity was originally worth 10,000, but in the blink of an eye it rose to seven to eighty thousand.

Leon also very much agrees with Barrage's statement, and finally got his life back, so let's withdraw it!

"Let’s withdraw as soon as the pheromone is still valid! Who knows if this thing has a shelf life!"

Leon’s suggestion has always been recognized by everyone. This is the case. If you continue to explore, then it is not an adventurous spirit, it is to die.

But how could Tang San let them leave, just when they quietly fled to the shaft, preparing to leave quietly.

boom! The corridor where they must pass suddenly collapsed, blocking their way out, which immediately made them feel cold, and at the same time psychologically disturbed the audience in the live broadcast room, so they attracted more people. Come in and see.


"Captain! What should we do? Are we detouring?" Leon faced the ruined wall in front of him with an ugly look. The bomb in his hand might not be enough to explode such a thick ruin.

"I'm afraid it won't work..." Uncle Rui looked even more ugly: "Tulip research institutes are all for military purposes. For defensive purposes, such main passages are generally unique. The alloy walls around us are definitely strengthened. , The main battle tank can be shot down, leaving at most a white mark.

The ones that have just fallen are probably due to the huge boulders piled up by the tulip during the construction. In order to prevent the gate from falling down and pile up, if you want to go out, you must get special preparations in the institute to deal with these, such as special construction machinery, removal of boulders, or corrosion. Sex drugs, melting out a way. "

At this time everyone's hearts sank, and Leon couldn't help but muttered: "Don't military facilities have back doors? Isn't that even if you want to run, you can't get away?"

"Theoretically, the back door should exist, but only the original staff of the research institute knows where the back door is. Unless we fully explore it, it will be difficult to find. It is better to go to the equipment room and look for construction machinery." Uncle Rui explained.

Helpless, everyone had to turn around again and continue to explore the ruins.

Audiences who thought they were going to leave, and were not going to bring people in, immediately called people when they saw it. This kind of barrage can still participate in the adventure. It is really unprecedented. Almost no one can resist. The number of viewers continues for a while. Soaring, it will break through 200,000 in my eyes.

At the same time, Lyon and the others also encountered their own troubles. The interior of the ruins is not so easy to explore. This can be seen from the almost disappearance of the ants around them. Even the ants know that the institutions there are very dangerous, too. Too close is likely to be life-threatening.

Right now, they encountered the laser tunnel, just like the hallway in Resident Evil, there were many chopped up ant corpses, letting them understand the power of this laser tunnel.

"Fuck! What to do!" This is the voice of almost all adventurers. Everyone is a mortal fetus, and all the meat is broken when the laser is over.

Looking at the barrage again, there was a lot of ideas, but none of them were reliable. Tang San was also suffering from pain. When he passed the laser corridor, after seeing the laser, he physically cut off the laser. How could it be so difficult? Deal with.

When I couldn't think of a solution for a while, I saw Leon take out the pepper of the previous captain and shouted: "Who else has something like that? The barrage says that the smog is anti-laser, so I can only try it at this time!"

"Me! I have a humidifying sprayer!"

"Can fried noodles work?"

"I also have instant noodle seasoning packages!"

"Gan! You put your socks away and leaned on the dust-proof laser dusted off on them. We must be smoked to death first!"

At the same time, everyone put together a bunch of messy things, and at the same time, they urged their spirit power to keep them atomized. What they knew was that they were using smog to prevent lasers. I didn’t know, but they thought they were going to pickle themselves. Tasty!

Tang San's eyes lit up. This trick was indeed effective against lasers. Although it was not enough to keep all of them alive, the people who were closer to the inside should be able to rush past with slight injuries.

Since this trick was originally effective, if he secretly helped increase the concentration of smog, most of them would not have noticed it.

Thinking of this, Tang San secretly unscrewed a laser generator, shook it into powder in the palm of his hand, and threw it into the smog protection.

"Three, two, one! Crush!" Now that they knew that they couldn't escape, everyone naturally chose to play a game.

If Tang San didn't intervene secretly, at least two of them would die, and the rest would also be seriously injured.

But with Tang San's help, when they rushed over, they only felt like they had rushed into the The two people at the very end felt a scorching pain in their skin, but they still endured the pain and forced it. Rushed out of the laser corridor.

After going out, everyone checked their injuries, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone received burns of different degrees. The two on the very side were burnt on the flesh of a large arm, but none of them were fatal. It is very lucky to influence the action.

While they were cheering, they also cheered in the live broadcast room, and the audience felt that this group of people was a bit awesome! It took less than half an hour, and both times came to life.

Even if you really go on an expedition, most of it will not be so exciting. Even if it is a real expedition and encounter similar dangers, most of the corpses will already be cold.

Seeing that the number of people in the live broadcast room is rising, the million popularity is about to be reached, and the gifts in the live broadcast room are like swiping the screen. Half of the online viewers of the entire live broadcast platform have come in.

From the outside world, this matter was directly on the hot search, and the local garrison troops urgently organized personnel to go to rescue.

[To be continued]

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