Farming Space: The Lucky and Lovely Lady Come to Farm

Chapter 896: Going to court for the first time

Now it's still three days a day.

At the morning court meeting three days later, the ministers were surprised to find that there was another high chair next to the emperor's throne above.

Level with the throne.

The emperor and the queen sat on it neatly.

A woman appeared openly and openly in the court.

All the ministers were not used to it.

However, this woman was so beautiful that they had the urge to worship her.

The ministers were not used to it at first, and then they winked at each other.

Is this a joke that the emperor wants to lead his own expedition and leave this fairy-like queen to supervise the country?

The court is not a place where you can dominate just by looking good!

Besides, I heard that the queen was born as a peasant girl. Is she literate? Can you understand the memorial? Do you know how to handle state affairs?

Gu Fei could probably guess what the courtiers were thinking.

She said there was no pressure sitting here.

After all, someone once said that the easiest thing in the world is to be an official.

The bigger the official, the better he can do it. All he needs to do is use his mouth.

There are emperors in history who did not eat minced meat, emperors who insisted on being calligraphers, emperors who devoted themselves to writing lyrics, emperors who liked to be carpenters, and emperors who did not go to court for decades. They can all sit firmly in this position. position, and she is only temporarily supervising the country and handling political affairs. There are so many ministers here, what is she afraid of?

If you have something to do, just let the ministers do it.

Gu Fei sat high on it and could clearly see the expressions of the courtiers below.

Her eyes suddenly fell on her eldest brother.

Gu Qing is now a seventh-grade editor of the Hanlin Academy. As a Beijing official, he also has to go to court.

He looked at Gu Fei with tears in his eyes.

Gu Fei nodded slightly to him with a smile in her eyes.

Gu Qing felt a surge of passion in his heart. His sister was his belief, and he would sacrifice everything for her in his life.

Su Chen also looked at the woman sitting on it silently. At this moment, he finally understood that it was right for her to marry Xiao Yu.

Only she deserves to sit in that supreme place.

This is his country and hers. They will both give everything for this land and the people on this land.

Xue Chen's eyes also surged with enthusiasm.

He didn't follow the wrong person, he regarded her as his master, and he is where he is today because he followed the right person.

Such a woman is worth everything you pay for her.

After a brief exchange of eyebrows and whispers in the court, the Minister of Household Affairs came out and said: "Your Majesty, the taxes of several northern counties this year are only one-tenth of what they were before the drought. In addition, with the continuous wars in recent years, the population of the north has declined, and it is still There’s a lot of land left vacant.”

"I petitioned the emperor to issue an imperial decree. If a girl is fifteen years old and is not married, she will be taxed one hundred and twenty yuan a year until the girl gets married."

Xiao Yu raised his brows slightly and said nothing, but turned to look at Gu Fei.

Gu Fei quickly understood what the Minister of the Ministry of Finance meant. The drought, several years of war, and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in Daqi now all resulted in a serious shortage of working population.

This was done to stimulate fertility.

Gu Fei said slowly: "A woman who marries randomly can easily cause family disharmony. Too much family disharmony can easily cause public resentment."

"I have some suggestions, please see if they are feasible."

"First, disarmament. Da Qi Dynasty now has 800,000 troops, and some of the troops can be disbanded."

"Second, reward fertility. In the five northern counties, anyone who gives birth to a child will be rewarded with one tael of silver."

“Third, encourage widows to remarry.”

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