Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1163: Cultivation techniques that shocked the mainland

Of course, Lyon and the others have thought about calling for help with mobile phones. After all, there are signal towers nearby, and live broadcast signals can go out. There is no reason why the distress signal can't be sent out.

But their previous influence was too small, so the place was too dangerous, and the equipment of the local police officers was given away when they came.

But it's different now! Their ranking on the hot search is going up steadily, and they are rushing to the first place. If the official does not save it, if it is more serious, it will be a loss of popular support.

Since then, the local army was directly dispatched. Although the ant nest is dangerous, it is a dish in front of a mechanized combat unit with a scale of more than 100 people.

What's more, this is also a good opportunity to explore the ruins. I didn't do this before. On the one hand, it was the control of the Star Luo Empire. We had to develop the ruins together. You will be beaten if you go to eat alone!

On the other hand, the inexplicable trap is not something that can be resisted even if it is equipped. The laser channel before, if there is no idea, and the haze is thought of, even if a single-soldier mech enters, it will be chopped into pieces. Piece.

Now these two problems don't exist. The Heaven Dou Empire is going to save people in an upright manner. As for why the ruins are empty after saving people? What's the matter with them, the adventurer must have taken good things away!

On the other hand, this group of adventurers has great luck and thunder in the front, which can just avoid unnecessary losses of the soldiers. The most dangerous place of the trap is unknown. If you know it, you can think of a way to remove it sooner or later.

As a result, the rescue efforts were unprecedentedly strong, that is, to rush to the Star Luo Empire and take away all the good things.

And Leon and the others' next journey is also full of dangers, gas traps, carbon nanowires, machine gun corridors, and flame passages. Ten thousand tons of hydraulic press.

The audience looked like they were watching a blockbuster movie. They just watched this group of people were nearly shot into meatloaf by a 10,000-ton hydraulic press, and actually got through from below at the last moment, and they even forgot to cheer nervously.

This guy has experienced more birthday crises in one day than other explorers. The audience has no idea how many. After all, many of them are broadcast on other platforms. The hot search is directly ranked first. It is almost everyone is watching this group. People live live to escape.

Leon and his party also felt that they were about to collapse. With so many traps, they thought they were going to die several times, but finally came to an end, so that they were not afraid of facing death so many times.

Although Douluo didn't have a special system like Gene Lock, which became stronger near death, the experience of facing death directly, no matter which world he was in, would definitely stimulate the potential of life.

Apart from other things, in such a short time, they felt that their soul power had increased by at least one level, but the price was too high. It was really a master in the folk and a frustration in the underworld, hoping to improve to a level one hundred. If one out of ten thousand people survives, burn a high incense!

But their other aspects of quality have undoubtedly been greatly improved, so that even though they are tired, they can still stick to it.

Leon couldn't help but joked: "Let's go out this time and divide the gifts of the fans equally, but all of them will become small local tyrants."

Everyone waved their hands, and someone laughed and cursed: "Shut up and shut up! It's not a mess, if we can't get out, it's all up to you!"

After going through a lot of dangers, the road ahead finally seemed a little safer. After all, this is a research institute. It is impossible to place traps everywhere, otherwise it would be troublesome for the researcher to step on it.

Seeing that they haven't encountered a trap for a long time, they also realize that they have also come to the core area.

Then they all breathed a sigh of relief. They went all the way to the thunder. Many traps were directly damaged by them. No matter how stupid the rescue team is, they should be able to come in and save people. With this layer of security, everyone's nerves are tense. Relax, the next step is the harvest time.

"Hahaha! All the hardships will come! It is true that there is a blessing if you are not dead. This kind of unexplored relic, just take one or two good things out, it will be enough for us to eat for a lifetime!" Someone couldn't help but sigh.

Why do people like adventure and adventure stories? That's not because after all the hardships, the rewards are also amazing.

Everyone was cheered and looked for valuable treasures. As professional adventurers, they still have the ability to judge what is valuable. As a lucky star who has come up with a number of ways to bring everyone out of danger, Leon has been stuffed with several valuable goodies. .

Leon himself was very excited. Could it be that his chance is finally coming this time? The good things of this entire base can always help him improve his talent!

Everyone ran all the way towards the most central room. They were like rats that had fallen into a rice tank. The research results of a large research institute could be taken away by a few of them. At this time, it must be Pick up the valuables! There is no doubt that the more the laboratory in the core area, the more likely it is to be valuable.

As a result, they naturally ran into the most central central laboratory. Here, under the dim red light, there are many transparent glass cylinders, which are full of brains. These brains have different shapes, and they don’t seem to be all of them. Humans, in other words, there are almost no humans. Although they don't recognize the ability of species through their brains, they can tell at a glance that they are not humans or do it.

Everyone couldn’t help their breathlessness. Everyone knew that Tulips were outrageously accomplished in the field of life. When you encounter a biological laboratory, you definitely make a lot of money, because you can not only take away valuable experimental drugs, but you can also secretly inject yourself. ,Soar!

But they obviously misunderstood that so many brains in the tank are actually used to test the brainwave control ability of different organisms on the controllable magnetic fluid is not the biological laboratory they imagined.

But this kind of misunderstanding is not painful. They saw the most central containment platform at first sight, on which this quaint book was constrained by electromagnetic fields.

Think and know with your toes, this thing is definitely one of the best props in this research institute!

Everyone looked around and found the button to turn on the magnetic restraint. They looked at each other and pressed it down at the same time.


As they pressed the button, the magnetic restraint disappeared, and a beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, and then a dragon phantom hovered up along the beam of light. The roof of the laboratory became a dazzling star of Zhou. It also turned into a mirror-like surface of the lake, and blossoming golden lotuses were born, held under their feet, and filled with air, which made people wonder if they were dreaming.

In the live broadcast room, there were only two words left on the screen: "Fuck!"

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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