Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 119 Giant Octopus Sea Monster

A huge shadow appeared silently under the fishing boat. The opponent's body seemed to have a camouflage function, and the color of its body completely blended in with the blue water.

In addition, everyone's attention was occupied by the trawl net, and they did not notice anything strange underwater.


Huge splashes of water rolled.

A huge tentacle more than ten meters long with countless blue suction cups suddenly emerged from the sea, curling and sweeping towards the deck of the fishing boat.

Immediately, a pair of fierce and ferocious eyes opened under the boat.

With the help of taste receptor cells distributed on its tentacles, it senses prey odor particles in the air on the surface of the water.

Oh my god, sea monster...


Several fishermen turned their heads subconsciously, and then fled towards the stern of the boat in fear.

Judging from the shape of the tentacles, it looks like the octopus they often catch, but it is also too big...

As a fisherman who has been in the wind and waves since childhood, I have naturally seen octopus countless times. This is the first time I have seen such a huge body, and it is definitely a sperm.

Hurry, sail the boat! Guo Jiahao's face also changed drastically, and he gave the order in a trembling voice.

He didn't expect that he would actually encounter a sea monster this time when he went to sea.

At this moment, the idea of ​​catching mutated fish and selling it at a high price was completely gone.

This big guy is obviously not something they can deal with.

But before the fishing boat could start, two tentacles the size of millstones wrapped around it, and countless suction cups firmly fixed the hull, shaking violently.

The fishing boat, which was more than ten meters long, was as fragile as a child's toy when attacked by the opponent, and could capsize at any time.

With a crash, items on the ship continued to be scattered.


The trawl cable broke.

Quickly... call for help, go to the cabin and call the satellite phone for help. Guo Jiahao grabbed the guardrail tightly and shouted to several crew members in the distance.

Hearing this, a person just stepped out and suddenly a tentacle swiped over.

The other party was caught off guard and fell into the sea with a scream.

The remaining people were so frightened that they didn't dare to move at all.

Boss Guo, use a speargun!

Yes, shoot a spear gun! Guo Jiahao finally reacted.

He looked at the wriggling tentacles, gritted his teeth and quickly rushed into the cabin.

When he came out again, he had two more spear guns in his hands.

This is already considered a relatively powerful weapon on a fishing boat.

At such a close distance, there is no need to aim at all.


Two sharp arrows made of all metal were shot out one after another and penetrated directly into the tentacles.


After the giant octopus sea monster was injured, instead of running away, it became even crazier.

Several tentacles quickly swept and slapped on the deck, and the crew members who were hit fell out of the bow of the ship.

As for Boss Guo, his face was pale at the moment.


More than a hundred meters away on the sea, Lu Chen slightly exposed his head and looked at the scene on the fishing boat in the distance.

He also did not expect that on the way to the Tiannan Mountain Nature Reserve, he would encounter a giant mutated octopus doing evil.

By the way, the octopus should be regarded as a creature with a rather strange body structure in the ocean.

This guy has three hearts.

One body heart and two gill hearts.

In addition, they also have 9 brains: a main brain and 8 secondary brains. The largest central brain is located in the head, and the remaining eight accessory brains are located in the eight arms and legs.

So this kind of guy has a very high IQ, and each arm can think independently.

Scientists once conducted experiments in which they corked the glass bottles containing food tightly with wooden corks and then threw them in front of the octopuses. They can actually find ways to uncork bottles and eat delicious food on their own.

Theoretically, similar learning and thinking abilities are impossible to appear in such low-level creatures.

Therefore, even before mutation, octopus is still a bug-level existence in the theory of evolution. It is even considered by many to be one of the most likely alien species on earth.

The largest octopus in its previous life was the Pacific giant octopus. It was recorded that an octopus had an arm length of more than 9 meters and weighed 272 kilograms. It was once regarded by many people as a sea monster.

Rumor has it that they can even hunt sharks.

The body of the guy in front of me should belong to a giant octopus, but it has obviously mutated.

Because the opponent was in constant motion, Lu Chen could not determine the exact length. But judging from the exposed tentacles alone, it is already over fifteen meters.

Save, or not?

After thinking for a moment, Lu Chen sighed slightly in his heart.

After all, he has a human soul and cannot pass this test.

Knowing that he now belongs to a strange beast, he cannot sit with his butt crooked.

But watching several humans being killed, he really couldn't do it... This may be the only persistence and goodwill left in Lu Chen's heart.

What's more, the octopus has obviously mutated and is of high quality flesh, so it's not a bad idea to kill it for food.

After making up his mind, Lu Chen didn't hesitate.

If you do it, don’t regret it.

His tail swung rapidly, and his body was like a fast-moving motorboat, pulling up white waves on the sea.

In just ten seconds, they were already close.

The giant mutated octopus raging in the sea also sensed the abnormal aura. The guy hurriedly stared into the distance and saw a dark reptile running quickly towards him.

The opponent's body exuded bursts of terrifying aura.

The giant octopus immediately let go of the boat as soon as it sensed danger.

Then, he released his life-saving weapon - black ink.

In an instant, nearly a thousand square meters of seawater around him was completely dark.

But for Lu Chen, these couldn't hinder him at all.

Through the subtle fluctuations in the sea water, he accurately sensed the other party's traces.

I want to escape, how is it possible!

Hey... this guy is so fast!

Lu Chen originally thought that molluscs like octopuses would not be too fast even if they mutated.

As a result, I underestimated this guy. Its body seemed to be able to use jet propulsion to accelerate. And when escaping, this guy still refused to give up the human prey captured in the tentacles.

In just ten seconds, the distance between the two sides expanded to more than 20 meters.

If he continues, he may really let this guy slip away from his hands.

In order to have a 100% hunting success rate, Lu Chen also worked hard.

Opening his mouth, a compressed energy projectile shot out.

Boom... there was a loud explosion in the sea water, causing huge waves.

The mutated octopus was caught off guard, and its body was directly blown away, leaving the water four to five meters high.

In a panic, this guy subconsciously threw away the human on his tentacles and got into the water again to escape.

Before its jet could accelerate, it suddenly felt sticky around it.

Silt swamp? How could he end up in a mud pit on land when he was clearly in the ocean?

The eyes of the giant mutated octopus were filled with doubts and panic as it struggled desperately to move its body.

Damn, I almost let this guy escape.

Fortunately, Swamp of the Earth can be used in seawater, but without the convenience of terrain, the effect is greatly reduced compared to the shore, and more energy laws are required to consume.

But the action of temporarily trapping the octopus was enough.

After Lu Chen swam close, he swung his toes and claws, tore off the eight tentacles of this guy, and then swallowed them one by one.

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