Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 118 Fishing Boat at Sea

In the offshore waters of Xia Kingdom, a small fishing boat more than ten meters long was driving slowly.

The boss of the ship, Guo Jiahao, looked at the young man next to him and couldn't help scolding him: Haoze, I'm going to get busy soon. Stop messing around with your phone. What if it falls into the sea?

Second uncle, what do you mean you are just messing around? I am watching the news. It is said on the Internet that there are monsters in the sea. The next step is for the coastal fishermen to move inland and not allow them to fish in the sea.

It's nonsense. We are not allowed to fish. We can eat and drink whatever we want. Everyone has seen the phantoms of the mountains on the sea, and nothing has happened for so many days. Guo Jiahao replied loudly.

After the initial abnormality appeared in various places, the humans of Blue Star were in panic. There are all kinds of unreliable opinions flying around on the Internet, and there are all kinds of speculations.

However, after a brief period of panic, society quickly returned to calm.

There is no other way, I have to eat.

These days many people have become accustomed to the presence of phantoms in the sky, viewing them as nothing more than a spectacle. There are also many fishing boats that are rented to go to the sea to check in and take photos.

How can it be okay? The young man immediately retorted: Uncle, I just saw a post. A few days ago, a group of travel friends went to Jinyang Mountain to play in the mountain, and they found a mysterious space crack. There are many terrible things inside. creatures, and a huge strange tree that can eat people. Now the local people have sent people to seal off the entire Jinyang Mountain. There is speculation on the Internet that there may be a catastrophe in Blue Star recently... We should not go to sea in the future.

What are you afraid of? If the sky falls, there will be someone tall to hold it up. What's the use of worrying, don't you have to eat three meals a day? If you don't go to sea to fish, you won't make money to marry a wife?

Although the boat owner's tone was relaxed, there was also a trace of unconcealable sadness in his brows.

These days, he has also heard news about the inward migration of coastal fishermen.

It is estimated that in a while, the fishing business will really become impossible.

The boat owner naturally knows that it is dangerous to go to sea now, but his son is getting married soon, and the gift money will be at least hundreds of thousands.

In addition, if you really want to relocate, you have to buy a house, which is also a big expense.

So he was going to make more money before that.

As the saying goes, everything is for life.

No matter what happens in the future, life must pass.

As for whether it is dangerous to go fishing at sea... He is more afraid of sudden changes in weather than the legendary sea monster.

In the early years, fishermen from nearby villages and towns were buried at the bottom of the sea every year, and many of their bodies could not even be recovered.

Boss Guo has made a living on a boat for half his life and has adapted to it.

After driving for almost two hours, Guo Jiahao felt the same and immediately ordered everyone on the boat to start the winch.

These are temporarily hired fishermen from the same village, and their help is not free of charge.

Nowadays, labor costs are high. Please clarify in advance that it is 300 yuan a day.

Ten workers, three thousand yuan thrown out.

Guo Jiahao felt a little distressed, but he couldn't help it. Although the fishing boat we use to launch trawls has a winch, it requires at least four people to work on it.

What's more, the sea is not calm now. For safety reasons, he deliberately found six or seven more people.

After receiving the order, the workers on the ship immediately got busy.

Guo Jiahao, the boss of the boat, looked expectantly at the trawl net gradually coming out of the water, guessing how big the harvest would be.

Tens of thousands of dollars, or tens of thousands? Even millions...

This is not a dream, fishing at sea sometimes depends on luck.

If you happen to encounter a school of fish, it is normal to catch a thousand catties of fish in one net and earn tens of thousands of yuan.

And now, unlike in the past, starting from a month ago, the number of fish in the sea suddenly began to increase.

If you are lucky, it is not impossible to catch those precious mutated fish and earn millions in one catch.

The reason why he sailed to this sea area was to get accurate information.

There is a boat boss in a neighboring village who caught a mutated tuna nearby a few days ago. As soon as the ship docked, it was bought by a mysterious rich man for a high price of two million.

As the trawl was pulled onto the boat and the ropes were untied, the catch filled the deck... The joy on Guo Jiahao's face turned into embarrassment.

It was no different from usual, this net accounted for most of the marine debris.

Beverage bottles, plastic bags, dead branches of aquatic plants, seabed rocks... and scattered small fish, shrimps and crabs.

The catch of fish, which amounted to a hundred pounds or more at most, was all worthless stuff, which was far different from what I expected.

Boss Guo, should we change the area? a familiar crew member suggested.

One more net, I don't believe in this evil, Guo Jiahao shook his head and said firmly.

The catch just now was an accident... If the inside information I got was correct, there must be mutated tuna in this sea area.

These guys usually swim in groups.

Hearing this, several crew members did not object.

After all, they are employed.

When your boss says something, you have to follow it.

As the trawl enters the sea, the fishing boats start moving again.

This net lasted longer, going back and forth in circles several times, tossing for two hours, and finally closing the net.

It was no different from the first time, most of it was garbage.

Boss Guo, are you sure there are really fish here? You won't be deceived by others, right? Two nets failed in a row, and everyone's faces were full of doubts. Before going to sea, Guo Jiahao made his words conclusively.

I guarantee you will get a lot of harvest this time, and you will be given red envelopes when you get ashore.

Because of this, everyone followed him to venture out to sea.

Now it depends on the situation, don’t talk about red envelopes.

After nearly a day's work, I probably won't even be able to earn back the gas money, and I'll lose all my pants.

It shouldn't be... Guo Jiahao was still unwilling.

But he knew in his heart that if he came to the third network again, he probably wouldn't gain much.

Could it be that all the tuna here have been caught? How is that possible? ?

When Boss Guo was doubtful, he suddenly heard the rapid beeping sound coming from the fish detector.

He immediately returned to the cab and saw that the screen was filled with bright spots.

This is a big school of fish!

Boss Guo said excitedly: Hurry, there is a big school of fish, hurry up and lower the trawl net!

The trawl net entered the water, and soon the sea surface was roaring.

Silver-white fish with a body length of more than one meter jumped out of the water one after another.

It’s the Chuanshan hairtail fish school!

The money is coming!

Everyone cheered immediately.

Chuanshan hairtail is known as the most delicious hairtail in the world. The fish meat is delicate and tender, rich in protein, has high nutritional value, and contains DHA that is not found in hairtail fish from other fisheries.

The standard Chuanshan hairtail fish has black eyes and silvery white body.

The body is about 60 centimeters long. The body is flat on the sides and as wide as a belt. The head has a large pointed mouth and gradually tapers from the front body to the tail.

A few months ago, the price of Chuanshan hairtail was more than 30 yuan per catty. Those on the market that cost more than ten or twenty yuan are basically imported cheap hairtail fish, which taste loose and have a strong fishy smell.

But in the past month or so, the price of Chuanshan hairtail has soared, reaching more than 60 yuan per catty. If you encounter good quality and large ones, the unit price can be doubled several times, costing 100 yuan per catty.

Judging from the screen display of the fish finder, this group of Chuanshan hairtail fish contains at least tens of thousands.

If you can get them all online, you can earn millions of dollars in income.

Everyone on the boat was so excited that they naturally did not notice a huge bright spot displayed in the corner of the fish finder screen.

In other words, they didn't care at all and just regarded it as a school of hairtail.

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